At the revival in 1717, they were called setting-tool, setting maul, and setting-beetle; later in the century, it was the twenty-four-inch gauge, square, and gavel; then the setting-tool, square, and rule; and now the plumb-rule, square, and strong or heavy maul.--The Freemason's Treasury, p. 306. ), Ruffian--Give me the Master's word, or I will take your life in a moment! After the signs are gone through with by the whole Lodge, the Master gives one rap with his gavel, which is responded to by the Senior Warden, and then by the Junior Warden, and then again by the Master, one rap. --I have none, Worshipful. On being brought to more light, what did you first discover more than you had heretofore done? Whence I came, and wither I was traveling. The Junior Deacon now passes the candidate over to the Senior. This is the due-guard, and alludes to the position of your hands while taking the Obligation; this is the sign, and alludes to the penalty of the Obligation. First, the Entered Apprentice Degree, second, the Fellow Craft Degree and finally, the Master Mason Degree. The last of the Lodge ceremonies, the Master Mason degree, makes a candidate a full member of the Fraternity, enjoying both the rights and responsibilities of membership. A rope, technically called, by Masons, a cable-tow, is wound around his body three times, and a bandage, or hoodwink, is tied very closely over his eyes. Turning in his seat toward the Treasurer's desk, he says to the Treasurer: "My worthy brother of Tyre, as the Master's word is now lost, the first sign given at the grave, and the first word spoken, after the body is raised, shall be adopted for the regulation of all Masters' Lodges, until future generations shall find out the right. 1. Complete Master Mason Study Guide. (1 Kings vii. Members of the Lodge, in the act of holding the canvas to catch the candidate. time, pushing him backward, brings the candidate's heels against the edge of the canvas, trips him up, and the candidate falls upon his back, caught in the canvas clear of the floor, unharmed, but, in many instances, badly frightened. 305-6. 17, 18), which is responded to by the Master, after which the conductor and candidate pass out of the Lodge. ", Master (as K. S.) makes the "grand hailing sign of distress" (see Fig. W. M.--Have you any thing on your desk, Brother Secretary? THE ceremony of opening and conducting the business of a Lodge of Master Masons is nearly the same as in the Entered Apprentice and Fellow Crafts' Degrees, already explained. Conductor. Ruffian--This (shaking candidate) does not satisfy me! What is the meaning of this? Master Mason 3rd Degree Ritual Exposed (Born in Blood: The Lost Secrets W. M.--Brother Senior Warden, I now declare this Lodge duly closed. "Five constitute a Lodge of Fellow Crafts two Master Masons and three Fellow Crafts. At what hour was our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, slain? Brother Senior Warden. Subsequently to 1818, Brother Barney went to the Western and Southwestern States, and, being in delicate health, adopted the profession of Masonic lecturing as a means of subsistence. The spade, which dug the grave of our Grand Master, may soon dig ours; the setting-maul, which terminated his earthly existence, may be among the casualties which will, sooner or later, terminate ours; the coffin, which received his remains, may soon receive ours; the grave, that abode for the dead, may soon be our grave; the acacia (that evergreen which once marked the temporary resting-place of the illustrious dead), that bloomed and flourished at the head of our Grand Master's grave, and was the cause of its timely discovery, is an emblem of our faith in the immortality of the soul, which never! Both points of the compasses elevated above the square, which was to teach me never to lose sight of those truly Masonic virtues, which are friendship, morality, and brotherly love. How did the Junior Warden dispose of you? The Entered Apprentice Degree represents the physical side of a man yet to be tempered by enhancing his mind in the Fellowcraft Degree and finally, spiritually, in the Master Mason Degree. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. These are symbols of the blow on the cheek of Christ, the flagellation, and the blow with the spear. W. M.