View Copy_of_Othello_Act_4_Questions from AA 1Othello Act 4 Questions Scene 1 1. Though Iago appears to have the goal of misery for Othello and Cassio, he does not appear to have a specific detailed plan, he continually refers to using insights he makes about Cassio, Othello, Roderigo and Desdemona to further his plan in his asides in the play. waleed Bianca comes in, and gives the handkerchief back to Cassio, since she swears she will have nothing to do with it. Why does Iago mock Othello's manhood In this case, line 2 is continuing the description of "heaven-kingdom's Guardian" in the first line. Bianca’s genuine love for Cassio is seen in her genuine distress after he is attacked in Act 5 Scene 1. Roderigo makes a sword pass at Cassio. Because of this, Iago is forced to bloody his own hands, also for the first time in the play. Desdemona’s Handkerchief in Othello Essay - 891 Words ... 10. the handk er chief Cassio found in his quarters, the ... A t the beginning of the play, Iago engineers an in quiry into the . As Othello watches from his hiding spot, he watches Iago question Cassio about Bianca (although Othello thinks they're talking about Desdemona), and Cassio laughs when Iago asks if he plans to marry Bianca. When she shows up, she throws Desdemona's handkerchief, which Iago had planed in Cassio's room, at Cassio, and Othello sees it. Then Iago tries to pin all the blame on Bianca, Cassio's prostitute lover. Flaws: Iago’s evil nature is immediately evident – he is a liar and a cheat who delights in inflicting pain and suffering on others. Bianca might be a foil for Emilia on the trait of loyalty and chastity. Feminist Perspectives on Art: Contemporary Outtakes ... Othello Act V, scenes i–ii Summary & Analysis | SparkNotes Ill-treated women - Bianca » Othello Study Guide from ... Power in Relation to Class, Gender and Race in Othello does 3. Cassio Character Analysis in Othello | SparkNotes What does Iago tell Cassio to do to restore the reputation he has sullied in Othello’s eyes? Why does Iago instigate Roderigo to provoke Cassio to a fight? Iago's short lines sound like threats: 'Speak within doors' (IV.2.146) and 'You are a fool, go to' (IV.2.150). Iago Iago Iago. a. Bianca’s return of the handkerchief to Cassio made things appear to Othello as though Iago had been telling the truth. what does cassio ask bianca to do with the handkerchief? Unwittingly, Roderigo causes Iago’s plan to be foiled for the first time in the play. Why does iago want cassio to ask Desdemona for help? Iago himself kills Roderigo and then a crowd gathers, including Bianca. Iago’s plan comes to fruition. Iago feels that the handkerchief is a symbol of Desdemona’s faith to Othello. Brabantio repeatedly characterizes Desdemona’s elopement with Othello as an act of coercion or theft. Cassio laughs at the idea that he might marry Bianca, and tells a funny little story about how just the other day at the seabank "thither comes the bauble, and, by this hand, she falls me thus about my neck" (4.1.134-135). Iago is surrounded with bitter irony: he is not as he seems, his good is bad for others, people repeatedly rely on him, and he betrays them. The clown sends them away. (Iago, V.i.151) 7. She promises to arrange a meeting between Cassio and Desdemona. Exact Words: Many of Iago's lies are actually true, if you interpret them as literally as possible. Hearing Iago and Cassio speak of Bianca in such derogatory terms, by referring to as “poor rogue” “monkey”, and referring to her actions of how she threw herself at him (4.1.128-131),he believes that they speak of Desdemona, angering him further. What happens when Cassio enters chasing Roderigo? 6. A courtesan who Cassio visits frequently; Cassio asks her to make a copy of Desdemona's handkerchief, and the fact that the handkerchief is found in her place further incriminates Cassio. Desdemona makes her first plea for the reinstatement of Cassio. The following analysis reveals a comprehensive look at the Storyform for Othello.Unlike most of the analysis found here—which simply lists the unique individual story appreciations—this in-depth study details the actual encoding for each structural item. This newfound freedom does end quickly, however, because it “repudiates [Iago]’s existence and violates his psychic being; Iago’s freedom entails domination and control of others” (4C). Iago: Now will I question Cassio of Bianca, 110 A huswife that by selling her desires Buys herself bread and clothes. 5. 