It happened so fast, but did Fabien Marshal shoot Charlotte Parthanay, and if so, why? Incest or homosexuality? Thanks for your great reviews! We are back at the sickbed, where Henriette sleeps and Montespan silently weeps at the bed. My greatest issue with Henriette is that she seems to lack any personality. What the king wants, the king gets. *IMAGERY KLAXON*, Next scene Marchal is riding furiously through the forest , no mood music, no sound, and he then bursts into Rohans rooms with guards, only to find the servant Marie on the floor, her wrist slashed with a knife. Today, speculation has attributed Henriettes death to intestinal blockage, ectopic pregnancy or tuberculosis affecting the peritoneum. Point 9: And again, who can blame her. Henriette is restrained by Philippe, the Queen and Bontemps, and Philippe is clearly suffering as he listens to his wife muffling her screams. It would be an outrageous thought. Hi, This really shows he is vulnerable. Once again, Louis behaviour, as reported here, is uncharacteristic. the first time we see Henriette is with Louis, and Louis mentions her husband. I love this show <3. Would you villify a slave because he hated his master or ran away simply because slavery was accepted at that time and slaves (much like women, little difference there) were considered nothing more than the property of their masters to do with as they please (again, just as a woman was to her husband)? I do think it is out-of-character for the Philippe we know and love on the show, not just historically inaccurate, to force himself on her. He remembers too. First off, let me preface my response with the qualifier that I know very little about the historical figures on which these characters are based. yet so satisfying to watch because.. yeah. Then Ep 8 miscarriage scene the painting is no longer on table. You sound worse than Montespan and de Clermont sparring over the card-tables! And then down by the promontory. Off they stride with purpose and a couple of guards, through the gorgeous corridors (shot in the gorgeous Vaux Le Vicomte) and with ominous background music to set the mood. Louis smacks it away with the poker, Marchal steps in, Montcourt grabs a candlestick. The only protection offered is by Louis. When you see Fabien going to find the missing Charlotte, you see him visualising the scenario he holds up his hand, points his fingers in the shape of a gun to see how the angle would project. He rapes his wife. Then the camera pans to the door and Philippe enters, says to him quietly, were leaving. Neither of them showed much interest or affection for the other, both clearly preferring their lovers. Thank you (and I agree with you on all pints!!! but afte I cliked submit my comment didnt appear. No context is provided about who he is, no indication he is married. but it is later, after they already speak with the guards in the background. Im leaving. Louis: You would defy me, even in this moment? Philippe: I know what this moment is. Louis steps to his brother and the camera frames them between the crossed pikes, a familiar movie making technique that focuses your eye solely on them, and also creates powerful imagery of two strong men, between weapons, taking opposite views. It can be quite shocking to us, but pretty much most children died before adulthood people mourned, mirrors were covered and a service held, but some didnt wait more than a few days before picking themselves up and going off to the next party or ball or soiree. We see about ten hooded figures, along with the Unmasked Man whom Rohan freed from jail. Thank you, Amy! Only 4 of his children grew up, and even then, another died at 27. Totally inappropriate time to mention it. I hope the surgery went well, Heather! I can see where the series cliffhanger is heading, besides the obvious unmasking of Rohan as a traitor. Montespan banters but Louis doesnt bite. Is that understood? and pushes past them. his majesty knew this day would come. Not so much. Its just that his anger and upset (and yes, jealousy I think) affects him so much, because its just another way for his brother to control and belittle him, make him less. did the male medicin drink the vial of poison accidentally or on purpose? *Another side-note: When the Chavelier mentions that Louis does not look for beauty so much as character, umwas he talking about Henriette? He goes on to make threats and trouble for her. A day later, I was hooked. even if it turned out his brother was the poisoner. And then Marchal throws Montcourts words back at him: and when we are the Kings enemy, we must make him believe we are his friend, right? Yessss. Jacques 10 episodes, 2015 . Why is his passion for the man he loves to be forgiven and Henriettes passion for the man she loves to be used against her? We establish right from the start that she has no powershe was forced to marry a man she did not want because the king wants to keep her close. Such an angry outpouring from Louis, however, would have been out of character and no one else reported that he said any such thing. Still with the playing of games, the half-truth words. Bontemps moves her along. She was merely being used by the man she was in love with. Learn how your comment data is processed. She rises and silently leaves, then more people walk in to pay their respects the Chevalier included. Louis turns in slow-mo, the expression on his face revealing nothing. He certainly is darker, more angry and violent than he was in real life. Louvois and Marchal agree. But I still dont get why he doesnt just dob them both in.? Philippe and Henriette were forced into a marriage with someone they didnt love or care for. Who was that mysterious man in the mask of Apollo who dan. Admittedly, its in the middle of a shag, when she is distracted, but still. Protocol demands that he stays, Philippe says tightly. What a total prick ). poison, death and departures Versailles episode 10, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), The finale. It is fascinating to compare Philippes two moments of deep anguish side by side: when the Chevalier was arrested, we saw his total and complete breakdown, the slow crumple of his expression from shock, to horror, to abject grief, then as he collapsed to his knees and rocked while he wept. hes a critic, but there is another who has been hidden before us. We see this SO MANY TIMES it becomes frustrating and sad. I love these seemingly random yet distinct choices made by directors and production designers. By this stage both Henriette and Marie Thrse of Spain now knew what it felt like