--Brethren, the minutes will stand approved, if there are no objections. And at the same time he steps to the Master's desk, and re-ports as follows: "Most Worshipful King Solomon, I, being one of those who pursued a westerly course, coming down near the port of Joppa, met a seafaring man, of whom I inquired if he had seen any strangers pass that way; he informed me that he had--three--who from their appearance were workmen from the Temple, seeking a passage to Ethiopia, but not having King Solomon's pass, were not able to obtain one, and returned back into the country. PDF The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of They meet in the Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy of Holies of King Solomon's Temple.". They then commence to search about the candidate, lifting off the canvas, feeling about his neck, &c., &c.: finally, one of the brethren, taking hold of the jewel which is attached to the yoke about the candidate's neck, exclaims: "Let us go and report that we find nothing on or about the body excepting the jewel of his office.". "Brother Gabe, seven constitute a Lodge of Entered Apprentices--one Master Mason, and six Entered Apprentices. Brother Junior Deacon. My Brother, a Master Mason advances on his left foot, bringing the heel of his right to the heel of his left, thereby forming the angle of a square. He can study the . SPONSORED. The animal was then divided into two parts, and placed north and south, that the parties to the covenant may pass between them from east to west, and the carcase was then left as a prey to voracious animals. Just the catechisms to move up to a higher degree, or memorizing parts to confer the degrees on others? The following appears to be the proper way:--After the candidate gets up from the altar, the conductor should lead him from the altar direct to the Junior Warden's station in the south. Ancient!Free!&!Accepted!Masons! He informed them that he had seen three, who, from their appearance, were workmen from the Temple, seeking a passage into Ethiopia; but, not having King Solomon's pass, were unable to obtain one, and had returned back into the country. what's this?" And immediately one of the most intelligent brethren stations himself at the door of the ante-room, and when those who have been acting the part of the ruffians approach him, the following colloquy ensues: First Ruffian--Hallo, friend! This was an invention of our ancient friend and brother, the great Pythagoras, who, in his travels through Asia, Africa, and, Is an emblem of human life. The traditional account of the death, several burials, and resurrections of one of the craft, Hiram Abiff, the widow's son, as developed in conferring this Degree, is very interesting. 1, King Solomon then ordered them to go and assist in raising the body; and it was agreed between him and Hiram, king of Tyre, that as the Master's word was then lost, the first sigh given at the grave, and the first word spoken after the body should be raised, should be used for the regulation of all Masters'. J. D.--To keep off all cowans and eavesdroppers, and suffer none to pass or repass, except such as are duly qualified and have the Worshipful Master's permission. A. Brother Junior Deacon (turning to that officer), you will inform the Tyler. UNIFORM FLOOR WORK GENERAL RULES APRON: The apron shall be worn over the outer garment. King Solomon then ordered the twelve Fellow Crafts to go in search of the body, and, if found, to observe whether the Master's word, or a key to it, or any thing appertaining to the Master's Degree, was on or about it. (See Figs. W. M. (two raps, all the officers rise to their feet.) About this time, the twelve Fellow Crafts, who had recanted from their murderous designs, appeared before King Solomon, clothed in white gloves and aprons, in token of their innocence, acknowledging their premeditated guilt, and, kneeling, implored his pardon. And now, my brethren, let us see to it, and so regulate our lives by the plumb-line of justice, ever squaring our actions by the square of virtue, that when the Grand Warden of Heaven may call for us, we may be found ready; let us cultivate assiduously the noble tenets of our profession--brotherly love, relief, and truth--and, from the square, learn morality; from the level, equality; from the plumb, rectitude of life. Answer (1 of 12): Loads of stuff! at the same time pulling up the evergreen--or acacia, as it is styled--at the head of the grave. W. M.--Brother Gabe, you will please approach the east. Your virtue, honor, and reputation are concerned in supporting with dignity the character you now bear. J. W.--Brother Gabe, is it of your own free-will and accord? Shield and defend us from the evil intentions of our enemies, and support us under the trials and afflictions we are destined to endure, while travelling through this vale of tears. 40.) When was our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, found to be missing? that my body had been cut in two," &c., &c. The third was the voice of Jubelum, exclaiming: Upon which they rushed in, seized, bound, and brought them before King Solomon; who, after a due conviction of their guilt, ordered them to be taken without the gates of the courts of the Temple, and executed according to the several imprecations upon their own heads. 17. W. M.