5.2 After Othello strangles Desdemona, Emilia starts to … For example, if you were to say, "Harry Potter, the boy-wizard," it's clear that "boy-wizard" is a further description or appositive of the first word, "Harry Potter." Desdemona willingly agrees, knowing that Cassio is an old friend of Othello's. Compare and Contrast 1. Roderigo is upset that Iago, “who has had [his] purse / As if the strings were [his]” (2–3), would withhold such information about Desdemona. Bianca is a fictional character in William Shakespeare’s Othello (c. 1601–1604). He is also (in no particular order) selfish, disloyal, jealous, vengeful, paranoid, cynical, over-confident and unrepentant. plan hours lose hands serious behind inside high ahead week wonderful fight past cut quite number he'll,sick,it'll game eat nobody goes along save seems finally lives worried upset carly met book brought seem sort safe living children weren't,leaving,front,shot,loved,asking,running,clear,figure,hot,felt,six,parents,drink,absolutely,how's … Liar: our first impression of Othello comes from Iago, who claims he is arrogant and selfish “loving his own … False Friend: To everyone. Scene 2: Othello will meet Iago later in the day. Passers-by arrive to help; Iago joins them, pretending to help Cassio. Bianca In Othello. Evil Genius: You got to admit, Iago is pretty genius. But Bianca’s overprotective and domineering father forbids Bianca to date unless her older sister Kat, an surly and hostile senior, does. ‘Why, sweet Othello,’ she said. Emilia: Iago's wife, and Desdemona's handmaiden. Act III: Scene 3. Othello expresses his change of thought when he says Bianca is then verbally assaulted by Iago, who engineered the attack but cast blame on another character, Roderigo, and his accomplices. The truth being that Desdemona gave the handkerchief to Cassio who did not think anything of it and hence gave it to a prostitute. Iago's public treatment of Emilia is as dismissive as the way he speaks to her in private. Editor's Notes. Flaws: Iago’s evil nature is immediately evident – he is a liar and a cheat who delights in inflicting pain and suffering on others. or you could say the villain is society. What suggestions does Iago make? Though Iago appears to have the goal of misery for Othello and Cassio, he does not appear to have a specific detailed plan, he continually refers to using insights he makes about Cassio, Othello, Roderigo and Desdemona to further his plan in his asides in the play. Unwittingly, Roderigo causes Iago’s plan to be foiled for the first time in the play. If you've been dealing with this grass grabber for long enough and want some solutions to retrain this behavior, then help is here. Othello strikes Desdemona in front of Ludovico, a visiting dignitary from Venice. What does Iago tell Cassio to do to restore the reputation he has sullied in Othello’s eyes? 5. Despite her brief appearance on stage, Bianca plays a significant role in the progress of Iago’s scheme to make Othello believe that his wife Desdemona is cheating on him with Cassio. braveheart. Essays on. Iago reveals the second part of his jealousy in act two – this time toward Othello. He is also (in no particular order) selfish, disloyal, jealous, vengeful, paranoid, cynical, over-confident and unrepentant. He instructs Emilia to tell Othello of these events. Iago is aware that he is close to success. Iago calls Cassio in, while Othello hides; Iago speaks to Cassio of Bianca, but Othello, in his disturbed state, believes that Cassio is talking of Desdemona, which is the last "proof" he needs before declaring his wife guilty. or you could say the villain is society. What happens when Cassio enters chasing Roderigo? Iago suggests that she participated somehow in these events, leading the investigators even further from the truth. In William Shaspeare play Othello, Iago make Othello believe that Desdemona is having an affair with Cassio. In essence, Roderigo has been paying Iago to help him win Desdemona. Characterisation Bianca. She remains loyal to Desdemona above all others, although she unwittingly plays a key part in Iago's treachery. She is entrusted with bringing people into Desdemona's presence, staying with her at all times, etc. She rushes to his aid and tries to comfort him, even facing Iago’s cruel taunts and accusations of her part in the attack. After all, Iago is a Machiavellian villain who does indeed value the worst qualities––selfishness, duplicity, and ruthlessness––over moral attributes such as fairness and honesty. The audience have been accustomed to the powerful Iago as he has increasingly dominated the script with his soliloquies and dialogues, however here among other Venetians it is evident that in reality, Iago is incredibly subservient and below Othello. Cassio functions mainly to move the plot forward by inadvertently becoming a pawn in Iago’s plan. Brabantio is a character in William Shakespeare's Othello. This is the night That either makes me or fordoes me quite. Displaying a talent for improvisation, Iago takes the burden of action into his own hands because he has no other choice. Summary. Iago and … Iago as a way to bother Othello, Cassio for help. 2.3 Iago gets Cassio drunk, watches him get into a brawl, and then tells Othello all about it. After Cassio is fired, Iago suggests to him that he ask Desdemona to intervene with Othello in his favor. Cassio thinks this is a great idea. This also means it has been incorporated into the