We all are just trying to do our job well. When animals ingest plastic, it clogs up their digestive systems, which can easily choke or kill animals like birds or sea turtles. The first country to ban single-use plastic bags was Bangladesh in 2002 when plastic bag litter clogged drainage channels and contributed to destructive floods. Interestingly, these granules contain the seeds of their own destruction: enzymes that break the polymer down when it is needed for food. For most, straws are not a necessity, but a convenience. Communities with good awareness about negative impacts of plastic bags have been more successful at enforcing the ban [20]. There are many uses for plastic that are not only reasonable but important, such as surgical gloves, or straws for people with disabilities. These modern conveniences are so ubiquitousand so quickly thrown outthat they hardly register in our minds. There is only one requirement these plastic bags need to be dry and clean, otherwise they contaminate the entire batch and your effort will do more harm than good. Theyve even made their way up to the secluded Pyrenees mountain range and down to the bottom of the Mariana Trench. Plastic is not the largest contributor of pollution and the . As a result, they are thrown away and frequently wind up in the ocean, where they pollute the water and eventually kill marine birds, animals, and fish. Problematic degradation 4. It started with cardboard straws, but once plastic production in America increased, people realized it was quicker and cheaper to produce plastic straws. Disney is eliminating single-use plastic straws and stirrers at all its theme parks, resorts and properties. For example, a reusable jute bag should last at least 4 years, during which it can prevent the use of 600 single-use plastic bags. These are known to be hormone-disrupting chemicals. Do plastic straws really make a difference? - Stanford Earth Instead, you are actually reusing a product, and that means that you are utilizing earths resources smartly, while at the same time reducing waste. Large producers of single-use plastics can make a big environmental impact. Instead of investing in quality goods that will last, we often prioritize convenience over durability and consideration of long-term impacts. We should just stick to plastic. Theyre in about a quarter of the seafood in our markets, and even in table salt. High costs for cleanup 8. However, one thing we know, is that by introducing a pollutant that may never break down in the environment can have implications that will far exceed any of our predictions. At the beginning of July 2018, Seattle became the largest U.S. city to ban plastic straws. In fact, plastic bags are considered by many recycling facilities the number one contaminant and their removal from the recycling stream costs municipalities close to $1 million a year [18]. Straws made of paper are neither recyclable nor capable of decomposition. One recent survey found plastics in 94 percent of tap water samples in the U.S. and in nearly every brand of bottled water. You are free to have your own personal opinion on whether or not we should ban plastic straws. Many of the chemicals in plastics are known endocrine disruptors,and research has suggested that human exposure could cause health impacts including hormonal imbalances, reproductive problems like infertility, and even cancer. They are also not biodegradable and cannot be broken down naturally by bacteria and other decomposers into non-toxic materials. We shouldnt ban plastic straws if it creates an accessibility issue. On other issues, from overfishing to deforestation, we have seen that consumer-facing companies like McDonalds, Unilever and Walmart can be exquisitely sensitive to the concerns of their customers. 4. Banning plastic straws is also increasingly popular. But the sheer amount of plastic waste inundates communities until they are drowning under thousands of tons of plastic trash. 2. PDF Skip the Straw - Florida Department of Environmental Protection A calf had to be put down because of indigestion caused by 8 plastic bags in its stomach. Driven by public pressure, governments and corporations are considering eliminating or phasing out single-use plastics such as straws. Thats bad news for our carbon reduction goals: if plastic production continues unabated, its greenhouse gas emissions could reach 1.34 gigatons per year by 2030equal to adding nearly 300 new coal-fired power plantseven as the need to curb global climate change becomes more urgent. Lizzie Carr is shining a light on what is floating through the worlds waterways, and breaking athletic records along the way. The second, more fundamental imperative is to get plastics out of our waste stream. Quick Navigation for Reasons Why Plastic Shopping Bags Should Be Banned, [1] https://wedocs.unep.