--Have you any thing to offer, Brother Junior Warden? Treasurer--(See opening ceremony, p. A. The ruffians buried the body in the rubbish of the Temple until low-twelve, or twelve at night, when they met by agreement and carried it a westerly course from the Temple, to the brow of a hill west of Mount Moriah, where they buried it in a grave dug due east and west, six feet, perpendicular, at the head of which they planted an acacia, in order to conceal it, and that the place might be known, should occasion ever require, and made their escape. Avery Allyn, in Ritual of Freemasonry, explains that this degree originated, according to Masonic tradition, at the building of KST. W. M.--Brother Gabe, you are kneeling, for the third time, at the altar of Masonry, to take upon yourself the solemn oath of a Master Mason; and I, as Master of this Lodge, take pleasure, as on former occasions, in informing you that there is nothing in it which will interfere with the duty you owe to your God, your neighbor, your country, or self. 30 WM: As further evidence that all present are Master Masons, receive the pass-word from the Senior SW: (S) Worshipful Master. At first, I did not doubt your veracity; but now I do! Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons State of Texas [1922] This is the 'Monitor' of the Texas Masons. The degrees, in order are Entered Apprentice (first degree), Fellowcraft (second degree), and Master Mason (third degree). Give me the Master's word, or I will take your life in a moment! (See engraving.). The Entered Apprentice Obligation was about 350 words and the Fellow Craft Obligation was only about 250. The three that pursued a westerly course, coming down near the port of Joppa, met with a seafaring man, of whom they made inquiry, if he had seen any strangers pass that way; he informed them that he had, three, who, from their appearance, were work-men from the Temple, seeking a passage into Ethiopia, but not having King Solomon's pass, were not allowed to obtain one, and had returned back into the country. W. M.--Brother Gabe, you are not yet a Master Mason, neither do I know that you ever will be, until I know how well you will withstand the amazing trials and dangers that await you. Freemasonry, the teachings and practices of the fraternal (men-only) order of Free and Accepted Masons, the largest worldwide secret societyan oath-bound society, often devoted to fellowship, moral discipline, and mutual assistance, that conceals at least some of its rituals, customs, or activities from the public (secret societies do not necessarily conceal their membership or existence). His business is to teach the subordinate Lodges the Ritual of Freemasonry, and he is paid generally by salary, or so much from each Lodge before whom he may lecture. "Further, that I will keep a worthy brother Master Mason's secrets inviolable, when communicated to and received by me as such, murder and treason excepted. A. p. 176. The brethren then all take their seats, and the candidate with them. I was conducted three times about the alter, to the Junior Warden in the South, the Senior Warden in the West, and the Master in the East. One of the brothers now takes off the jewel from the candidate's neck, and all repair to the Master's seat in the east, and report: Answer--A westerly course, where our weary brother sat down to rest and refresh himself. Second Ruffian--We will go to some other port. The first was the voice of Jubela, exclaiming: "Oh! The Lodge is closed in nearly the same manner that it is opened, and, in fact, all three of the Degrees are closed alike. Candidate. The Masonic rituals provided here are as practiced under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Nevada . J. W.--High twelve, Worshipful. Q. One system says fifteen Fellow Crafts went in search; another, twelve; and asserts that the three (murderers) left the sprig of acacia: others affirm that it was the recanters who placed it there as a mark. Memory work taboo or tactic? : r/freemasonry Sec.--Most Worshipful King Solomon, the several rolls have been called, and reports made, by which it appears that three Fellow Crafts are missing, namely, Jubela, .Jubelo, and Jubelum, who, from the similarity of their names, I presume are brothers, and men from Tyre. Senior Warden, one. that my breast had been torn open, my heart plucked out, and placed upon the highest pinnacle of the Temple, there to be devoured by the vultures of the air, ere I had consented to the death of so good a man as our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff. p. 178. 107:1 Professor Stuart, of Andover, one of the most skilful linguists and earned men in the United States, has endeavored to show that the legend of the Third Degree is an imposture, "since the names of the criminals are formed from the Latin language, and not from the Hebrew, to which they have no affinity whatever." pdf, Royal Arch "4th. --O Lord my God, I fear the Master's word is forever lost! These Masonic rituals represent three degrees which are taken in sequence. The most well-known purposes are to pass degree proficiency or deliver ritual. . Phil., p. 309. Three Grand Masters, three thousand three hundred Masters or overseers of the work, eighty thousand Fellow Crafts, and seventy thousand Entered Apprentices, &c., &c. (See p. Where the same questions were asked and like answers given as at the door. This is all intended to produce its effect upon the ears of the candidate. What say you, sir, guilty or not guilty? 