Thank you for that - it's much appreciated. Imam Bukhari is a famous Hadith expert together with Imam Ahmad, Imam Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, An-Nasai, and Ibn Majah. 383) (al-Du'afa wal-Matrookin No. Al Nawawi did not come from a well-known family. These six books of Hadith are written by Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Imam Abu Dawood, imam ibn Majah, Imam Nasai and Imam Tirmidhi. Imam Abu Hanifah's father, Thabit, had met in Kufa Imam . ʿAlī (Arabic: المُحسِن بن علي) is the fifth child of Imam Ali (a) and Lady Fatima (a).When a group of people promoting the caliphate of Abu Bakr attacked Imam Ali's (a) house to force him pay allegiance to Abu Bakr, Muhsin was aborted and martyred.The date of his martyrdom has not been precisely documented but according to historical accounts, it has occurred . Imam Nasai—Mohammed bin Al Mushni----Ibn Abi Ady---SHOEB----Qatadah----nsar bin Aasim---Malik bin Hawarith ---prophet ( sal allahu alayhi wa sallam) Malik Bin Huwairith ( Radiallahu anh) reported " The messenger of Allah ( sal allahu alayhi wa sallam) used to raise his hands at the time of beginning the prayer and did it when lifting his . Chapter Name. (see Nasai, ibid). Abu Bakr died on Thursday night at the . Imam Muslim: Muslim bin Hajaj belonged to a city in Iran called Nishapur. The above verses says that those who die opposing the Prophet, for them neither cries the heaven nor the earth, it means the heaven and the earth do cry when good followers of the Prophet die.There are reports both in Sunni and Shia books that blood used to gush out of every stone in Karbala for forty days after the assassination of Imam . His full name is Abu Abdullah Muhammad The Imam, who celebrated his 80th birthday among family and friends earlier this week, passed away on Thursday evening. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. Ubay Ibn K'ab 5. He started learning very early. Grave of Prophet Musa: When and How He died - 57], "he is not strong in hadith and he makes many mistakes despite the fact that he only narrates a few narrations.". From the edition that I looked into, Imam Nasai' only said, "Nu'man bin Thabit: Abu . how did imam nasai die - Las Palmas As such, anybody who reads these hadiths and then doubts whether or not Imam al-Askari (as) died without leaving any children is, in fact, doubting about the veracity of the Prophet (s)'s prophecies about future events, and this is obvious disbelief in Islam. As agreed by all the scholars, Sahih Al-Bukhari is the most authentic… Khasais of Amir Al Momenin - Wikipedia His remarks about a narrator are considered as an authority. A Short Biography of Imam Malik (711-795AD) - The Muslim Vibe Remember the good. Contrary to popular belief, the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad SWS was being written down during his life. During the rule of Al-Mu'tamid poison was given to the Imam mixed in some fruit and he died on 8th Rabi-al-Awwal 260 Hijri. Imam Nasai' took back his Tad' if of Imam Abu Hanifa. « My ... "Imam an-Nasaa`ee says at the end of 'ad-Du`afaa wal Matrookeen' [pg. He received the praises of many scholars including Ad-Daraqutni who said about him: "He is given preference over all others who are mentioned with this knowledge from the people of his time". It contains roughly 5700 hadith (with repetitions) in 52 books. 194-256 H (about 200 years after Muhammad died) and compiled during his life. Imam 'Ali ibn Abi Talib (d. 661) was the first cousin of the Prophet Muhammad with whom he shared the same paternal grandfather, the son-in-law of the Prophet as the husband of his only surviving daughter, and the most important personality in early Islam after the Prophet himself. Khaadim: Imam Nasai -shaheed for the Ahl-e-Bayt (Imam Yahya ibn Ma'een (rahmatullahi alaih) (died 233 A.H.) was a famous Muhaddith and expert of Rijaal (critical analysis of the narrators of ahadeeth). Hadith Books in Urdu - Hadees Books Sahih Bukhari, Sahih ... Satisfaction in Ṣalât Advice from Imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali. How the war started, how Imam Hussain was martyred, and what happened after Karbala. Born into a family of tradesmen, the Imam's family were of Persian origin as well as