Whats his motivation for spreading misinformation (Answer: Chris is one of the rare scientists who takes a critical look at the data and is guided by the data and not what people say about the data.). Dr. Pierre Kory: COVID-19 Is Highly Treatable? - OneDayMD This is a dramatic increase. He's a buy gold, expect the big crash, prepper type. Whats their motivation for all the fraud and deception? https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/meetings/downloads/slides-2021-07/03-COVID-Klein-508.pdf, slide 12; they say there is no signal because they use a time window based on days 1-21 (with implicit control defined as 22-42 ? An interview with Chris's daughter, Erica Martenson. Whoever wrote this fact check clearly spent a lot of time putting together his case. Lets find the truth. Despite the gaming of the AE reports, arent you alarmed at the statistically significant large increase in overall morbidity in all of the COVID vaccine trials (the paper US COVID-19 Vaccines Proven to Cause More Harm than Good by J. Bart Classen, MD). [1], Martenson holds a PhD degree in pathology from Duke University in 1994 and an MBA degree from Cornell University in 1998. I gather data, I develop hypotheses, and I continually seek to accept or reject my hypotheses based on the evidence at hand. If this isnt right, then tell us what is the amount of troponin elevation and for how long? [2][3], In his writings and in interviews with various media outlets, Martenson regularly warns his audience of economic crises. And even if the URF is 1 (which would be highly unlikely), the sheer number of deaths is still huge and the trial should be halted per Paul Offits remarks on 60 Minutes about the smallpox vaccine. FULL Uncensored Discussion With Dr Chris Martenson! - Patreon , which we finally convinced the NEJM that they were wrong (it took months). rootusrootus on April 15, 2020 ), Bret Weinstein knew he risked being de-platformed from YouTube (his top income source at the time) if he brought Kirsch and Malone on his show. Using arguments of where did they hide the bodies just shows you are incapable of finding the bodies; it doesnt prove Kirsch got it wrong. This is really hard for many people to believe and accept. Why are there more adverse event reports this year than for every vaccine in the last 30 years combined? He and his wife spent their time in Australia learning permaculture and, upon moving back to the United States, left Corporate America to build a homestead in New Hampshire. Why did all of these people suddenly become conspiracy theorists? Or are you just trying to discredit me? Bad luck? Praise for James Wesley, Rawles: "Rawles is an amazingly gifted author who has singlehandedly reignited the postapocalyptic thriller. Do you even know me or have we ever met? Why not spend your valuable time focusing on that? An effective resum of the modus-operandi of Anglo-US-NATO in its drive towards de-facto global dominance using the 2011 Libyan and subsequent Syrian interventions as telling examples. He talks with your host, Dennis Tubbergen, about the three E's; Economy, Energy, and Environment, and his forecast for the future in these key areas. Dr. Chris Martenson - Economic researcher and futurist Since mid-July 2020, the Corona Committee has been conducting live, multi-hour sessions to investigate why federal and state governments imposed. If we got it wrong, then tell us: How many people do you estimate have been killed by the COVID vaccines and how do you know? Arent you concerned that the trials going forward are too underpowered to resolve any of these questions? Where is the PROOF that the vaccines are saving lives? But if you owned your own prime time news organization - maybe we could get through to enough people to mobilize a revolution. I'd say my trust in him has risen because of this. The author says my motivation is ego and fame. many with huge elevations compared to baseline (previous vaccines). And do you think it was right for GoFundMe to seize the funds he raised? That said, again IMO, he was waaaaay out in front of this Corona Virus epidemic and pretty much correct about everything weeks before it popped up on Reddit, the news or in conversations with friends (he's the reason I was already stocked up on stuff three weeks ago, tbh). He followed a post-doctoral program at Duke University, where he specialized in neurotoxicology. How come there were so few all-cause deaths in the Pfizer study? No coverage. You are brilliant. I let the data tell me the story. He is the founder and editor of the website Peak Prosperity. from the experts at healthfeedback.org that fact checked two statements that they claim that I made: Its not just me that says that. In his corporate role, he was responsible for managing the movements of hundreds of employees and their families as well as millions in parts and equipment across various projects and site locations, including Germany, Italy, UK, UAE, Jordan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Qatar, Kuwait, Djibouti, and others. Even at a URF of 1, these vaccines are still 40X more dangerous than smallpax (8500/220). In 2008 he released YouTube videos he called The Crash Course divided into 19 short video chapters of problems in the non-sustainability of our economy, energy and environment. Prior roles spanned IT, sales, marketing, and operations, giving him a rich understanding of all major areas of the business. How do you explain that? Did you look at the autopsy report like our team member Peter McCullough did. Giu 11, 2022 | how to calculate calories per serving in a recipe. Basically, this nameless, faceless person claims that Crawford cherry picked data and that the excess death data doesnt line up with a deadly vaccine. Im not the bad guy here. We are not afraid of a challenge. According to the fact checkers, it should have gone down since vaccines are supposed to save lives. Are you going to tell us who funded you to do the hit piece? They relied on the NEJM paper, which we finally convinced the NEJM that they were wrong (it took months). Survivors is an instant classic." - Brad Thor, #1 New York Times bestselling author "Rawles' Survivors is well worth reading. Do we get any credit in your mind when they finally recanted? Fact checking the fact checkers - Steve Kirsch's newsletter - Substack Peak Prosperity - Google Podcasts A bit hard to explain, dont you think? Lets do this as a Before and After. Can you buy one of the mainstream media outlets and put some real news on prime time? Dr. Chris Martenson is an economic researcher & futurist specializing in energy and resource depletion. Wow. The Walach and Kostoff papers, published in peer reviewed medical journals, say the same thing. If you havent written about mask mandates yet and gone after them as ludicrous, then you arent much of a fact checker, are you? Ivermectin received a Nobel prize for drugs in 2015. Dr. Chris Martenson has a PhD in Pathology from Duke University and is one of the founders of Peak Prosperity along with Adam Taggart. Everyone who knows me and works with me will tell you the answer: Mr. Admittedly, it's less about my faith in him and more about a sort of weariness when it comes to apocalyptic warnings; like, how much gold should I have? I mean just a little bit troubling??? If the vaccines are so safe, then why did CDC insiders tip off a friend of mine in January not to get the vaccines? How come nobody has taken Kirsch up on his $1M offer to disprove Crawfords analysis? Will you debate us in a recorded zoom call where you can answer all our questions? That's why we are here. Investing in Our Future. Chris Martenson | Sebastopol CA - Facebook It was a clear case of vaccine caused death. Gavin could have doubled his net worth instantly by giving Kirsch a blank piece of paper. [7] According to Martenson, large changes related to economic, energy, and environmental factors will occur in the near future (2015-2020).Martenson has been predicting a stock market collapse each year since 2010 even though the market has soared higher. In fact, Bigtrees attorney calculated a VAERS URF of 50 well before Kirsch did. If not, why wont anyone talk about this? 4 AUG 2022 "Fighting for Farmers: Michael Yon and Pepijn Van Houwelingen" . Martenson is not focused on survival gear, firearms and food storage. The second was a quote from The Expose that I never claimed. If the vaccines are safe, how come Alex Berenson also thinks the vaccines are unsafe? Berenson and Kirsch hardly ever talk, yet came to the same conclusions about vaccines, that the NIH ignored early treatment, the lack of any science behind masking, the irresponsibility of mandates, etc. Wasnt it only supposed to affect teenage boys? What is causing this? Reality check here. At least some of them try. If Kirsch is wrong on his analysis, how come you cant point out where in his analysis he got it wrong? [6] He has recommended that consumers take steps to prepare themselves for "peak oil", after which he asserts that recovery of petroleum resources will decline. and argue that all the deaths were normal, thats simply not what the study said. The paper said Despite this, there were only 14% of the cases for which a vaccine reaction could be ruled out as a contributing factor in their death. So it is interesting that some people can definitively state that the vaccine didnt cause their death. When you find a fact check that addresses those 51 questions, that would be great because. Chris earned a PhD in neurotoxicology from Duke University, and an MBA from Cornell University. Once the vaccines rolled out, docs were seeing more cases of myocarditis, not fewer case. If the URF isn't 41, what is the true URF and did you calculate it using the CDC-approved methodology like we did? UCSF Professor Aditi Bhargava spoke as well and was censored. FULL Uncensored Discussion With Dr Chris Martenson! I thought its a safe vaccine?!? We are eager to find out how we were fooled by all this data. I dont mean growth is required as if its written in a legal document somewhere, but is required in the sense that our economy only functions well when its growing. the paper he used IS DEBUNKED his methods are very unethical and, i need to stress this, chinas numbers turned out to match the rest of the world. What about the 5X exclusions (vs placebo group) in the Pfizer trial? the r0 or transmission rate of the virus is about 2.5 not 4.3 or whatever he claims. Markets Contributors Feb 8 . I've been lightly but steadily following Chris Martenson for about the last 10 years. Peter McCullough? Interesting! Information you can't afford to live without! I just learned about this on Dec 1 at 11pm. The Crash Course is a popular and extremely well-regarded distillation of the interconnected forces in the Economy, Energy and the Environment (the Three Es as Chris calls them) that are shaping the future one that will be defined by increasing challenges to growth as we have known it. That can't be by chance can it? This was in plain sight of the public (Pfizer slide with the Optum data (see my article about this). The list of its authors can be seen in its historicaland/or the page Edithistory:Christopher Martenson. Dr. Chris Martenson- Deaths In New Zealand And Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche If we are wrong about this, how did Ron figure it out on his own that the vaccines were nonsensical for every age group and get his paper published in a peer-reviewed medical journal? COVID Vaccines for Children. Dr. Chris Martenson | Ivermectin incredibly safe Adverse effects are extremely rare, even when doses are not correct. And do you think it was right for. How did Ernest Ramirez's 16 year old son die? Aaron McKeon, member of the Peak Prosperity Tribe since 2014 and former corporate renaissance man turned country homesteader, joins the Peak Prosperity team as Business Manager and Head of Technology. . Hes not getting paid by anyone to do this. Heres my fact check of the fact checkers as a repurposed graphic: First, I try to reach out to the experts who are quoted in the fact checks to challenge me in a recorded debate. Ive carefully examined each support system (food, energy, security, etc), and for each of them Ive figured out either a means of being more self-sufficient or a way to do without. [1], Martenson holds a PhD degree in pathology from Duke University in 1994 and an MBA degree from Cornell University in 1998. Reality check here. Up until then Ryan was working in Los Angeles, CAthe place where he was born and raisedin the film industry and in the process of forming his early career. How do you explain the causes of death of the 14 cases the CDC examined?