[25] Perdue signed the legislation into law on April 12, 2005, three days before tax day. Along with the recent Hatch Act violation, Perdue is facing blowback from Democrats and food banks for requiring all contractors under a $4 billion coronavirus relief program to stuff promotional letters signed by Trump into millions of food boxes delivered to hungry families. You know, he's a strong conservative, you know, and he's David Perdue's cousin. And I'm curious about why it's elicited such a ferocious response on the side of those who are for the idea, but also those who are against it. Sonny Perdue served two terms as the governor of Georgia, from 2003 to 2011. He won his first term in 2014 by fewer than 8 percentage points. Is Sonny Perdue staking out any does he have a dog in this fight, at least publicly? The USDA's press office rejected CNN's request to interview Ziska, but not Politico's, where he went on to describe the department as internally fearful of Perdue's open skepticism towards climate change, which, according to Ziska, has led officials to "go to extremes to obscure their work to avoid political blowback". Perdue and a partner purchased the agricultural land in 2009 and later earned so-called mitigation bank credits for converting the tract for wetland conservation purposes, according to the watchdog organizations. [45], During his governorship, the Georgia State Ethics Commission received thirteen complaints against Perdue. Perdue is a kind of an easy-going Southern version of the president he served so zealously. Jess Mador is our producer. Steve Fennessy: So what happened then? "The. [46] After the state dropped out of the bidding and the land was sold to developers, the value of Perdue's property more than doubled. Atlanta, GA 30318 Sign up to receive GPB Event announcements via Email. The commitments entailed moving his holdings into a new trust and agreeing not to serve as a trustee or beneficiary of the fund. Undeterred by the pandemic-led spike in hunger, Perdue also doubled- and tripled-down on a long-held goal: boosting work requirements for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program that would eliminate food aid forat least 1.2 million peopleabout a third of them households containing senior citizens, nearly a quarter with children, and 11 percent with a disabled person, according tononpartisan think tank Mathematica. He switched party affiliation from Democrat to Republican in 1998 and was re-elected to the State Senate as a Republican. The office directed the USDA chief to reimburse the government for travel expenses and other costs of the event. You know, then there are many others outside the metro area. At the beginning of 2020, Perdue yearned publicly for a way to cut federally mandated wages for migrant farm workers on guest visas. Last month, the U.S. State Department said it will start processing more applicants seeking H-2A temporary. The staff of Mother Jones is highlighting the years heroes and monsters. In July, as the general election heated up, the department tapped a Depression-era funding mechanism called the Commodity Credit Corporation to come up with $14 billionwithout having to consult Congressto hand to producers of commodities like corn, soybeans and wheat, ostensibly for losses due to the coronavirus. [63], In August 2020, Perdue supported the president's re-election while promoting the Farmers to Families Food Box Program; Perdue was fined for violating the Hatch Act. [8] Perdue served as Secretary of Agriculture throughout Trump's term. But then prior to him, you had Errol Davis, who was a utilities company executive and he had no administrative experience in higher education. On January 18, 2017, President-elect Donald Trump announced that he would nominate Perdue to be Secretary of Agriculture. Sonny Perdue won the 2002 Georgia governor's race, defeating the incumbent, Democrat Roy Barnes, to become the state's first Republican governor since Reconstruction. He also has largely avoided the sort of major scandals that have dogged many others in Trumps Cabinet. [42] The floods resulted in Perdue declaring a state of emergency in 17 counties. Brian Kemp is in a fierce battle with David Perdue. How did we find out about that? [25], In 2007, Perdue convinced a skeptical legislature to approve a $19 million fishing tourism program he called Go Fish Georgia. The regents hired another firm, and then it put Ms. McCartney as acting chancellor, and so there really hasn't been much movement up until, I guess, the last few weeks. Perdue is poised within . So we have Brian Kemp in this fierce battle against David Perdue primary battle for governor. [News tape] 11Alive: Critical race theory about whites, blacks and U.S. history, parents saying that CRT is now indoctrinating students disguised in the school system's initiatives on diversity, equity and inclusion. The