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.11822/25496/singleUsePlastic_sustainability.pdf, [2] https://www.eco-business.com/opinion/getting-rid-of-plastic-bags-a-windfall-for-supermarkets-but-it-wont-do-much-for-the-environment/, [3] https://www.thethirdpole.net/en/2018/04/09/plastic-chokes-dhakas-drainage/, [4] https://1bagatatime.com/learn/plastic-bags-petroleum/, [5] https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=2935417&page=1, [6] https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2018/06/plastic-planet-waste-pollution-trash-crisis/, [7] https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/10/12/124006/pdf, [8] https://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/animals/blogs/rare-sea-turtles-eating-plastic-at-record-rate, [9] https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/cobi.12126, [10] http://www.prijatelji-zivotinja.hr/index.en.php?id=934, [11] http://advocacy.britannica.com/blog/advocacy/2008/12/plastic-bags-and-animals-making-the-wild-safe-for-wildlife/, [12] http://science.sciencemag.org/content/359/6374/460, [13] https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/oct/22/microplastics-found-in-human-stools-for-the-first-time, [14] https://1bagatatime.com/learn/plastic-bag-clean-costs/, [15] http://www.bagmonster.com/2010/04/the-true-cost-of-single-use-bags.html, [16] http://www.cep.unep.org/cep-documents/unep-press-release-on-the-effects-of-plastic-waste-on-marine-ecosystems.pdf, [17] https://greentumble.com/can-plastic-bags-be-recycled/, [18] https://1bagatatime.com/learn/plastic-bag-clean-costs/, [19] https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/how-many-countries-are-in-the-world.html, [20] https://wedocs.unep.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.11822/25496/singleUsePlastic_sustainability.pdf. Even if you can't go zero waste entirely, it's high time we all ended our reliance on single use plastics. Plastic pollution is one of the biggest problems facing our world today. New and sustainable business models are needed to address the current plastic deluge and also to enable a new generation of sustainable materials and technologies. The Pasig River in the Philippines is another scary example of the negative effects of plastic bags on the environment. The crisis is so serious that many people are saying that plastic straws should be outlawed. NRDCs Eric Goldstein gives the scoop on the latest environmental villain and explains why plastic straws really are a big menace to our oceans. Well, before putting it into the laundry basket, take a look at it closely. What about you? The production of these bags is very energy intensive. Leape has long been a leader in ocean conservation efforts. Even human footprints left in the sand represent mountain-like obstacles in their path and waves washing up on the beach are another challenge, as they thrust them back on the dry land to try once again before finally being picked up by a return current and start swimming for their life. Participate in beach or river cleanups. You could either discuss with a store manager a possibility of bringing your own containers for these products. By 2030, CEO James Quincey has pledged to use 50 percent recycled material in its bottles and cans and recycle one bottle or can. InCalifornia, a bill to ban straws unless requested at dine-in restaurants is awaiting a signature from the governor. Banning straws may confer 'moral license' allowing companies and their customers to feel they have done their part. All rights reserved. Overall, the goal of a plastic straw ban should be to increase public awareness for single-use plastics and their nasty effects on the environment. This means that the average consumption of plastic bags per person dropped from 328 bags per year to just 21 [20]. Plastic straws only account for roughly one percent of the total amount of waste plastic found in the ocean. 2. For those governments that are opposed to full bans on plastic bags, another option is to institute a plastic bag tax, where consumers or retailers would pay a small fee for each plastic bag. Plastic straws are everywhere we look. (Source: Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment), Stanford scientists are among a growing number of researchers harnessing artificial intelligence techniques to bring more realistic representations of ubiquitous atmospheric ripples into global climate models. 10 reasons why plastic straws should be banned This is the case particularly in Southeast Asia, which has begun to import much of the plastic that used to go to China for recycling. In fact, plastic straws only make up around 0.03 percent of total plastic waste by mass. America Needs a Plastics Intervention. Beached whales have been found with stomachs full of plastic trash. Plastic is putting a strain on waste management systems, our oceans, and vulnerable communities the world over. Why Plastic Straws Are Being Banned - Square According to the United States National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration, microplastics are so small that they move straight through water filtration, Read More What Are Microplastics and Why Are They a Concern? The answer isnt as simple as you may think: While its true that paper straws arent as harmful as plastic straws, this doesnt mean that, Read More Paper vs. China doesnt want our plastic waste anymore. New York State and Hawaii just passed theirs, set to go into effect in 2020, and Californias bag ban, which was passed in 2014, has been shown to have reduced plastic bag usage by 85 percent (with some customers opting to pay a 10 cent fee for thicker plastic bags) and has reduced coastal pollution. Each day, the United States of America uses 500 million drinking straws. We should do likewise. Ill also go over whether or not plastic straw bans will actually help the environment, and explain everything else youll need to know. Reasons Why Plastic Straws Should Be Banned? To align with global efforts, India banned single-use plastic items from July 1, 2022. Shuddering and unable to breathe, he vomited up five plastic bags. 12 Compelling Reasons For Banning Plastic Bags [2023 Update] - MindsetEco While an extra two cents may not seem like a lot, it could make a difference for some businesses that depend on plastic straws. Summary: Reduce your use of single-use plastics. But, are paper straws really better for the environment? Forty years after the launch of the first universal recycling symbol, only 14 percent of plastic packaging is recycled. All you need to do is paste your ZIP code and then see the list of stores with bag drop-off in your nearest location. They discovered that Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, and Nestl products were found most often. BY Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, As Colorado River wanes, water supplies and ecosystems hang in the balance, Riverfront forest restoration can deliver outsized benefits, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, An AI solution to climate models gravity wave problem, Beavers will become a bigger boon to river water quality as U.S. West warms. 