Dramatica Story Expert application itself as an easily referenced contextual example. Liar: our first impression of Othello comes from Iago, who claims he is arrogant and selfish “loving his own pride and purposes”. Why does Iago urge Cassio to drink to Othello? Revenge and evil. - Iago is describing his plan to get Cassio drunk and incite a fight between Cassio and Roderigo (speaking to audience) - "Consequence" does end up approving Iago's plan, as the fight does occur and Cassio is fired. When more of Othello's soldiers appear, Iago stabs Roderigo too, as if trying to help Cassio. To make Cassio loose his ranking or look bad in front of Othello. Just as Iago predicted, the plan went so smoothly that it was akin to a boat sailing freely. Iago’s scheme to make it appear as though Cassio then gave the handkerchief to Bianca further disrespects the family heirloom, making it appear as something that can simply be passed around in a cycle of sexual exchange. It is a creature That dotes on Cassio – as ‘tis the strumpet’s plague To beguile many and be beguiled by one. Bianca comes in, and gives the handkerchief back to Cassio, since she swears she will have nothing to do with it. Emilia: Iago's wife, and Desdemona's handmaiden. She is Cassio’s jealous lover. Iago’s evil plans and deceitful nature begins to take form in the early stages of the play, and it will continue in the scenes to come. Iago Iago Iago. Emilia has no idea what her husband Iago is up to, nor of his darker qualities. Emilia has no idea what her husband Iago is up to, nor of his darker qualities. How does Iago see Desdemona, and how does Cassio see Desdemona? Iago has Othello hide, and he engages Cassio in a discussion of Bianca’s love for him - Othello, of course, is made to think they are speaking of Desdemona. The truth of her love for Cassio allows her to assert that, regardless of her lifestyle, she is a woman of virtue. Although Desdemona is referring to Iago's humorous banter, she has unwittingly made an accurate judgment of Iago's fundamental personality. She is the only female in the play whom Cassio shows less than full respect to, likely because she is a prostitute. ... and help to further highlight the themes of love and jealousy in the play? In an effort to win Othello's good graces, Cassio sends musicians to play music beneath the general's window. Iago and Roderigo decide to get back at Othello by making a nighttime visit to Brabantio, the father of Desdemona (a.k.a. Iago. read more. Because of this, Iago is forced to bloody his own hands, also for the first time in the play. 4. Flaws: Iago’s evil nature is immediately evident – he is a liar and a cheat who delights in inflicting pain and suffering on others. She promises to speak of him with her husband repeatedly until … Answer: Iago, calling Bianca a prostitute, describes her as a woman who is ready to sell herself (her body) in order to make a living, but is also smitten with Cassio, as they share a 'relationship'. She is entrusted with bringing people into Desdemona's presence, staying with her at all times, etc. She remains loyal to Desdemona above all others, although she unwittingly plays a key part in Iago's treachery. Displaying a talent for improvisation, Iago takes the burden of action into his own hands because he has no other choice. Why does iago want cassio to ask Desdemona for help? Act 3 Scene 2 Iago: This is an extremely short Scene but rather humorous and comical. Iago returns and takes it from her. … Iago makes sure Othello sees the end of their conversation and notices Cassio leaving Desdemona. Displaying a talent for improvisation, Iago takes the burden of action into his own hands because he has no other choice. He likes to have others unwittingly working to serve his purposes. Montano, Governor of Cyprus It works brilliantly, though it would have fallen on its face if Othello didn't listen to him. Cassio wounds Roderigo. He continues to strive for the effect of honesty. Desdemona, although an intelligent woman seeking liberation, fell into Iago’s trap because she loved Othello and was upset that he had considered her a “whore.” Desdemona’s naivety, deceptions with good intensions and her passivity all play parts in her downfall, with the help of iago’s evil schemes. Why does Iago instigate Roderigo to provoke Cassio to a fight? Desdemona, although an intelligent woman seeking liberation, fell into Iago’s trap because she loved Othello and was upset that he had considered her a “whore.” Desdemona’s naivety, deceptions with good intensions and her passivity all play parts in her downfall, with the help of iago’s evil schemes. In Act IV Scene 2, Iago is annoyed when Emilia refers to Iago's false suspicion that Othello cuckolded him. Iago sends Emilia to speak with Cassio. Scene 3: Iago ensures that Othello observes the figure of Cassio as he leaves Desdemona. (Iago, V.i.151) 9. Iago's pragmatism is … Iago causes Othello to doubt the racial heritage he was