Board of Regents is expected to confirm Perdue's appointment in the next two weeks. [News tape] WSB: He called being named a finalist a quote wonderful capstone to a career in public service. So we have not had a chancellor at least, a non-interim chancellor for at least seven or eight months, right? He served two terms,. Now the nonprofit American Oversight is asking USDAs inspector general to review the new structure of Perdues assets and determine whether it violates the commitments he made as a nominee for the job in 2017. Looking at the pandemic, they've also had to take on some additional responsibilities, such as, you know, managing coronavirus relief funds. But ethics questions have piled up in recent months about the secretarys mixing of USDA duties and his political promotion of the president. His name is Sonny Perdue. The watchdogs question whether the sale of AGrowStar and Pro Ag Products was enough to quash all potential conflicts. Eric Stirgus: It was pretty newsy for us. Perdue made his acting debut in "We Are Marshall," a 2006 film about the 1970 plane crash that claimed the lives of 75 Marshall University football players, coaches, supporters and staff.. [23], In January 2003, Perdue signed an executive order prohibiting himself and all other state employees from receiving any gift worth more than $25. Trump said Friday that he has directed Perdue to provide at least $16 billion in relief. United States, Copyright 2023, Georgia Public Broadcasting. Can you pitch in a few bucks to help fund Mother Jones' investigative journalism? Steve Fennessy: Yeah. Eric Stirgus: Well, he didn't go into specifics that day. "[35], In 2006, Perdue signed a law that gave Georgia "some of the nation's toughest measures against illegal immigrants. So very excited to have the president standing with us and I'm a lot like him. There's been a lot of different issues that colleges are facing regarding social issues and political issues. His nomination was transmitted to the U.S. Senate on March 9, 2017. Eric Stirgus: Correct. The department did not provide further documentation that potential conflicts in 2017 were limited to AGrowStar and Pro Ag Products. It's us but for your ears. His selection has angered professors concerned about academic freedom. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue told the crowd at last week's event in North Carolina that he got a call from the White House. Brian Kemp is not. Steve Fennessy: The last full-time permanent chancellor, why did they leave? He was the only member of the Trump administration to endorse such a plan. I can't imagine Sonny Perdue doing that." [31] The choices were a modified version of the First National Flag of the Confederate States of America, with the Georgia State Seal prominently displayed inside a circle of 13 stars, or the flag created in 2001 by the Roy Barnes administration. Perdue is one of the original Trump Cabinet appointees who remained by the president throughout the administration. We noticed you have an ad blocker on. [69] Perdue lives in Bonaire, Georgia. Eric Stirgus: Now, you know, conversely, his supporters say he was a governor of Georgia for eight years. The new law saved Perdue $100,000 in state taxes. There, he managed a workforce of 110,000 employees in the U.S. Department of Agriculture with the stated objective of being the most efficient, effective and customer-friendly agency in the . "There is one thing we know for sure: Sen. David Perdue will be . [19] After his first year in office, Senator Perdue wrote then Lt. I'm joined by Eric Stirgus, who covers higher education for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. He was confirmed by the Senate on April 24,[49] with Bernie Sanders and nine Democrats voting against him. Each of those firms is owned by Perdue Business Holdings Inc., and Secretary Perdues newly created FALF Management Trust of which the secretary is a co-trustee owns 100 percent of the voting stock in Perdue Business Holdings, according to his 2019 disclosure. The Board of Regents announced that the former Republican governor is its choice to become chancellor. The latest scrutiny stems from Perdues wealth of current and former interests in agriculture, trucking and land development a complex web of trusts, land parcels, holding companies and subsidiaries. Across the state, teachers have found themselves caught in a conservative battle to ban divisive topics from classrooms, which Republican lawmakers define as a various list of ideas regarding race. Libertarian Garrett Michael Hayes was also on the ballot. Am I being naive to think that that that would be the case? The Perdue USDA also insisted that federally funded grocery boxes distributed by food banks contain a letter signed by Trump, touting the administrations coronavirus response. Brian Kemp and thought Trump thought his endorsement would spell immediate trouble for the incumbent. He shortly thereafter became a committee chairman, then climbed the leadership ladder to majority leader and to Senate president pro tempore. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue said today that he did not plan to step down from his Cabinet duties, amid reports that the president is getting ready to make several . Eric Stirgus: Yes. Sonny Perdue is cousins with David Perdue, who is now engaged in a bitter primary battle against Brian Kemp Brian Kemp, who, of course, is backing Sonny Perdue. (Washington, D.C., April 22, 2020) - Today, the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced emergency benefit increases have reached $2.0 billion per month for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) households across all 50 states and 3 territories to increase food security during the coronavirus national emergency. Steve Fennessy: So he left in June. He also talked about, you know, bringing stability to the system. The former Georgia governor has a background in agriculture. Perdues response? [23] Prior to Perdue's becoming governor, no state agency had compiled an inventory of what assets were owned by the state. Mr. Perdue, a graduate of the University of Georgia, said he considered the opportunity to lead the university system, which has more than 340,000 students, as the capstone to a career of public service. These emergency benefits represent a 40% increase in . After Perdue took office, in 2003 and 2004, Georgia moved up from last place in the country in SAT scores. [46] Perdue failed to disclose his ownership of the property in required financial disclosure forms. But should it go to a politician? But is there a way of, like, by appointing by at least advancing the candidacy of Sonny Perdue for chancellor is this a way for Brian Kemp to gain some political points with some Trump voters out there? Steve Fennessy: So that's not something you can just push aside because you don't like what one of their family members is doing. Sonny Perdue served two terms as governor of Georgia before being named Agriculture Secretary in the Trump administration. [18], Perdue was elected as a Democrat in 1991, 1994, and 1996. He praised the tax cuts and the program of deregulation, which, he claimed, benefitted the people who needed it most, those in the middle, and the lower rungs. Its little wonder that Trump would train his benevolence on the little people, because hes a blue-collar guy who worked for years in the construction yards, with all kinds of folks, all colors, Kudlow informed Perdues listeners. Steve Fennessy: How unusual is it for a letter like that to be written? Citing export losses from Trumps trade war with China, the USDA lavished mainly huge soybean, hog, and cotton farmers with $28 billion in 2018 and 2019more than double the price tag of President Barack Obamas 2009 auto bailout. Eric Stirgus: The chancellor is hired by the Board of Regents as a 19-member body, and all of those folks are appointed by the governor and so they serve seven-year terms. Higher education is where I wanted to have a real impact as governor, only to be stymied by twin recessions, he said in the board-issued statement. [11], Perdue played quarterback at Warner Robins High School and was a walk-on at the University of Georgia,[12] where he was also a member of the Beta-Lambda chapter of Kappa Sigma fraternity. He referenced the pandemic and the phrase "Cultural Revolution." [14][15], Perdue is not related to the family who owns and operates Perdue Farms (commonly associated with the brand "Perdue Chicken").[16][17]. When you go this long without having a permanent chancellor on board, what signal does that send or how does that affect the operations of our schools? David Perdue is running against Democrat Jon Ossoff in one of two runoff elections in the state that will determine control of the U.S. Senate in the next Congress. Perdue addressed the crowd, saying "We've come together here simply for one reason and one reason only: to very reverently and respectfully pray up a storm" and "God, we need you; we need rain." Let's go into November and be against Stacey Abrams together.". Steve Fennessy: News that Sonny Perdue will, in all likelihood be the university system of Georgia's next chancellor comes at a time when state legislators are debating bills about how racial history should be taught in classrooms. And Sonny Perdue was one of the only, if not the only cabinet member who went the distance in the Donald Trump administration. GPB is committedto bringing you comprehensive news coverage from Georgia, across the country and around the world. Some farmers ended up destroying perfectly good food. Kemp replaced them with two additional members. The secretarys office contends he has complied with the agreement. So those are some of the things that have concerned a lot of state leaders