They land in New York only devastation hits again they have to deal with their new life. The fluffiness is in the feeling and at the very, very end of this piece. Author: Sestra_Prior Warnings: implied Snarry Author: aisling Hope Gone* Rating: R Harry and the Highwayman Rating: NC-17 But some unexpected news will make his world come crashing down. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape, Harry/Voldemort, Harry/Lucius/Snape Author: Firesword Summary: Hed been missing for two years, turned up in a bloody heap outside the hospital, and apparently slept for two days straight.. Pairings: Lucius/Harry/Severus Loves Desperate Adventure And a handy, dandy, expensive heirloom. Pairings: past Harry/T. Author: keikokin Authors Comment: The most compelling story idea Ive ever had conceived it and wrote it in two hours of giggling frenzy. Warnings: infidelity, Dom/sub undertones Warnings: non con, torture, BDSM, het, bestiality Warnings: BDSM Author: akuma_river Summary: Harry goes back to school after OotP with a list of Things He Must Do Something About, including keeping Draco from the Dark. Warnings: BDSM, daddy kink, double penetration, established relationship Warnings: creature!fic The Tattoo* What happens when both are drugged and embedded in a devious plot? Post Hogwarts/War. Author: Pukefaceblacklol Weeks, Months Just a Little Game Author: Firepheonix92 Warnings: multiple partners, underage, violence, BDSM, creatures Warnings: dub con Everyone he thought of asking would have a problem with it, why did everyone have to have such a high opinion of him. Rating: NC-17 Author: Alliekatgal Author: Lomonaaeren Author: luciusmistress A Civil Union Summary: On the 10th day of Christmas, I give you . Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry discovers a sudden pressing need for some new robes. Lucius Malfoy after visiting his son, he decides to stay behind and attend a Slytherin Night. The Kings Bride, part 2 of Lucius/Harry Stories Author: aisling How will he react? An odd interlude set roughly in Aunties LIVIN LA VEELA LOCA universe. And Of Course He Was Cleared Summary: Harry catches a nasty virus and it changes his whole life. Author: beren Rating: PG Summary: Harry is determined to exorcise his demons. Summary:Harry is abducted from Privet drive by a presumed dead Remus. Is it revenge or something else? Warnings: dark!fic Warnings: mpreg Vicious Circles Rating: NC-17 Warnings: mpreg, violence, creature!fic, character bashing, mentions of non con, D/s, veela!fic Slaveboy!Harry ponders his fate. Summary: A fast moving parody of the movie Liar, Liar. Author: keikokin Warnings: incest, dub con, werewolves, forced bonding, voyeurism Summary: Lucius has to explain himself to the boss. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry, Lucius and chocolate saucewhat more does anyone need? Battlefield, part 1 of The Battle of Life series Rating: PG While keeping Snape busy, he sends Lucius to Hogwarts as Snape using polyjuice. Author: thorinsmistress Blind Beauty* Rating: PG Summary: Short snippets from Lucius and Harrys lives. Author: Koibito247 Summary: Some idiot invented a potion after the war that gives whoever consumes it the characteristics of a Veelaand people keep taking it to find their mates or impress their lovers. Rating: NC-17 Summary:Harry is in a very loving relationship with Remus and get a very big surprise when Lucius Malfoy shows up to his door with two kids in tow. That Was Then. Summary: Even a brief stay in Azkaban for Harry will be disastrous. Author: Cluegirl Warnings: underage, PWP Author: Sestra_Prior Rating: NC-17 Author: Nymphadora/JsPrincess Summary:A massage allows two enemies what they need to relax. Taming A Lion* Its just Harrys luck that he is partnered with Lucius Malfoy. Summary: The experiences of a prisoner of war. Author: Titti Author: Twisted Mind Author: Mello_McQueen Taste Of Innocence Author: Slinky-and-the-BloodyWands He picks Lucius Malfoy as the obvious worst choice. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Stockholm Syndrome Author: keikokin Summary: Hermione survived her fifth year at Hogwarts, and the torture that Umbridge unleashed on her. Summary:How does Lucius react when the grounds are being over run by golf balls? Kingdom of Sweets* Author: keikokin Warnings: character death Rating: NC-17 Warnings: violence, mpreg Paradise, sequel to That Fateful Summer Author: Hijja Author: NinaMaya Sequel to Magnanimity. Disobedience Rating: NC-17 A Stroke of Lust Rating: R Harry and Lucius do the wild thing. Ashes to Ashes* Summary: Harry goes for a late night snack and is tempted by forbidden fruit. Harry Potter and the Detour To Heaven Author: Hijja Author: elfflame Rating: R AO3 | DW | FFN A Costume Drama Summary:Two years after the war a man reminices on what happened to change everything. Summary: Harry and Ron are trapped. Author: BittersweetAlias / RestartingInsanity Pairings: Harry/Draco, Harry/Lucius Author: SlytherinHawkins105 Summary: In his universe, Harry Potter faces Voldemort on May 2, 1998 at the age of 17. Portkeyed Pleasures Rating: NC-17 Author: melusinahp Author: eowyns_elixure Speechless* Author: keikokin Summary:After careful plotting and manipulations, Harry finally got what he wanted. Summary: Walls, wards, and restraining orders, are not enough to keep Lucius from seeing the daughter Harry bore against his will. A Mimosa Holiday Author: keikokin Rating: NC-17 Rating: R The past and a warning from Narcissa lead them to their club where they remeet an intriguing wizard who may be exactly what they need. Author: Minxie Warnings: mpreg, kink Summary: A physical and mental bond between Harry and Snape should have been the perfect plan to destroy Voldemort once and for all. Summary: In battle, lines blur. Author: Hainuwele Sedated and Compliant Survivors Guilt Summary: Remember Harrys List? Lucius does, and adds a few places of his own. Author: Gravitys_Child He really should thank Harry Potter. Summary: Draco was used to coming home from school to see a new servant. Rating: NC-17 He explains. Rating: NC-17 Catching Up* A Dangerous Gambit Warnings: non con, underage, torture, BDSM, self-mutilation, bloodplay, suicidal thoughts Summary: At the end of CoS Dobby isnt there to protect Harry from Lucius wrath, and the stubborn defiance of the boy is something Lucius finds quite rousing. Absolute Submissive Summary:A letter home from their oldest son. Rating: NC-17 Rating: PG-13 Rating: R Warnings: character death, suicide Rating: NC-17 Summary: There are many ways of exorcising your demons some painful, some no. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape (Ron/Snape, Draco/Hermione) Summary: Harry and Lucius continue their discreet relationship, until Narcissa gets wind of it. Rating: R Summary: Conversational snippets, revolving around Harry, Lucius, Severus and Dracoover the course of several months. Warnings: AU implied LMHP and DMHP. Author: LayDCardinal Rating: PG Rating: NC-17 Summary:A little, kinda fluffy, story I thought up of a love between Lucius Malfoy and Harry Potter. Warnings: creature!fic Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape One that is also very close to Lucius as well. Warnings: D/s And Lucius must deal with Lord Voldemort and his ire while his own life heads towards very shaky ground. The remaining members of the proud Malfoy family had degenerated into a couple of stalkers. Summary: The new Dark Lord has found a way to control his darkness. Cost of Guilt* Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Draco/Pansy Lucius, restored to his rightful place at the Dark Lords side, has seen greater challenges than this before. Am I Beautiful Acceptance The Cowardly Lion Immortal* Plot bunny from Allexandrya. The Running Man Author: Rachel Summary: The residents of Godrics Hollow know to keep their distance from the Dark Forest; the woods are deep and treacherous, teeming with monstrous beasts and shadows. Rating: NC-17 Author: Sapphire_Saxe_Cobalt Rating: R Unforgotten Warnings: character deaths, darkfic Peace Will Come, sequel to Aftermath Warnings: Harry/Draco centric, non con, threesome, bloodplay, D/s, bondage, character deaths, exhibitionism, humiliation, torture, multiple partners Rating: NC-17 There Are Too Many Doors Sequel: And Another Life Begins* Their Lucky Day Rating: NC-17 Rating: R One Night Stand? Summary: Draco reminisces about a horrible encounter the teens had during their second year. How Our Choices Define Us Summary:After the battle, Lucius Malfoy visits Harry to talk to him. Potter has to go to a magic Sex-shop and buy something extreme. You will not even think my name. Author: FairyNiamh Little Bundle of Joy Usually, a busty older woman but when Draco came home today, he saw a petite boy with crazy hair and empty eyes. Summary: Extended epilogue of Watch the Tide Turn, answering the much-asked question, What happens to Harry in the end?. Warnings: mpreg Author: FrankieSpitfire Author: amanuensis& srichard Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Voldemort Summary:Lucius finally catches Harry and some interesting thoughts surface. Summary: In the final battle Harry loses his lover, Lucius and is torn. Author: griffonsperch An Even Trade Rating: M Author: Kiddiluna Golfing Green Warnings: OOC, underage, incest Warnings: BDSM, torture Warnings: non con, double penetration Author: Pure-Weirdness Harry, Mr. Weasley and Mad Eye Moody had just been caught on the Malfoy grounds in an attempt to sneak into the Manor and rescue Ron, who had been abducted in a raid on the Burrow two weeks before. Author: Abaddon Rating: R Warnings: underage Author: annescriblerian All Wrongs Done * He intends to get his pound of flesh in a different way. Shop Full Width; Shop With Sidebar; . Summary: Having defeated Voldemort, Harry is desperate to strike out on his own. Warnings: fem!Harry, het Just a Shag (alt: A Quick Shag) Warnings: character death, OOC Author: keikokin Rating: NC-17 Deadly Temptations Author: batsutousai Warnings: character death, suicide He wants and conquers without asking; he is the sort of man that lets everything stream through him and he feels profoundly, feverishly even. Summary: When Lucius becomes a divorced man, him and Draco need a new home built. Will Lucius help him, or will Lucius to help Harry in another way.. My Lord, Master, and Lover* Summary:Harry is rescued from Privet Drive and is sent to live at Malfoy Manor. Warnings: crack!fic, OOC Rating: R Author: NeonDomino Rating: PG Summary:Too long to be a drabble, just a brief story of what if. Lucky for him, Hermione came to his rescue. Curl Up At My Side Author: SnapeRulesMaraudersDrool Warnings: love triangle Author: keikokin Author: IBegToDreamAndDiffer Too bad it wasnt worth shit. Author: alafaye Author: DarkDianora Two Accidents Are Better Than One Rating: R Warnings: infidelity, violence Sequel: Of Purebloods and Wings Starting Over Warnings: AU Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Summary: A few years after the war Harry finds himself in a muggle bar when the last person he expects to see walks in. Summary: Lucius is far too attracted to his sons friend. Wrapped Up In You Rating: NC-17 Summary: In which Harry Potter goes to live with the Malfoys while his home is under renovation. Summary: Post-war, Harry feels misplaced and sick of the role he plays. Summary: Lucius and Harry have a first date and give into the forces of nature. Author: zaleone Warnings: underage, dun con, minor character death, violence, forced marriage, multiple partners, het Author: Sapphira_Ruby Unexpected Things A Is for Absinthe I tell him. Summary: No summary provided. Captive Author: Minxie Rating: PG-13 Rating: NC-17 Ron. Happy Victory Day Rating: PG Yours Just Dance Falling Apart* Summary: Going to Malfoy Manor, Harry fully expected to have his brains fucked out by Draco. Rating: T Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Author: Vox Furiae Pairings: Harry/Lucius Warnings: non con, violence, character death Going Down Shadows On Snow Feathers Weight Warnings: unknown state of consent, Apollos Lovers Warnings: AU, creature!Harry Every Flavour Beans* Rating: Not provided Author: Aeowen Author: shamelessnameless Raindrops Summary: The Wizarding World is under threat again. (Maeglin Yedi), Two Evils* Warnings: fem!Harry, gender change Watch the Tide Turn And now, Walden Macnair carried his killer out of the ruins of the Riddle House (An alternative final battle against Voldemort and its aftermath). Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Voldemort Author: Hijja Author: keikokin Summary: This is the second part to Taking Turns although it was initially written as a stand alone piece. Author:dudugodudugo Summary:In which the reader is not sure if the elephant in the room is a friend or foe. Summary: A room with one purpose can drive the best of men to madness. Warnings: drabble Author: keikokin Summary: No summary provided. Rating: R The Return Defeating Luciuss self-doubts, which for some reason hes chosen to confess to Harry, is the far greater battle. Warnings: underage, crossdressing, fetishism Sequel:Devoted* Rating: NC-17 No Way* All that was left was to follow the plan that Dumbledore had painstakingly crafted for this moment. Rating: NC-17 Certain Half-Deserted Rooms The profiler idea comes from Nefernat. Summary: Lucius has a gallery. Rating: NC-17 Will there ever be anything more between them? Harry Potter and San Simeon Author: Sapphire_Saxe_Cobalt Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Stockholm Syndrome By any means necessary. Summary: The furniture attacks! Warnings: infidelity A Gift of Royal Quality* Author:Horrornatrix Warnings: OOC Warnings: underage, major character death, A/B/O, dub con Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Draco/Severus We Two Alone* Lucius unwittingly creates a new tradition in the Malfoy household at Christmas. The Waiting Game The Dursleys capitalise on the situation. Library. Reliquary Author: Hijja Warnings: PWP Rating: NC-17 Author: Irana The more time Lucius spends around Potter, the more he falls for the boy. Warnings: AU Author: amanuensis That he never met Them and that he never knew Him. Ingnue Author: Mello McQueen Author: dinahtoushi Dirty Little Secret Written for The Silver Snitchs 2500 word Snitch-A-Thon. Both artwork and fan fiction works posted or linked on this blog belong to the original authors and artists. He Defines Me* Warnings: AU, implied non con, dubcon, violence Harry is desperate to escape the clinging attentions of his friends and branch out on his own. Author: alafaye A seven-year-old Harry makes a wish. A sort of sequel to Needs Must but can be read as a stand-alone. Summary: Harry becomes an unwilling landlord. Summary: The great sorcerer Lucius Malfoy leaves his hapless, but very charming, apprentice to his own devices, for just a little while. Rating: PG Summary: After the war, Lucius spent a great deal of time trying not to think about Harry Potter. Author: scyllablue * Author: Sapphire_Saxe_Cobalt Warnings: darkfic, underage The Boy who Lived, a slave? Summary: Some games reveal much. Rating: NC-17 Author:MarauderNextGen Author: Sapphira_Ruby Rating: NC-17 Author: Stardind Between Life and Dreams Summary: Harry falls asleep to the clanging of chains about his wrists and dreams of the days he can never forget. Author: iulia_linnea Warnings: mpreg Author: keikokin The pleasure is not enhanced, and the inconvenience is often considerable. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Draco/Fenrir, Lucius/Draco/Narcissa, Harry/Voldemort Harry potter fanfiction lucius finds out about the blood quill Summary: As it tends to be with Malfoys, nothing is what it seems to be. Author: Jade Will Lucius Malfoy and Harry Potter bow to the new laws of the land? Warnings: OOC But when the replacement turns out to be horribly different than the original, Harry struggles to maintain his fantasy. Author: namjson Malfoy Manor* Rating: NC-17 Summary: He should have been prepared, he should have been used to this. Rating: NC-17 Author: ladyofsd Author: kai Summary:Harry is in love with four different men: a dark Auror, a snarky Potions Master, a blond Lord, and the Dark Lord. Summary: Lucius likes the tried-and-true methods. Summary: A pleasant day out for Harry and Draco goes wrong when Lucius takes an interest in Harry. Survivors on both sides are left alone to struggle with their own individual grief. He hides in a cave Things liven up a little when Draco Malfoy starts taking a non-platonic interest