2015-2023 Greentumble. Plastic bags and plastic products overall contain substances that are harmful to our health. Plastic bag litter has even caused great problems in some areas. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. As part of the Break Free From Plastic movement, Greenpeace volunteers conducted an audit of plastic pollution along coastlines, sifting through tens of thousands of individual pieces across 42 countries to identify the pollutions sources. You as an individual have the power to make a gradual change in your community. As for reusable straws, they arent flexible as plastic ones and can be easily forgotten at home. Marine animals bear the burden of this influx of garbage into their habitats. Your email address will not be published. For example, millions of discarded plastic bags clog water drainage channels and sewers in urban areas of Bangladesh. . . Starbucks plans to phase out plastic straws by 2020. Here's a quick list of the ways plastic straws may be harming your health: 1. Criddle and Leape are also senior fellows at theStanford Woods Institute for the Environment. Our waterway plastic pollution is particularly concentrated: Just ten rivers carry 93 percent of the worlds total amount of plastic that enters the oceans via rivers each year. The small pilot whale, found in a Thai canal this past June, is another symptom of a crisis in the worlds oceans. This strategy has been adopted by some countries and municipalities so far and has proven to greatly reduce plastic bag usage by consumers. These examples could go on for a long time. A Ban Could Harm Local Businesses If Additionally, someone has to pay the cost of dealing with plastic bags in the waste stream. 2. Plastic straws shouldn't be banned - The Rubicon Start from yourself and slowly expand to your family and friends. It also took 100% of those plastic grocery bags out of the recycling system, where they bound up machinery and increased costs. Affiliate Disclaimer: Some links on this site may be referral or affiliate links. This means that you are not consuming more resources every time you need to carry your groceries home. An Oregon community is making spectacular statues out of ocean plastic to raise awareness about a crisis at sea. Polypropylene is a form of plastic that is frequently used in the production of straws. Because they are so lightweight, plastic bags get easily picked up by wind and travel long distances by wind and water to pollute the nature. The Last Straw: 5 Reasons You Should Ditch Plastic Straws The Pasig River is the eight worst source of ocean plastic pollution in the world. Those global companies can be important levers in driving change and shifting to a regenerative, circular economy. They're not alone. Thus, plastic straws cant be recycled. Coca-Cola makes an estimated 110 billion plastic bottles a year. If youd like to learn more about how plastic straws negatively impact the environment, you can check out this article I wrote about the environmental impact of plastic straws. Stanford experts discuss the limitations of these bans and the potential for meaningful change. In this article, Ill go over both the pros and cons of a plastic straw ban. We can also decrease costs through improved bioprocessing methods, through metabolic engineering and by exploring and harnessing the incredible diversity of bioplastic-making systems that evolution has already created. Nearly 20 years ago, a dead pelican was found with its stomach filled with 17 plastic bags [10]. Most retailers will get your point, but it can also happen that they will not be willing to sell you some products without placing it in their plastic bags because of having to oblige with some hygiene and sanitary standards (for example when selling meat products). The phthalate DEHP, as just one example from dozens, is often added to plastic goods like shower curtains and garden hoses to make them more flexiblebut was also found to be a probable human carcinogen by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Prior the ban, 70 percent of livestock losses were attributed to plastic bag ingestion. Try reusable and compostable beeswax wrap for an easy and decorative option. It topped 60 million tons (54.4 million metric tons) in 2010 based on a September 2018 report titled "Plastic Pollution."But China announced it plans to outlaw the production and sale of . Activists Say Straws Should Be Banned Because They Are a 'Gateway Plastic' Advocates hope a straw ban will be the first step toward broader plastic prohibitions. After all, ask your grandparents, they will remember that during their time people were used to go shopping with their own bags or baskets. The crucial challenge is to ensure that these bans are just a first step, offering a natural place to start with low-hanging fruit so long as its part of a much more fundamental shift away from single-use plastics across the value chains of these companies and our economy. 