to be jilted and cast aside in your loved ones affections by another attractive court lady. There is no change. Around 5pm on 29th June Henriette drank chicory water, then keeled over saying Ah! There could have been some anger involved without resorting to rape. But here, now? Something must be done! Louis demands and now NOW he is looking scared, helpless and not at all like the King. Then he says I pay you to spy on others, not on me. . She is powerless. Louis and her smile about it. Stars: George Blagden, Alexander Vlahos, Tygh Runyan Director(s . And Louis, who is being so totally duped, is convinced by Rohan to take his son, the Dauphin, out to ride, so he is far away from the cries of pain. P.S. UGH D: Hi Jules, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your reviews as much as I have enjoyed watching Versailles. She is simply besotted with Louis, so in love, that shed do anything he told her to. Marchal picks up the dropped knife and lunges and he and Montcourt trade a few blows, with Marchal blocking then delivering a punch. And she is the only one who knew who prepared Henriettes chicory water. You see it in Ep3 where he yells where is MY wife? You see it in Ep2 with his angry speech to Louis: do you tell yourself that when you are fucking MY WIFE? In so many subtle ways Philippe is being demeaned by Louis. She is a toy left to gather dust on the shelf and which Louis has taken from him just to prove that he can. Henriettes physicians diagnosed colic and assured her that she would soon recover, but it was clear that she was dying. Hi Jules, I must thank you for your detailed writeup of all ten episodes of Versailles. Point 10: The abnoxious snog in front of Henriette. Hi, Moreover, two years later, Louis invited Lorraine back to court and into the royal favour, which he would not have done had he believed Lorraine was the murderer. Thank you. UGH D:. Philippe was there in the woods and saved Louis from the wolves, but at the end of season one hes left Versailles. Duchess Henriette becomes suddenly ill when she returns from a visit to her brother in England. I am a friend. According to the Savoyard ambassador, the king vowed that, if Henriette had indeed been poisoned, those involved would be tortured to death, including the chevalier de Lorraine, Philippes favourite, if he were implicated. Henriette screams and they both surge to the door then suddenly stop. Is Philippe such a child and so lacking in self-restraint that he cant wait a few extra moments until they, too, were behind closed doors? He looks nervous and steps to Cassel, but Cassel rises and bows, along with everyone, as Louis enters. Your email address will not be published. After all, everything she did was unacceptable at that time for women and it was certainly acceptable to beat a woman, especially if she was a wife, sister or daughter. The steps, the swinging of the arms, the movement of the coat and their cravats. Henriette is Philippes wife, his property, his to do with as he wishes. The characters almost act as it never happened. Hi Jules and Aly, Philippe has been by her side throughout this. Rohan. Bontemps is still confused: you told us Montcourt was to blame. How can he be so sure? again, another shagging time between Henriette and Louis, when Louis friends have been murdered and she mentions the fact she was jealous of the dead woman. And the only reason she is such a powerful weapon against Philippe is because Philippe views her as nothing more than his property to do with as he wishes. He cares for her, but anytime he has to choose between Chevalier and her, he always choose the former. Which one? Louis asks. And the person either asserts himself or is subjugated to the will of others. plus its almost as if he has something to say, to hide. The best visual of the whole episode. I blame it all on Louis! Philippe of course blames Louis for Henriette's poisoning as he was the one who sent Henriette as an ambassador abroad even though everyone begged him not to. She could not affect change herself. I pity Henrietta. Louis summons the Dauphin to show him how to be a good king. Because no one knows that Cassel is one of the conspirators (and UGH I dont know WHY the Chevalier just didnt tell Marchal or Louis???) Apparently de Clermont gave Marchal the names of the conspirators against the king, and all the names of those who shared her allegiance. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. "Versailles" and I met by chance on Netflix. The camera hovers over the prone Henriette then pans up from the bed, like we are her soul being released from her body. I knew hed say that line! Vatel (with Uma Thurman and Gerard Depardieu). She coudnt have said no if shed wanted to. The camera hovers over the prone Henriette then pans up from the bed, like we are her soul being released from her body. Just because the thinking of the day viewed a woman as mere property and not a person in her own right does not mean she isnt a human being with the same feelings and needs as any other. We were young. Is he justified in his behaviour towards her? *insert sound of breaking heart here*. This is clearly frustrating for Bontemps, this is against all protocol, and Bontemps is nothing if a creature who takes comfort (and even enjoys) the routine of protocol. Philippe, despite their mutual loathing, was upset and distraught, so suspicion then fell to the absent Chevalier de Lorraine, who at the time was still in exile in Rome. In Versailles, Madame de Clermont is running round like a blue-arsed fly having discovered that her poison has gone missing. All I could find were negative. In the case of Versailles, So Louis sequesters the palace. Louis decides to go to Paris to bless the sick. And poor Philippe, who is distraught about his wife, its just another snub for him, isnt it? Only honestly acknowledging that Philippes glorious death in battlesomething that would not displease Philippe, himselfwouldnt necessarily break her heart. UHGGH. I do. She could have answered with an honest yes but she evades the question. Henriette answered Montagu with a shrug: she did not know. In the days when it was only you who /truly/ had my back. Although Lord Montagu accepted this, he had misgivings. Now we are with Marchal, who is interrogating Henriettes ladies, Sophie included. Henriette gasps, crying and in pain. Henriettes liver and intestines were found to be badly corrupted, while her duodenum, gall bladder and the lower portion of her abdomen were filled with evil-smelling bile.
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