35 112.) He made me a Master Mason in due form. He is murdered inside this Temple by three ruffians, after they failed to obtain from him the Master Masons' secrets. By this time the candidate is dressed, his apron is tied on as a Master Mason. 1 This word cannot be given in any other way, and by Masons is considered a test of all book Masons. Arch Knight Templar Priest Degree, Order of Demolay Ritual - Masonic Youth Organization There was nothing found on or about the body excepting the jewel of his office, by which his body was discovered. If it was of my own free-will and accord, if I was worthy and well qualified, duly and truly prepared, had made suitable proficiency in the preceding Degree, and was properly vouched for; all which being answered in the affirmative, I was asked by what further right or benefit I expected to gain admission. shall be to a worthy Brother Master Mason, or. (See Note Q, Appendix.). They would fail to become proficient in the required memory work. W. M.--Brother Gabe, you will now take your seat in this Lodge as a Master Mason, after stepping to the Secretary's desk. how swiftly the sands run, and how rapidly our lives are drawing to a close. B. divided the operatives the three classes, viz., Apprentices, Fellow Crafts, and Masters; paying the wages of the former at the pillar of J (Jachin), and the Masters in the Middle Chamber. The candidate enters the Lodge of the Master Mason in darkness, for he has not. The main thing we do in normal Lodge meetings is perform our rituals or ceremonies. SW: I am. On being brought to light, what did you discover more than you had heretofore discovered? (left to right: Worshipful Master Altar, Candidate. W. M.--Why leave you the west, and travel toward the east! As the waters fail from the sea, and the flood decayeth and drieth up, so man lieth down, and riseth not up till the heavens shall be no more. W. M.--To what do you allude, my brother? I therefore now demand of you the secrets of a Master Mason! For this purpose the ACACIA was used.--Lexicon. (Hiram Abiff) to retire to the Most Holy Place, to draw his plans and designs, and offer up his orisons, &c. But flow could this be accomplished before the Sanctum Sanctorum was built. Let him enter, and be received in due form. At this command the Secretary passes out of the Lodge, accompanied by ten or fifteen of the brethren, into the ante-room, leaving the door open, so that the candidate can hear the rolls called. A. of Royal and Select Masters, Royal Master Degree, Order of Royal and Select Masters, Most Excellent Master At this time, the twelve Fellow Crafts, who had recanted from their murderous designs, appeared before King Solomon, clothed in white gloves and aprons, in token of their innocence, acknowledging their premeditated guilt, and humbly imploring his pardon. $399.00. . He has not been seen since high twelve yesterday. They usually meet in the Middle Chamber of King Solomon's Temple. On both points of the compasses, extending from my naked left to my right breast, which was to teach me that, as the most vital parts of man are contained within the breast, so the most excellent tenets of our institution are contained between the points of the compasses, which are, friendship, morality, and brotherly love. 1, It is generally known among Masons, that in the Northwestern States the lectures and "work" are those as taught by Barney. It is my orders that strict search be made for him through the apartments of the Temple, and due inquiry made. 155.). K. S.--Was the Master's word, or a key to it, or any thing appertaining to the Master's Degree, on or about it? Hiram is presented as the chief architect of King Solomon's Temple. But what were our orders? : Mah-Hah-Bone, which is given on the five points of fellowship, and in low breath. The Master Mason has the right to visit lodges throughout the world. NEW IMPROVED VERSION: in depth 8 part series on the Freemasons called, "The Hiram Abiff Series (Freemasons ritu. despicable villains! But its esoteric meaning contains some of the most profound spiritual instruction which it is possible to obain to-day. Master Mason Handbook. Godwyn says: 'Making a covenant was a solemn binding of each other to the performance of a mutual promise, by outward ceremonies of cutting a beast in twain, and passing between the parts thereof' (Jer. (See Fig. This is also used occasionally by some Masters in the lecture: S. W.--At the right hand of the Senior Warden in the west. Skip to main content. of!the!! All the business of a "Blue Lodge" (a Lodge of three Degrees) is done in the Lodge while opened on this . 