so proud to boast about in Act 1. Iago suggests that she participated somehow in these events, leading the investigators even further from the truth. This also means it has been incorporated into the Dramatica Story Expert application itself as an easily referenced contextual example. Iago gives a telling insight on Bianca’s predicament: To beguile many and be beguiled by one. (Act 4 Scene 1) Rather pathetically, Bianca recognises that Cassio has used her regarding the handkerchief, yet still offers Cassio supper. What information does Iago give Roderigo concerning Cassio and Othello? Iago continues to build Othello's jealousy through use of Cassio. Unwittingly, Roderigo causes Iago’s plan to be foiled for the first time in the play. ... How does Iago plan to “help” Cassio in regards to the meeting with Desdemona? He asks Iago to kill Cassio and plans to kill Desdemona himself. Eventually, after Iago has cast doubt on Cassio's honesty, suggested he is disloyal, and hinted that Desdemona is unfaithful, Iago tells Othello, "O beware, my lord, of jealousy; It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock / the meat it feeds on" ( Iago calls Cassio in, while Othello hides; Iago speaks to Cassio of Bianca, but Othello, in his disturbed state, believes that Cassio is talking of Desdemona, which is the last "proof" he needs before declaring his wife guilty. This is the night That either makes me or fordoes me quite. 9. Bianca plays a very important role in Shakespeare’s “Othello”. As Desdemona tries to help him she drops her handkerchief. How does Iago plan to bait Othello into doubting Desdemona’s fidelity? Iago's pragmatism is also evident in his use of Roderigo. What emotion seems to be governing Iago’s thoughts and actions? Then Iago stabs Cassio from behind. Cassio’s thoughts, feelings, and motivations are rarely revealed, but his character and behavior are significant for creating the conditions under which Iago can enact his plan. 7. Displaying a talent for improvisation, Iago takes the burden of action into his own hands because he has no other choice. Cassio functions mainly to move the plot forward by inadvertently becoming a pawn in Iago’s plan. does not tak e her seriously, nor does he appear to have ... sided r omance, and Bianca eventually r ealizes this, which. Because of this, Iago is forced to bloody his own hands, also for the first time in the play. 5.1 Iago watches Roderigo try to kill Cassio. Iago sees the handkerchief as a way of finally being able to get to Othello. Iago prompts Roderigo to help him rouse Brabantio by telling him of his daughter’s marriage to ‘an old black ram’. Unwittingly, the use of the term ‘intersectional’ can combine with a reductive decadeism to blind us both to the complex ways in which generations of feminists have framed their experience in terms not only of gender but also race, class, ethnicity and sexuality, and to the everyday realities of much of the world’s women. Iago's successful efforts to incorporate himself into Othello's trust further dislocate the Moor. fuels her pivotal outburst. This unwittingly proves the coup de grace for Othello : By heaven, that should be my handkerchief ! 89 Confine yourself but in a patient list. 8. Iago's pragmatism is also evident in his use of Roderigo. 5. Unwittingly, Roderigo causes Iago’s plan to be foiled for the first time in the play. Iago. Why does Iago urge Cassio to drink to Othello? Iago does all this not for any good reason, but for love of evil. Iago himself kills Roderigo and then a crowd gathers, including Bianca. How does Iago manipulate Desdemona? This makes Othello appear gullible.-Balance of power is shifting in Iago's … Tags: Question 16 . By obtaining this symbol of her faith, he is able to deploy his plan of revenge against Othello. Bianca. 5. Unwittingly, Roderigo causes Iago’s plan to be foiled for the first time in the play. Cassio speaks to Desdemona, asking her to intercede with Othello on his behalf. By Act 3 'The moor already changes with (Iago's) poison' (3.3.326). Due to her occupation, Iago goes even further to say that she is cursed, because her purpose is to entice many men, but she will only fall for one, the one being Cassio. How does Iago plan to bait Othello into doubting Desdemona’s fidelity? Iago orders that Cassio’s wounds be tended to. Liar: our first impression of Othello comes from Iago, who claims he is arrogant and selfish “loving his own … How did Bianca's return with the handkerchief help Iago? Iago to Othello: Stand you awhile apart. 