13.07.2022 Harry Brown THE TOP 10 REASONS TO DO NOT USE THE STRAW O This requires the usage of 500 million straws Straws and other items made of plastic are harmful Every day in the United States. Please share this message with your friends so that together, we can tackle our global plastic problem. We all know what the debate is between plastic and paper straws but paper straws are horrible they will immediately break apart in your mouth and feel horrible. Car Modifications for Electric Vehicles: Whats Possible. In my opinion, plastic straws should not be banned outright, because many disabled people require plastic straws to drink. Many people with disabilities rely on flexible straws to drink safely and independently. What never leaves, Read More Sustainable Diving & Snorkeling: How to Prevent Damage to Marine EcosystemsContinue, Top 3 Ways Kids can Help the Earth! According to a 2017 study, more than half of non-fiber plastic, which excludes synthetic fabrics like polyester and nylon, comes from plastic packaging alone, much of which is for single-use items. Scientists have recorded some species of zooplankton eating tiny plastic particles. We add another 8 million tons each year thats about five grocery bags full of plastic waste on every foot of shoreline around the world, according to a recent study. Since the 1950s, 8.3 billion metric tons of plastics have been produced, and half of that in the past 15 years alone. The very best alternative is a reusable bag. However, if a plastic straw ban is properly implemented with education about single-use plastics, then the ban could encourage the public to reduce their usage of other single-use plastics as well. This NRDC.org story is available for online republication by news media outlets or nonprofits under these conditions: The writer(s) must be credited with a byline; you must note prominently that the story was originally published by NRDC.org and link to the original; the story cannot be edited (beyond simple things such as time and place elements, style, and grammar); you cant resell the story in any form or grant republishing rights to other outlets; you cant republish our material wholesale or automaticallyyou need to select stories individually; you can't republish the photos or graphics on our site without specific permission; you should drop us a note to let us know when youve used one of our stories. Our plastic addiction is having a devastating impact on our oceans, our wildlife, and our health. In New York, 23 billion plastic bags are used by residents each year. Speak out in support of local plastic bans, whether by calling your local government representative, submitting an op-ed to your citys newspaper, or simply starting conversations with neighbors. In this essay on should plastic be banned, it is very important to put forth the fact that there are many bodies of health and environmental governance around the world who argue that plastic ban can be problematic stating the following reasons-. Manufacturers began replacing traditionally paper or glass staples with lighter or more durable and affordable plastic alternatives; plastic jugs replaced milk jars, for instance. Natural Resources Defense Council 2023 Privacy Policy 1. plastic straws litter our environment Every day, about 3-6 billion plastic straws are produced. We will In many instances, it may seem too awkward for you to refuse the bag, so you accept it this one time, but you should know that it is fine to say no politely even at this stage if you dont want that bag. McDonalds swapped its plastic straws for paper at its United Kingdom and Ireland restaurants. They also arent accepted by recycling facilities because they can jam recycling machinery (due to their small size). Single-use plastics are most commonly used for packaging and serviceware, such as bottles, wrappers, straws, and bags. You can share this article on social media by using the share buttons below. Look around and you will notice that plastic bags are the most common litter. Litter can be the first stage in a waste stream that enters waterways as plastics tossed on the street are washed away by rain or travel via storm drains into rivers and streams. NDLA National Disability Leadership Alliance: Nothing About Us Without Us. Look for another place that does accept or use alternative packaging, such as small local stores that use paper wraps or compostable bags. And the recent fracking boom, resulting in a surplus of oil, is fueling a subsequent rise in cracker plants, too. PLASTIC STRAWS CANT BE BROKEN DOWN BY NATURE. Its also important to look at the bigger picture regarding plastic bans. Not only is plastic estimated to kill millions of marine animals and seabirds each year, but its also contaminating seafood that humans have relied on for millennia, particularly with microplastics in animals guts. The most common are inorganic dyes that are added to change the color of plastic bags. As a result, the actual recycling rate for plastic bags globally is between 5 to 15 percent, while in the United States it makes only 1 percent a year [17]. 10 Reasons Why Plastic Bags Should Be Banned | IUCN Water An outright ban on plastic straws would create an accessibility problem for disabled people while dining in public. And Starbucks, which uses an estimated one billion plastic straws per year, is phasing them out in favor of paper ones. These microscopic plastic fragments, no more than 5 millimeters long, are hard to detectand are just about everywhere. You probably already saw the video, but if you didnt, you can watch it below (WARNING: Graphic Content): Supporters of plastic straw bans claim that the ban will help reduce our use of single-use plastics. 