in his Fathers captive. Not everything, or everyone, are as they seem. Rating: PG Author: Sestra_Prior Summary: Harry is captured by Luciusor is he? Rating: NC-17 Story For Minx_17 Rating: PG-13 Rating: PG-13 Summary:Harry was taking a break from research. Sequel: After the Tide has Turned Christmas Spirits, part 7of theThe Twelve Days of Smutmasseries Warnings: enslavement, non con, mpreg Author: salus-gem LF Harry/Lucius fics : r/HPSlashFic - reddit Being ever innocent and naive, he hopes that Malfoy Manor will be a happy new home for him, despite the fact that he is a slave there until he can work off the money they paid to buy him. Summary: Lucius has nothing left apart from the nights he spent with the man he started to love. Hermione needs to find a way home, back to her mates, back to her family. Rating: R Comfortably Numb Summary: The mirror shows nothing more or less than the deepest, most desperate desire of our hearts. Emerald Dancer Series Pairings: Harry/Draco, Harry/Lucius Luckily for Lucius Malfoy, Harry hasnt learnt better yet. Now he must be punished. Summary: Lucius knows this is his last chance at pleasure and he isnt about to waste it. Warnings: underage, crossdressing, toys, bondage, dub con, incest, watersports, various Warnings: bondage, D/s Summary: Lord Lucius receives the sweetest gift of all from his friends, a darling little boy. Rating: NC-17 True Lusts Mate Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Lucius becomes enamored with Harry that hell do almost anything to please Harry. Rating: R Author: Alula_Astro Rating: NC-17 Summary:The International Confederation of Wizards has ruled that all persons under the age of 17 shall marry into a pureblood family if they desire to remain in the wizarding world. Temporal Rift* Rating: R Caring For the Boy Rating: NC-17 Summary: So many readers asked for Lucius perspective on Harrys death, so here ya go. Lord Lucius School of Libertinage Rating: PG-13 Draco and Harry are rivals, and bitter enemies, but will a new relationship break them apart. Summary: All good things come to those who wait. The Practice of Walking in Darkness* If you are not of legal age, no matter how interested you may be in reading smut, please come back when you are. And hes the one who teaches Harry to have a hearth again. Warnings: D/s, toys Author: Firesword Author: MatildaTheBadassPussyCat In his final moments he tries to tell a special person why they were only ALMOST loved. Warnings: BDSM, daddy kink, established relationship Author: Sapphira_Ruby Ghosts of the Past Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Fenrir, Harry/Voldemort A Sons Wish Summary: When Narcissa discovers a hidden relationship between her husband and Harry Potter; what happens next? Author: HecatesKiss Lucius Malfoy is nowhere to be seen, and so are the elves, and when Homenum Revelio lights up the only sign of life up in the inner suite, Draco has to investigate. Banishing the Gag Rating: R Colours of the Wind Author: bleudiablo Warnings: darkfic, blood, torture Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Harry/Charlie Once again Harry is forced to Privet Dr. Only a special set of friends can save him. Author: Nymphadora/JsPrincess After the End Summary: Harry runs away from home, but his mate follows him, determined to save his love. Warnings: character death, underage Warnings: non con, mpreg Summary:Harry is remembering, and contemplating his marriage with Lucius Malfoy. Rating: R Author:MarauderNextGen Dark Angels, Wooing* Blank Space: You Belong With Me Redux Anima Legata* Despite being alone, he couldnt find a comfortable position to standhe felt self-conscious in his clothing, and understandably so. Summary:Harry tests a theory of his with some reporters. Watching With Green Eyes* Summary: This takes place the same night as Body Language and Educational Lover. Sequel: Reunion Please Author: Lux When Under Goodness Wicked Lies Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,690 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 284 - Follows: 101 - Published: Feb 16, 2013 - [Harry P., Lucius M.] - Complete That Malfoy Family by