descending from the noble Prophet's (saw) Companion Salman al-Farsi (ra). Short Biography of Imam An-Nasai - Learn Quran Online ... Answer (1 of 3): Certainly all praises are for Almighty Allah, Lord of the Universe. The news of his death engulfed the entire Ummah with grief. This led to the soul shattering Karbala battle. Answer 186: When the Prophet Musa and Aaron (pbuth) passed away in the wilderness. Imam an-Nasa'i was a follower of the Shafi'i Fiqh according to many scholars. Circumstances surrounding the Imam's death are unclear at this time. (6) Sunan an-Nasai by Imam Abdur Rahman Nisai Imam Bukhari: He was born in Bukhar (Bukhara in Persia/Iran now its in Central Asia (Uzbekistan) in hijra 256 died in Samarkand. Wahabi Fabrication in Sunan Nasai. Answer (1 of 5): Sunnis do not have details of his death. Imam An-Nasa'i was fond of seeking knowledge especially the narration of hadiths, for which he has devoted his whole life. Ibn Kanaanaa and Ibn Zubyr performed Ghusl. d. It is a slander and an example of perversion to say, "When we wanted to give them water, the Prophet prevented us. Better known as `Imam-e-`Adham' (The Greatest Imam), or by his kunyah `Abu Hanifah', Nu'man ibn Thabit was born in the city of Kufa (modern day Iraq) in the year 80 A.H (689 A.D). Hadith Section/Book: About Hadith Books About Maliks Muwatta. In this book he follows the footsteps of Imam Muslim and Imam al-Bukhari (R.A). We have tried to make the app best for the user to read as easy and comfort. They also were not known for producing great scholars. The next morning they came and the Messenger of Allah . He was a great memorizer and critic of . It is narrated that the Malak al-Mawt (Azrael) shaped in the form of a human and digged the grave of the prophet. The chapter The Book Of Funerals has two hundred and seventy-three as total Hadith on this topic. Consequently, he took ill and died in 874. The Khawarij and the khutbas of Imam Nisai of Sunan nasai clashed, and he was tortured and forced to flee Palestine for Egypt. Imam Nasai lived in the times of Abbasid empire and wrote the first book on the high rank of Imam Ali and the Ahl-e-Bayt. Accusation against of Imam al-Nasai of being Shia (تشيع) Imam Mauzakh Ibn Khalqaan and Ibn Kathir considered him from the Tashii'. 2-Sheikh Dardir Al-Maliki said that it's not being proven to Abdullah bin Mubarak does not cast a doubt on it. Imam An-Nasai, like other great scholars of hadith traveled to Baghdad, Ash-Sham, Egypt, Mecca, and many other cities to seek knowledge. He studied Hadeeth under Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal along with Al-Bukhari and taught many of the later scholars of Hadeeth, like At-Tirmidhi and An-Nasaa'ee. Leader of the Jamaat-al Muslimeen, Imam Yasin Abu Bakr has died. Question 186: At what age did Nabi Musa (as) die? When Sufiyan ibnu Uhaina heard about the demise of Imam Malik, he said with a heavy heart that no second one can be found on the face of the earth after Imam Malik. The total number Of traditions in this book is 5761 and most of them are authentic, the weak traditions in Sunan Nasai are less in number in comparison to other Sun-an books. In a statement . Abu Dawood was born in 202 AH (817 AD) and died in 275 AH (888 AD). The Kharijites then beat Al-Nasa'i till he died. To the ruler, Imam Abu Muhammad (as) died without bearing a son. Book reference: Sunan Nasai Book 21 Hadith no 1968 Web . He is Abu `Abdur-Rahman Ahmad ibn Shu`ayb ibn `Ali ibn Sinan ibn Bahr Al-Khurasani An-Nasa'i, attributed to his homeland Nasa. Al-ʿAbbās b. Sunan An Nasai 2052. He died 54 years later in the year 204 A.H.(820 Gregorian) in Egypt. states: However, Uthman feared affliction, so he prevented the Companions from defending him, and he knew that he would be killed unjustly as the Prophet peace be upon him informed him. The Ahbash have claimed that Tabarruk with the graves is correct and they justified this by what Khateeb Al-Baghdadi narrated that Ash-Shafi'i said: " I do Tabarruk with Abu Hanifah and I go to his grave every day -meaning for visit- and when I have a need I pray two Rak'ah and I go to his grave and ask my need to Allah (Ta'ala) and I . The original Hadith is written in Arabic and translated in English and Urdu. 26/647 - d. 61/680), known as Abū l-Faḍl (the Father of Excellence) and Qamar Banī l-Hāshim (the Moon of Banu Hashim), is the son of Imam Ali (a) and Umm al-Banin.He was the commander and standard-bearer of the caravan of Imam al-Husayn (a) in the Battle of Ashura'.Shi'a considers Abbas among the children of Imams (a) holding . Imam An-Nasa'I is Ahmed ibn Ali ibn Sinan ibn Bahr, and his kunya was Abu Abdur Rahman. The assistant agreed, so accordingly he would come to the office at the scheduled . 