7, p. 18), which would be three times, then, turning to the Senior Warden, says: "My worthy brother of Tyre, what shall we do?". Captain--The sooner the better! Reading the part will not merit receiving credit for the part. Master Mason Requirements | Horseshoes and Handgrenades Masonic symbolism is that which is used to illustrate the principles which Freemasonry espouses. It is a dangerous coast, and we shall be taken; for before this time our escape is discovered, and the sea-coast will be lined with our pursuers. It is the culmination of all he has learned through the first degrees, including how to prepare for spiritual enlightenment through the craft's teachings. [paragraph continues] Master that you teach this candidate how to wear his apron as a Master Mason. ", "Oh! A. The second degree is the Fellow Craft, which represents manhood, the middle period of life. Take this Master Mason Quiz to test your knowledge of the Masonic third degree of Freemasonry to refresh your memory about this degree. Answer--We have murdered our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff. The candidate generally gets this from some of the brethren who are well posted in the work. As they approach the Worshipful Master's station, he says: W. M.--Brother Senior Deacon, you will reconduct the candidate to the Senior Warden in the west, with my orders that he teach him how to wear his apron as a Master Mason. "This report of the committee was accepted and adopted by the Grand Lodge, and Brother Barney, provided with the recommendation thus obtained, visited many of the Lodges of the State, and imparted to them a knowledge of these lectures. W. M.--Reading of the present communication. Thus you will render yourself deserving of the honor which we have conferred, and merit the confidence we have reposed. Each Grand Lodge has a "work" of its own, which is taught the subordinate Lodges annually by its Grand Lecturer. No! (See page 247.). Ruffian--What horrid deed is this we have done? After the candidate is lowered, one of the ruffians says: Let us plant an acacia at the head of the grave, in order to. 16, p. As the Master makes this sign, he says: "O Lord my God, I fear the Master's word is forever lost!". (The author would here remark, with regard to the matter of closing the Lodge, and asking the Wardens if they know any thing further before the Lodge, previous to closing, that it is a ruse to deceive the candidate, as the Master has no intention of closing until the ceremony of initiation has been concluded.). Conductor--I did not so receive it, neither can I so impart it. trial, strict examination, or lawful Masonic. We are told, if we do not find the ruffians we must be punished--put to death, probably. 130.). J. W.--Brother Senior Deacon, is he worthy and well qualified, duly and truly prepared? Second Ruffian--We shall be taken and put to death. Fellowcraft Handbook. Part 1. Morgan [1827] (Murdered by . When, placed at his right hand, he will be pleased to pronounce us just and upright Masons, then shall we be fitted as living stones for that spiritual temple, "that house not made. Jubela! --Nothing, Worshipful. The MASTER MASON represents a man under the doctrine of love, saved from the grave of iniquity, and raised to the faith of salvation. There is a great degree of uniformity in Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin--also in Indiana and Iowa. Brother, be ever mindful of that great change, when we shall be called from labors on earth to that everlasting refreshment in the paradise of God. S. D.--From the west, travelling toward the east. This Degree is very lengthy, and to give the lecture at an initiation would take up too much of the night; but if there is time, the Master and Senior Warden usually go through with the first section before closing the Lodge, so that the candidate and brethren may become conversant with it. How many were there employed in the building of King Solomon's Temple? The beautiful virgin weeping over the broken column denotes the unfinished state of the Temple, likewise the untimely death of our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff; the book open before her, that his virtues lay on perpetual record; the sprig of acacia in her right hand, the divinity of the body; the urn in her left, that his ashes were therein safely deposited, under the "Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy of Holies," of King Solomon's Temple. 