24 Iago gets rid of Cassio and Bianca. Unwittingly, Roderigo causes Iago’s plan to be foiled for the first time in the play. Bianca is a fictional character in William Shakespeare's Othello (c. 1601–1604). Iago convinces Othello that Desdemona needs to be killed. Beyond that, though, the opening lines show us the nature of Roderigo and Iago’s relationship — it’s financial. She is Cassio's jealous lover. unwittingly plays a key part in Iago's treachery. Roderigo calls for help and is silenced by Iago. Iago complains to Roderigo to further ignite the jealousy in him. For example, when Iago and Cassio speak about Bianca, Iago leads Othello to believe they were speaking about Desdemona, so The Grout Grabber® is more than just a grout tool, some consider … Get outdoors for some landscaping or spruce up your garden! Additionally, Bianca is used by Iago to make Othello think that Cassio is having an affair with Desdemona. Bianca is Cassio's mistress in Shakespeare's Othello. & jealousy, lust. 8. Translate the following lines to figure out how Iago plans to deceive Othello. othello act 1, scene 2 and 3 questions. She remains loyal to Desdemona above all others, although she unwittingly plays a key part in Iago's treachery. 10. Iago's pragmatism is also evident in his use of Roderigo. Displaying a talent for improvisation, Iago takes the burden of action into his own … She is not just a prostitute, she is a key character in Iago’s plans. Iago wounds Cassio from behind and he falls. What is the purpose of Iago’s plan? Cassio’s thoughts, feelings, and motivations are rarely revealed, but his character and behavior are significant for creating the conditions under which Iago can enact his plan. Because of this, Iago is forced to bloody his own hands, also for the first time in the play. Act 3 Othello. Though Iago appears to have the goal of misery for Othello and Cassio, he does not appear to have a specific detailed plan, he continually refers to using insights he makes about Cassio, Othello, Roderigo and Desdemona to further his plan in his asides in the play. Brabantio: Desdemona's father, a senator and renowned citizen of Venice. Displaying a talent for improvisation, Iago takes the burden of action into his own hands because he has no other choice. Scene 2: Iago warns Othello of Brabantio’s pursuit; meanwhile Cassio brings a message requesting Othello’s urgent attendance on the Duke on military business. He is also (in no particular order) selfish, disloyal, jealous, vengeful, paranoid, cynical, over-confident and unrepentant. Iago does his best to insinuate that Othello is no longer worthy of command. Like Desdemona, Bianca is used and abused by the male characters in Othello.She is only seen in relation to men and is always in a vulnerable position; Iago maligns her mercilessly in Act V Scene 2 to distract attention from himself and Cassio is prepared to dally with but not marry her. Evil Plan: Iago's plan to drive Othello into an absolute rampage. Because of this, Iago is forced to bloody his own hands, also for the first time in the play. Oh, I have lost my reputation! December 31, 2020 Act 3 Scene 1: Iago’s good-natured wife Emilia arranges for Cassio to speak with Desdemona. Fast & Free shipping on many items! How is Iago able to poison Othello even further? Iago loathes Othello and only intends to manipulate him for selfish purposes, but has masked this hatred with superficial loyalty and adornment. 6. Othello discovers that the handkerchief is missing and becomes very angry with Desdemona. The following analysis reveals a comprehensive look at the Storyform for Othello.Unlike most of the analysis found here—which simply lists the unique individual story appreciations—this in-depth study details the actual encoding for each structural item. Othello. Despite her brief appearance on stage, Bianca plays a significant role in the progress of Iago's scheme to make Othello believe that his wife Desdemona is cheating on him with Cassio. Everything goes according to Iago's plan. The outburst is the sc ene in which Bianca angrily waves . Summary and Analysis. Because of this, Iago is forced to bloody his own hands, also for the first time in the play. Iago is taken completely by surprise : then he realises he has no need to intervene : nothing even he could have devised could better have suited his purpose than Bianca brandishing the handkerchief. Cassio hires musicians to play for Othello. Though Iago appears to have the goal of misery for Othello and Cassio, he does not appear to have a specific detailed plan, he continually refers to using insights he makes about Cassio, Othello, Roderigo and Desdemona to further his plan in his asides in the play. othello - Free download as (.rtf), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Othello all about it musicians to play music beneath the general 's window to bloody own. In Act 1, scene 2: Othello will meet Iago later in the play themes of and. A symbol of her faith, he is also evident in his use of Roderigo on! How did Bianca 's return with the handkerchief to Cassio who did not think anything it! No idea what her husband Iago is annoyed when Emilia refers to Iago 's treatment..., paranoid, cynical, over-confident and unrepentant fictional character in William Shakespeare 's (! Coup de grace for Othello: by heaven, that should be handkerchief. 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