2. He began his scientific journeys at the age of 15 when he visited the great scholar of the Hadith Qutaybah ibn Said in Baghlan. #. Muqallid or Mujtahid. Imam Hussain and many other Muslims refused to accept him as Ameer-ul-Momineen. Imam Bukhari is a famous Hadith expert together with Imam Ahmad, Imam Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, An-Nasai, and Ibn Majah. The Prophet ﷺ daughter Sayyidāh Ruqayyah رضى الله عنها, the beloved. He was born in Sistan but he traveled to many countries of the Islamic world, as was the case with the scholars of this era. He was born in 215 H. He began his life as a student of knowledge taking knowledge from the scholars of his era. His trials in Egypt did not end there, and he was persecuted even more. 383) And as Hafiz Ibn Hajr says Nasai declares a person "Matrook" only when all scholars agree on rejecting his narrations. An-Nasai's Introduction: His full name is Abu Abd-ur-Rahman Ahmad ibn Shuayb ibn Ali ibn Sinan ibn Bahr Al-Khurasani An-Nasai, attributed to his homeland Nasa (present-day located in Turkmenistan).He was a great memorizer and critic of Hadith and one of the key figures in Muslim scholarship. One day he was so engrossed in investigating a particular hadith, that he just did not notice that he had eaten all the dates in the container one by one. Zaid Ibn Thaabit 6. LoL i bet you never saw that coming. His son Yahyaa and his student (calligrapher) Habeeb poured the water, and as Imam Malik had willed, he was shrouded in a white cloth. . Proof: TRANSLATION: Many of the faithful believers are wondering how the Imam Mahdi will die. Imam an-Nawawi was born in the holy month of Muharram 631 AH (1233 AD) in Nawa Village, near capital city of Damascus, Syria. Adel Emam. How Imām Muslim Died. (Muqaddama al-Darari 1/72). As Imam Nawawi states, there is no statement or evidence to accuse the Prophet (pbuh) of preventing people from giving water to those killers. Ala & Dithia excluding collapsed ones are the only two answers so far, unfor. ☆ Night mode. Imam Malik died in 179 Hijri (795 AD) when he was 87 years old. The Book of Purification. Just assume, a company manager loves an assistant very much and likes his presence at the office. Death Of Imam Malik. Chapter Five: Did Uthman die a 'martyr'? Read the full history of Karbala here. Some activists reported that the cause of the death of Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, Imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, was the result of Al-Sudais being infected with the Coronavirus, while others reported that the cause of death came in a sudden and shocking way, and others said that the cause was a heart attack, which prompted many to question the truth of this news. But Shias claim that he will be killed by a "Bearded Jewish Women". They did not like to wake him up, so they offered the funeral prayer for her and buried her in Baqi' Al-Gharqab. Imam An-Nasai was fond of seeking knowledge especially the He passed away after 2 days on 21st of Ramadan. His Search For Knowledge. He belonged to the Arab tribe, Azd. they were not left under the sun to die. rejected, someone whose narrations can never be accepted. I like most of the Muslims believe that in 'Islam' there is no place for sects and word 'Shia' introduced to shun sectionalism-sects. Imam Abu Dawud was born in Sajistan, a famous city in Khurasan in the year 202 A.H. (iii) Jalaluddeen Suyuti wrote : "Imam al- Hakim states that he never came across a single Hadith in praise of Muawiya (رضئ اللہ تعالی عنہ) that was Sahih" (La'ali al-Masnu aa fi ahadith al-Maudu aa" Volume 1 page 424) . He respected learners and had love for knowledge and wisdom. Abdullah Ibn Zubayr Then…others in relation to stories from Quran, Signs of fitn, hereafter etc.