299-300. The "work" known among Masons as the "Webb Work,". The Senior Warden approaches the candidate and ties the apron upon him, with the flap and corners turned down, and says: The conductor now conducts the candidate back to the Worshipful Master in the east. --Your duty there, Brother Junior Deacon? If this is the case, you cannot get a passage with me, I assure you. this work, would not be out of place, as it will account to the reader for the difference existing between Masonic "works" in the several States, and in Europe: "In the year 1817, Brother John Barney, formerly of Charlotte, Vermont, went to Boston, and obtained possession of the Preston Lectures, taught there by Gleason, and approved by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. They now retire from the body, in different directions. He then turns to the Junior Warden, and says: "You will take the body by the Entered Apprentice grip, and see if it can be raised.". K. S.--Arise, you twelve Fellow Crafts, divide yourselves into parties and travel--three east, three north, three south, and three west--with others whom I shall appoint, in search of the ruffians. Updated on March 23, 2022. right hand in token of friendship and brotherly love, and invested me with the grip and word, ordered. Both points of the compasses are elevated above the square, which is to teach you never to lose sight of those truly Masonic virtues, which are friendship, morality, and brotherly love. W. M.--Brother Senior Warden, have you any alterations or additions to make to the minutes? (Sits down.). W. M.--Your duty there, Brother Treasurer? A. I was conducted to the Worshipful Master in the east, who presented me with the working-tools of a Master Mason, which are all the implements of Masonry indiscriminately, but more especially the trowel. 120:1 Respecting the lost word and its substitute, some say that King Solomon advised the change, while others affirm that the three Fellow Crafts adopted the substituted word without consulting him. W, M.--Is he worthy and well qualified, duly and truly prepared? I was then asked by what other right or benefit I expected to gain admission. At the same time the Senior Warden steps to his stand, and turns up the column on his desk at his right. A. I was directed to wait with patience until the Worshipful Master should be informed of my request, and his answer returned. Each organization's degrees focus on a different theme, and together, they create a larger story that teaches Freemasons valuable lessons through . Master, pointing to these pillars, says: "These are called the three grand Masonic columns or pillars, and are designated Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty. step, due-guard, sign, grip and word of an Entered. ii. The Degree of Royal Master - GGC Education Comm. - Cryptic Masons We are all born to die; we follow our friends to the brink of the grave, and, standing on the shore of a vast ocean, we gaze with exquisite anxiety until the last struggle is over, and we see them sink into the fathomless abyss. S. D.--Has he made suitable proficiency in the preceding degrees? p. 118. The Three Masonic Degrees - dummies After imploring the blessings of Deity, what followed? 16, 17, 18; also p. The pillar of Wisdom represented Solomon, king of Israel, whose wisdom contrived the mighty fabric; the pillar of strength, Hiram, king of Tyre, who strengthened Solomon in his grand undertaking; the pillar of Beauty, Hiram Abiff, the widow's son, whose cunning craft and curious workmanship beautified and adorned the Temple. This you will communicate to the Junior Warden in the south, and he to the brethren about the. In your present condition, what do you most desire? This canvas is usually held behind the candidate, in an inclined position, by some of the brethren, and is for the purpose of catching him when he is tripped up by the assumed ruffian, Jubelum. In the Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy of Holies, of King Solomon's Temple. (They all kneel.). Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 --Historical Landmarks, vol. I was conducted to the Master in the East, who then presented me with the working tools of a Master Mason, and taught me their uses. J. D.--Brother Gabe, who has been regularly initiated Entered Apprentice, passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft, and now wishes to receive further light in Masonry, by being raised to the sublime Degree of a Master Mason. Freemasons belong to the oldest fraternal organization in the world . Jewels, Chains, Collars & Is there no hope for the widow's son? W. M. (looking candidate seriously in the face.) One of his companions exclaims: "I am tired, too!" The Junior Deacon advances, followed by the Stewards, with rods, when the Senior Deacon stops them, by placing his hand against the candidate, at the same time saying: S. D.--Brother Gabe, on entering this Lodge the first time, you were received on the point of the compasses, pressing your naked left breast, the moral of which was explained to you. p. 166. S. W.--I have; from west to east, and from east to west again. After the candidate has said Amen, and the Lodge-room has been darkened by turning down the gaslights or lamps, the conductor takes the candidate by the right arm, assists him to arise, and they proceed to travel three times around the room, travelling with the sun.