'Banning plastic straws will not be enough': The fight to clean the oceans What Does the Plastic Bag Ban Mean for New Yorkers? Starbucks recently announced that it would phase out use of plastic straws by the year 2020. As communities act to ban single-use plastics and individual consumers raise concerns, bigger actors pay attention. Hi, Im Hugh, and my mission with Get Green Now is to raise awareness of environmental issues and teach people how to live sustainably. Similar fate has met dolphins, seals, cats, dogs, deer and many other animals which got severely cut on their bodies due to plastic bag entanglement. What does occur in most instances is that when out in the environment, the plastic breaks up into tiny microscopic pieces that get deposited in soils (where we grow food) or contaminate waterways. To make matters worse, if plastic straws get into the ocean, they can be mistaken for food by marine animals. Will others? The country instituted the ban in 2013 to minimize livestock deaths. An additional problem with plastic grocery bags recycling is their cleanliness. India, for example, generates 25,940 tons of plastic waste every day but collects only 60 percent of it. Sea turtles are not the only species suffering from plastic bag pollution of the environment. The ban also kept them from littering neighborhoods and the environment. Let us know if you liked this article. Microplastics are plastic debris that measures less than five millimetres, or 0.2 inches, in diameter. Actress Nina Nelson and other celebrities made a video claiming that plastic. Other states such as Hawaii, cities such as Seattle and New York, and corporations such as Amazon and Starbucks are also considering or have initiated plastic phase-out plans. A plastic straw ban would serve to reduce the number of plastic straws entering the ocean. If environmental zealots and sycophants get their way, you won't be allowed to sip it through a plastic straw. Plastic straws, being so lightweight and non-biodegradable, are readily carried into the water, where they eventually break down into smaller and smaller pieces of microplastic. We've all become too hooked on the availability and comfort of the stuff. CRAIG CRIDDLE: In addition to recycling more and reusing materials more, we need new materials that can do the same jobs as current plastics, but are biodegradable, nontoxic and do not concentrate in food chains. This includes grocery plastic bags, Ziplock-type bags, dry cleaning bags and bread bags. Nows the Time. As communities act to ban single-use plastics and individual consumers raise concerns, bigger actors pay attention. Skip the Straw - Florida Department of Environmental Protection They're bad for the environment, kill marine life and damage human health. What can I do for you? LEAPE:There are two clear imperatives. Plastic waste, mostly broken down into tiny particles, floats in huge blobs amid ocean current patterns called gyres that together cover as much as 40 percent of Earths ocean surface. We do not know the full impact of microplastics exceeding the mass of plankton in the ocean. A wave of single-use plastic bans is sweeping the country and the globemost often on plastic bags, straws, stirrers, and takeout clamshells. A complete ban on plastic straws would harm disabled people, which definitely isnt the goal of such a ban. Well, lets have a look at the most important reasons why single-use plastic bags should be banned right now. Though plastica chain of synthetic polymers, essentiallywas invented in. Some companies are taking initiative on their own. Buy in bulk. Instead it ends up in landfills or in the environment. Globally, 8 to 10 percent of our current oil supply goes to a plastic bag manufacture [4]. There are some great initiatives that strive to provide jobs for women in rural communities with limited possibilities of securing monthly income. Better alternatives are available 10. Cook more often, to reduce your use of plastic-heavy takeout containers. Microplastics were found in soft drinks like Coca Cola, in tap water, in seafood It has contaminated our food chain, so it should not surprise us that it can be tracked in our body. You should examine what alternatives are available and whether local retailers, who often operate with a limited monthly budget, have the ability to make the switch. Stanford Reportspoke withJim Leape, co-director of theStanford Center for Ocean Solutions, andCraig Criddle, a professor of civil and environmental engineering, about the path to reducing ocean plastic pollution. But should plastic straws really be banned? Plastic bags are a convenient way to carry our purchased goods when we go shopping. Single-Use Plastics 101 | NRDC So, plastic bag recycling facilities are few and far between and transportation to one could be expensive. A recent report showed that plastic production contributes to planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions at every point in its life cycle. The most heartbreaking part of this is that the affected animals are not aware they eat something that will make them feel miserable and will slowly kill them. Not easy to recycle 7. Straws make up roughly 4 percent of the plastic waste in terms of the number of pieces, but a far smaller percentage in terms of the weight.Due to the fact that the typical weight of a straw is just around one sixty-seventh of an ounce, or 42 grams, the total weight of all those billions of straws combined only accounts for roughly 2,000 tons of the almost 9 million tons of plastic debris that enters the sea each year.