bananacosmicgirl reviews Though in this, hes a good guy and not a wimp like in the movies. Sweet Captivity Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry is being courted by both Lucius and Severus. Warnings: non con, extreme biting, psychological torture, ice play Author: Skye What does Lucius do to keep from losing Harry? (Eileen). Summary: Lucius goes mad in Azkaban, fantasizing about Harry. Summary: Lucius needs an alibi after Voldie bites the dust. Summary: No summary provided. Sometimes he wishes he never set foot in that hall. Cue the very kinky punishment. Alouette Series Author: storm_of_sharp_things Summary: Harry walks in to find his long-time partner with someone else. Author: Sestra_Prior Harry Potter and the Secret of Nature* Warnings: darkfic Author: Usagi_shimei Warnings: public sex Author: Jaylee Summary: I promise you, Lucius, I wont hurt you again. Warnings: multiple partners, BDSM, non con Rating: NC-17 Warnings: multiple kinks, parody If he has not been able to birth a child in five years. Author: maraudersaffair How far will he go, and will he end up with a trick or treat for the Ball? Author: Furorscribiendi Summary: The house elves are upset, Lucius is worried, and Harry is confused. Summary: Lucius is away. Fancy Time with the Beautiful People? Then, during sex, Lucius reverts back to his actual self, how does Harry take the news? Summary: The Ministry thinks Harry ought to be sorrier for the wounds he inflicted on the cause of negotiations with the vampires. But, in order to get the love he needs, he learns he must make a heart-breaking decision . Oh, does he get it! Summary: The war is finally over and Voldemort is dead. Summary: The only way to ensure you get what you want is by dreaming for getting it. Warnings: underage, child abuse, non con Rating: NC-17 Or how Ron gets traumatised, earns the title of godfather, and becomes a decent father-figure in the process. Summary: Returning to Britain holds some serious challenges for the three men. Summary:Lucius and Harry share a tense dinner while an unanswered question hangs over them. Author: shamelessnameless The Term Isnt Incubus. Summary: Lucius knew that, although Harry loved him, he also suffered private doubts over being in love with the man who had endangered two of his best friends in his second year and fought on the other side of the war. Author: keikokin Author: Pastel_Pink_and_Peace_Signs Summery: Have you ever fallen in love with someone you shouldnt have fallen in love with? Despite everything, Harry Potter would always be The Boy Who Lived. Warnings: OOC, crossdressing Warnings: mpreg, veela, spanking Will he risk his career to help Harry? Love Like Winter Summary:Harry hates feeling so isolated but a certain blonde man may be able to help him with that. Author: Neichan Warnings: D/s, crossdressing Warnings: (animagus) bestiality, zoophilia, mpreg Warnings: darkfic Warnings: BDSM, original character Author: leni_jess Summary: Harry feels both worry and anticipation as he waits for him. Author:Sphirex Summary:Harry is kidnapped and falls into the hands of Lucius Malfoy who makes him his pet. Author:CrimsonRose18 Summary: Harry Potter the boy-who-lived needs to learn how to dance. Author: Slytherin Lust That Malfoy Family Waiting for Death* Can Lucius and Harry save the day? Summary: Just when it seems that Lucius will have Severus all to himself (and vice versa), the peace intrudes into their relationship. Author: keikokin This is how Harrys Christmas goes when his best friend/brother doesnt believe a word he says. Summary: The Malfoy Manor is eerily empty, only the stench of something hanging heavily in the air. Rating: NC-17 That Fateful Summer Author: Skye Author: Sestra_Prior Warnings: femboy!Harry Author: Anne Phoenix He turns to an unlikely person to hold his darkness at bay. Author: Anne Phoenix Summary: One day. Harry backed up against snape, snape now leaning against the wall, his arm around d Harry's chest. What happens when a botched rescue attempt and a miscast spell awaken something ancient inside of them? Author: Tyrical Pairings: Lucius/Harry/Draco Warnings: bottom!Lucius, PWP