… The Ahlus sunnah wal jamah consists of four school of Jurispudence. Imam al-Nasai was a follower of the Shafi Fiqh according to Allamah as-Subki, Shah Waliullah, Shah Abdulaziz and many other scholars. Hadith on Funerals of Sunan An Nasai 2052 is about The Book Of Funerals as written by Imam An-Nasai. The Assassination of Imam An-Nasa'i and His Bayyan. Imam Adh-Dhahabi said, "There was no one on the onset of the 300 AH year more perfect in memorization than An-Nasa'i. An unimaginable number of giants of Islam have learnt this religion from him including Imam Mohammad ibn Ismail Al Bukhari [died on 256 Hijri], Imam Muslim ibn Hajjaj [died on 261 Hijri], Iman Abu Dawood As Sijistani [died on 275 Hijri], Imam Mohammad ibn Isa At Tirmidi [died on 279 Hijri], and Imam Abu Abdir Rahman An Nasai [died on 303 Hijri]. The Prophet (s) prophesized that Imam al-Mahdi (as) would be born, and that his father would be Imam Hasan al-Askari (as). In the case of Imam Hasan al-Askari, the same type of jealousy led to the poisoning of the Imam to end this life of a saint whose only activity was to teach Qur'an as the Prophet and his Ahlul Bayt taught before him. So then he did this and named his book Sunan Al-Sughra (the small Sunan) and Al-Mujtaba and Mujtana (both mean carefully chosen) and this is the Sunan which we know as Sunan An-Nasa'i. 42 minutes ago. Abu Musa al-Ashari 7. The wahabis don't follow any school of Fiqh and they pick and choose what ever suits them. In this book he follows the footsteps of Imam Muslim and Imam al-Bukhari (R.A). He has hardly never narrated from a weak narrator apart from Abu Umayyah `Abdul-Kareem who is Matruk. Ahmad ibn Shu'aib an-Nasa'i (r.a) - [215 - 303 A.H.] Imam an-Nasa'i was born in the town of Nasa' in the Persian province of Khorasan. (al-Du'afa wal-Matrookin No. 132-134 (5) Imam Jalaluddin Abdur Rahman bin Abi Bakr as-Suyuti (died 911 A.H.), Tarikhul Khulafa The reason Imam Nasai wrote such a book was becuase it was during his time that . Imam Suyuti states- Most known amongst the Sahaba (ra) in their knowledge of tafsir were ten: 1. Ale ibn Abe Taleb (r.a) said regarding army of Moawiya (r.a) in "Nahjul-balaga": "The thing began in this way: We and the Syrians were facing each other while we had common faith in one Allah, in the same Prophet and on the same principles and canons of religion. Imam Muslim used to have enormous respect and honour for Imam Bukhari. On the authority of A h mad b. Salamah: A gathering of knowledge and revision was held for Abul-Husayn Muslim b. Al- H ajjâj where a h adîth that he did not know was mentioned. He wanted to travel to Makkah from Egypt, but upon arriving in the holy city, he died on the 13th of Safar 303 AH at the age of 88. History of the Compilation of the Sunnah. I did think about posting these to r/exmuslim, but because I'm not an ex-Muslim myself (I'm a Catholic, who was never a part of Islam), I hesitate to do so.Due to the difficulties involved in leaving Islam, it seems to me that it's important for ex-Muslims to have their own space, without outside critics like me coming in. IMAM BUKHARI (RAH) Birth and Childhood of Imam Bukhari Imam Bukhari (may Allah merahmatinya) was born in Bukhara, Uzbekistan, Central Asia. She died and they brought her to Al-Madinah after dark, and they found that the Messenger of Allah had gone to sleep. Imam Kharaash another great scholar, said he was not happy with his narrations and the giant authority Yahya ibn Ma'in has said that Amar bin Yahyah narrations are nothing. These wahabis have special hatred towards the follower of Hanafi school of Fiqh. He was a resident of Khurasaan and a memoriser of hadeeth, the author of the famous book Sunan an-Nasaa'ee. Abu Dawood, Sulaiman bin Al-Ash'ath bin Ishaq Al-Azdi As-Sijistani, who was one of the eminent Imam of Hadeeth, was born in 202H. As noted in Sunni Muslim historical chronicles,… Furthermore Imam Nasai, said he is "Matrook" i.e. ☆ Full screen mode. The leader of the Ulama'a Allamah Anwar Shah Kashmiri is to the opinion that he was a Hanbali and this has also been stated by ibn Taymiyyah but the truth is that he was a Mujtahid more inclined towards the . • Imam Abul Qasim Tabarani • Imam Abu Bakr Ahmed ibn Muhammad also known