or particularly on the Republican side. [12], In education, Perdue promoted the return of most decision-making to the local level. What is it about this job that appeals to him? Why are we still talking about this, then? [News tape] parent at recent school board meeting, 11Alive: "This isn't critical race theory. Mitch Daniels of Indiana has led Purdue University since 2012. In 2018, while Perdue was secretary, Soque River Conservation asked the Army Corps to modify the credits held by the company in a way that could boost its value by nearly $3 million, the groups estimate. Conley. [64][65][66], In June 2021, a news story broke of financial dealings Perdue had after his nomination as Secretary of Agriculture but before his confirmation. There is no conflict of interest in becoming a trustee of a trust that contains no conflicting interests.. [12] A 2005 tax bill passed by the Georgia Legislature allowed residents to gain a tax break if they sold a property in Georgia to buy similar property in another state, and made the change retroactive to 2004. Eric Stirgus: Georgia's top elected officials constantly talk about, you know, we need workers who are college and career ready, people who can just step into jobs. [58][59], Under Perdue, the Department of Agriculture (USDA) was accused of suppressing scientific publications for political reasons. Very few Republican elected officials, operatives, donors and activists in Georgia have. I ran because I was frustrated with the government. USDA argues that the reorganization Perdue laid out in his 2017 ethics agreement was intended to separate the secretary from two agribusinesses in particular: grain merchandiser AGrowStar LLC and grain marketer Pro Ag Products, both of which were also owned by Perdue Business Holdings before they were sold to outside buyers. Steve Fennessy: When did we first hear that Sonny Perdue who was the outgoing Secretary of Agriculture in the Trump administration, of course a two-term former governor of Georgia was interested in the job of chancellor? The U.S. Senate confirmed Secretary Perdue by a vote of 87-to-11 on Monday evening. Eric Stirgus: Correct. [55], In July 2019, Perdue ordered two USDA agenciesthe Economic Research Service (ERS) and the National Institute of Food and Agricultureto move from the USDA's headquarters in Washington, D.C. to the Kansas City metropolitan area. I cant imagine Sonny Perdue doing that.. He won the 2002 Georgia gubernatorial election, defeating Democratic incumbent Roy Barnes 51% to 46%, with Libertarian candidate Garrett Michael Hayes taking 2% of the vote. Perdue has long been Trumps most effective advocate among rural voters, visiting all 50 states to spread the presidents message and spearheading massive taxpayer aid programs that kept farmers afloat through Trumps trade war and the pandemic. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue pledged in 2017 to separate himself from his multimillion dollar business holdings that could pose conflicts of interest in his public duties. According to the Georgia government's website on Confederate History Month, they also participated in the manufacture of products for the war effort, built naval ships, and provided military assistance and relief efforts"[38] The proclamation was criticized by historians for its historical inaccuracies,[39] although there were, in fact, African-Americans who served the Confederacy. [News tape] WSB: After what the board's chairman described as a nationwide search with, quote, "numerous highly qualified candidates," in the end, the board voted to pick Perdue as the sole finalist for the job. There's been some social media push against him. AGrowStar (including the assets acquired as part of the Estill deal) was sold by Perdue's trusts in 2018 for 12 million dollars, but due to the secretive nature of the trusts, this was not widely disclosed. [43], Beginning in 2007, Governor Perdue began to pursue the goal of making Georgia the "bass-fishing tourism mecca". [24], Late in the evening of March 29, 2005, the penultimate day of the legislative session, Representative Larry O'Neal, who also worked part-time as Perdue's personal lawyer, introduced legislation making capital gains tax owed on Georgia land sales deferrable if the income goes to purchase out-of-state land, also, unusually, making the tax break retroactive. [News tape] FOX5: The Board of Regents has made its choice for the state's next chancellor. Using the CCC to hand billions to big farmersmajor Trump supporters in 2016 is a signature move of Perdues USDA. Subscribe today and get a full year of Mother Jones for just $14.95. Meanwhile, in 2020, the pandemic ravaged meatpacking workers and put millions out of work, causing a surge in the need for food assistanceboth very much areas of concern for the agriculture department.
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