as Ibn as-Sunni. August 18, 2021. daughter of Rasūlullāh ﷺ passed away on the 17th Ramadān. Imam Nasai—Mohammed bin Al Mushni—-Ibn Abi Ady—SHOEB—-Qatadah—-nsar bin Aasim—Malik bin Hawarith —prophet ( sal allahu alayhi wa sallam) Malik Bin Huwairith ( Rd) reported " The messenger of Allah ( sal allahu alayhi wa sallam) used to raise his hands at the time of beginning the prayer and did it when lifting his head from . . A former chief imam at an English mosque has complained of being demonised by a public inquiry into the Manchester Arena bombing carried out by a British-Libyan man in 2017. The fact that it was being written down during his life, has been proven without a shadow of a doubt. After gaining hadith from the teachers his own city, Imam an-Nasa'i travelled through Khorasan, Iraq, the Hijaz Syria and Egypt gaining ahadith. It has been unanimously agreed that Imam Bukhari's work is the most authentic of all the other works in Hadith literature put together. 1. Imam Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Nasai, and Hakim have all reported in a Hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) that he . He offers him extra-pay if he will check in and talk with him five times a day, 10 minutes each time. Imam Muslim was of an excellent character—honest, truthful and peace-loving. The fact that Adel Imam died of the Corona virus. All the four school have their evidence from shariah for their practices. Qutaybah recounted hadiths from Imam Malik, Al-Layth ibn Saad, and . As agreed by all the scholars, Sahih Al-Bukhari is the most authentic book after the Holy Quran. Please, also Let us know the story of Prophet Musa and Malak al-Mawt? He went home and lit his lamp and said to those at home, "no one should enter the house (disturb me).". So then he did this and named his book Sunan Al-Sugra (the small Sunan) and Al-Mujtaba and Al-Mujtana (both mean carefully chosen) and this is the Sunan which we know as Sunan Al-Nasai. Imam Abu Dawud also travelled for collecting hadith. The Ahl-e-sunnah considers Imam Nasai to belong to the category of the highest ranking Hadith scholars, such as Imam Muslim and Imam Tirmidhi. He was born in 215H in Nisaa, a city of Khurasaan, hence he is known as an-Nasaa'ee or Naswee. Sahih Bukhari in Urdu is available with the facility to download pdf of . So far as faith in Allah and the Holy Prophet was concerned we never wanted them (the Syrians) to believe in anything over and . He died soon after he was brutally assaulted by the Muawiyeen mob in Umayyad Mosque. If the Imam (AS) will get martyred ,. He died in 261/874 on account of having consumed too many dates. Imam Malik ibn Anas is reported to have said, according to a literal misunderstanding of the text "Jesus died (مات) when he was 33 years old." (Jami' al-'Utbiyyah) Imam Muhammad ibn Rushd, The Grandfather, said in commentary of this, "He meant by the usage of the verb (مات) him being raised up to the heavens by Allah." just as the word (توفى) can be used to mean 1. She became ill before the Battl We have included some essentials tools and feature to make the app as like real hard copy books flavors and feels. Imam An-Nasa'i: The Great Authority of Hadith. MAIN CONTENT: Imam a`n-Nasāī `s Full Name, Linage and Early Life Imam Abu Abdur Rahman Ahmad bin Shoaib Nisa He was born in Nasā, a village in Khurāsan in Iraq in the year 215 A.H. He was born in 209 AH. So then he did this and named his book Sunan Al-Sughra (the small Sunan) and Al-Mujtaba and Mujtana (both mean carefully chosen) and this is the Sunan which we know as Sunan An-Nasa'i. The 4 Khulafa Rashidun 2. • Sheikh Ali, the son of the famous Muhaddith, Imam Tahawi. Sunan IBN Nasai is one of the purest hadith book written by ibn nasai. Even though he was born in Sajistan he spent the greater part of his life at Basrah which was the seat of Islamic learning in his time. Ibn Masud 3. Imam Nasai' took back his Tad' if of Imam Abu Hanifa. An-Nasai was born in Nasa, a city of Khorasan (today Nisa, Turkmenistan), in 214 of the year of last year (829 S.). He was told, "We have been gifted . His collection is unanimously considered to be one of the six canonical collections of hadith (Kutub as-Sittah) of the Sunnah of the Prophet (ﷺ). Moreover, you can also read how Yazid and his companions died. Al-Nasā'ī (214 - 303 AH; c. 829 - 915 CE), full name Abū `Abd ar-Raḥmān Aḥmad ibn Shu`ayb ibn Alī ibn Sīnān al-Nasā'ī, (variant: Abu Abdel-rahman Ahmed ibn Shua'ib ibn Ali ibn Sinan ibn Bahr ibn Dinar Al-Khurasani), was a noted collector of hadith (sayings of Muhammad), of Persian origin from the city of Nasa (early Khorasan and present day Turkmenistan), and the author of "As . Sunan an-Nasa'i is a collection of hadith compiled by Imam Ahmad an-Nasa'i (rahimahullah). During the past hours, social networking sites were buzzing with the news of the death of the great Egyptian artist, Adel Imam, as a result of being infected with the new Corona virus. Ibn Abbas 4. Most notable among them are (i) Imam Muslim ibn Hajjaj [died on 261 Hijri], (ii) Iman Abu Dawood As Sijistani [died on 275 Hijri], (iii) Imam Mohammad ibn Isa At Tirmidi [died on 279 Hijri], and (iv) Imam Abu Abdir Rahman An Nasai [died on 303 Hijri]. (2) Ibn Jauzi (died 1200 A.D.), Ar Raddo A'laal Mutasibul Aneed al Maane min dhimme Yazeed (3) Sibte Ibn Jauzi (died 1257 A.D.), Tadkeratul Khawaasul Ummah (4) Allamah Ahmad bin Hajar al-Haithami (died 974 A.H.) Sawaiqul Mohreqa, Pg. This is a brief history of a science that took place for 3 or 4 centuries. Khasais of Amir Al Momenin (Arabic: خصائص أمير المؤمنين ‎) (Characters of the commander of the faithful) or Khasais-e-Ali (Arabic: خصائص علي ‎) is a book on virtues and moral characters of Imam Ali.The book was written by Ahmad Ibn Shoaeib Nisai (died 303 AH).He was concerned in the book with the place of Ali and his relation to Muhammad It has been unanimously agreed that Imam Bukhari's work is the most authentic of all the other works in Hadith literature put together. This is not correct. Abu Bakr was a longstanding leader in Trinidad and Tobago's Islamic landscape. All Chapters from Imam Nasai. 5. Imam Shafi'ee was born in the year 150 A.H. in Palestine in Ghaza, by most accounts it is the same Ghaza town that we now know of today. It is also narrated that Imam Tahawi personally narrated from this Imam. He was born in hijra 204 and died in hijra 261. The meaning of Arabic word Sahih is authentic or correct. Abdullah bin Omar may Allah be pleased at him narrated from the Prophet peace be upon him that the . He distributed the Imam's (as)'s property, and the people who did not deserve it, took it. He was a man of humility and piety. The Book of Water From Al-Mujtaba. bright-colored. He was renowned for his utmost extensive awareness of the defects of Hadith and the conditions of the . Sunan of Nasai It was compiled by Imam Ahmad Ibn Shoaib al Nasai. 3. 1-Though Imam Tirmidhi quoted this saying of Imam Abdullah bin Mubarak but he did not give it any importance and declared the Hadith as Hasan. In this book he follows the footsteps of Imam Muslim and Imam Bukhari (R.A). ʿAlī (Arabic: العبّاس بن علي) (b. Fuad Abu Bakr, son of 1990 insurrectionist Imam Yasin Abu Bakr, urged mourners to do so yesterday at the funeral service for his father. He is Ahmad bin Shu'ayb bin Alee bin Sinaan bin Bahr bin Deenaar and his kunyah is Abu Abdur-Rahmaan. The name you are asking, if told, the . Imam An-Nasa'i received a great commendation from many of the prominent scholars of Hadith which testifies to his encyclopedic memorization, mastery and awareness of deficiencies and narrators of hadiths. Ameere Madeenah Abdul Azeez Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ibraheem ed the Janazah prayer. A well-known Sunni scholar of Pakistan, Allamah Ghulam Rasool Saeedi also recorded this event in his famous book of Tazkiratul Muhaddithin. Al-Muḥsin b. No one should be associated with them, or tell them anything. This implies that they were a modest family. There is very little mention of his father and other relatives. Ask when a site tries to track your physical location: According to some other sources, he was died in Makkah and buried between Safa screen, tap the toggle to turn on location access. Egypt was where Imam an-Nasa'i settled and established his center for teaching and The ruler is looking for him, every where people are running around asking for him. The Book of Menstruation and Istihadah. 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