What are the differences between a subrecipient and a beneficiary under the Fund for purposes of the Single Audit Act and, https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2021-00827, MODS: Government Publishing Office metadata, https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/cares-act-coronavirus-relief-fund-frequently-asked-questions, https://www.treasury.gov/about/organizational-structure/ig/Audit%20Reports%20and%20Testimonies/OIG-CA-20-028.pdf, https://www.congress.gov/116/plaws/publ94/PLAW-116publ94.pdf, Originator to Beneficiary InformationLine 1, Originator to Beneficiary InformationLine 2, Originator to Beneficiary InformationLine 3, Originator to Beneficiary InformationLine 4. edition of the Federal Register. 4. Section 601(f)(2) of the Social Security Act, as added by section 5001(a) of the CARES Act, provides for recoupment by the Department of the Treasury of amounts received from the Fund that have not been used in a manner consistent with section 601(d) of the Social Security Act. Furthermore, in all cases it must be necessary that performance or delivery take place during the covered period. 1. Section 601 of the Social Security Act, as added by section 5001(a) of Division A of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) established the Coronavirus Relief Fund (the Fund) and appropriated $150 billion for payments by Treasury to States, tribal governments, and certain local governments. Section 601(f)(2) of the Social Security Act provides that if the Treasury OIG determines that a recipient of payments from the Fund has failed to comply with the use of funds provisions of section 601(d), the amount equal to the amount of funds used in violation of such subsection shall be booked as a debt of such entity owed to the federal government. The CARES Act provides that payments from the Fund may only be used to cover costs that. Remarks by Assistant Secretary Elizabeth Rosenberg for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes at the Association of Women in International Trade. In this Issue, Documents Sault Ste. 18. Yes, payments from the Fund may be used to meet the non-federal matching requirements for Stafford Act assistance, including FEMA's Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) and EMPG Supplemental programs, to the extent such matching requirements entail COVID-19-related costs that otherwise satisfy the Fund's eligibility criteria and the Stafford Act. How the fund developed during the pandemic. Yes, Fund payments may be used for unemployment insurance costs incurred by the recipient as an employer (for example, as a reimbursing employer) related to the COVID-19 public health emergency if such costs will not be reimbursed by the federal government pursuant to the CARES Act or otherwise. should verify the contents of the documents against a final, official B. For instance, in the case of a lease of equipment or other property, irrespective of when payment occurs, the cost of a lease payment shall be considered to have been incurred for the period of the lease that is within the covered period but not otherwise. 03/03/2023, 159 Are there prohibitions on combining a transaction supported with Fund payments with other CARES Act funding or COVID-19 relief Federal funding? 19. informational resource until the Administrative Committee of the Federal The Fund is designed to provide ready funding to address unforeseen financial needs and risks created by the COVID-19 public health emergency. Sunny. Are States permitted to use Fund payments to support state unemployment insurance funds generally? Along with being the columnist of Soundemonium Musaic, Scott Rains is also a police, fire, Native Affairs and roller derby reporter for The Lawton Constitution. or anything. Use the PDF linked in the document sidebar for the official electronic format. Marie. Yes, if the purchase of the asset was consistent with the limitations on the eligible use of funds provided by section 601(d) of the Social Security Act. As discussed in FAQ A.29, hazard pay may be covered using payments from the Fund if it is provided for performing hazardous duty or work involving physical hardship that in each case is related to COVID-19. provide legal notice to the public or judicial notice to the courts. For example, a county may transfer funds to a city, town, or school district within the county and a county or city may transfer funds to its State, provided that the transfer qualifies as a necessary expenditure incurred due to the public health emergency and meets the other criteria of section 601(d) of the Social Security Act outlined in the Guidance. Finally, the CARES Act provides that payments from the Fund may only be used to cover costs that were incurred during the period that begins on March 1, 2020, and ends on December 31, 2021 (the covered period). Putting this requirement together with the other provisions discussed above, section 601(d) may be summarized as providing that a State, local, or tribal government may use payments from the Fund only to cover previously unbudgeted costs of necessary expenditures incurred due to the COVID-19 public health emergency during the covered period. For the full text of these requirements, see Title V of Pubic Law 116-94 (133 Stat. The expenses of acquiring or improving real property and of acquiring equipment (e.g., vehicles) may be covered with payments from the Fund in certain cases. As required by the CARES Act, expenses associated with such upgrades must be incurred by December 31, 2021. Such acquisitions and improvements must be completed and the acquired or improved property or acquisition of equipment be put to use in service of the COVID-19-related use for which it was acquired or improved by December 30. Avery Street A3-G, Bureau of the Fiscal Service, P.O. 11. are not part of the published document itself. documents in the last year, 663 At stake is about $500 million. Please note that these instructions are for Fund recipients to return the balance of unused Fund payments to Treasury. This guidance reflects the intent behind the Fund, which was not to provide general fiscal assistance to state governments but rather to assist them with COVID-19-related necessary expenditures. For example, Treasury's initial guidance referenced coverage of the costs of establishing temporary public medical facilities and other measures to increase COVID-19 treatment capacity, including related construction costs, as an eligible use of funds. It has become clear that financial assistance is necessary to assist tribal families in coping with the burdens of these very difficult times.. Winds light and variable.. Clear skies. Recipients will need to consider the applicable restrictions and limitations of such other sources of funding. COVID-19 Resource Hub; WA Equity Relief Fund for Nonprofits; News & Insights. These are Covid-19@oneidanation.org and (920) 869-4481. Thus the cost of a good or service received during the covered period will not be considered eligible under section 601(d) if there is no need for receipt until after the covered period has expired. 2. Yes, to the extent these efforts are deemed necessary for public health reasons or as a form of economic support as a result of the COVID-19 health emergency. The Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation is operating its CCDF program under a P.L. Similar to state and local governments, tribal governments are eligible for CRF funds . The American Rescue Plan allocated $20 billion in Fiscal Recovery Funds (FRF) to tribes. Expenses associated with conducting a recovery planning project or operating a recovery coordination office would be eligible, if the expenses otherwise meet the criteria set forth in section 601(d) of the Social Security Act outlined in the Guidance. Treasury's Office of Inspector General has provided the following guidance in its FAQ no. The CARES Act established the $150 billion Coronavirus Relief Fund. In recognition of the particular importance of public health and public safety workers to State, local, and tribal government responses to the public health emergency, Treasury has provided, as an administrative accommodation, that a State, local, or tribal government may presume that public health and public safety employees meet the substantially dedicated test, unless the chief executive (or equivalent) of the relevant government determines that specific circumstances indicate otherwise. Such assistance could include, for example, a program to assist individuals with payment of overdue rent or mortgage payments to avoid eviction or foreclosure or unforeseen financial costs for funerals and other emergency individual needs. Appearing on the tribe's June 18 Facebook Live update, Powless informed viewers that all members 18 and older will receive $500 from tribal contributions, another $3,000 . Through the Coronavirus Relief Fund, the CARES Act provided payments to state, local, and tribal governments navigating the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak. On May 10, 2021, the Treasury Department announced that FRF would be allocated based on a formula that takes into account each tribe's enrollment and number of employees. Fedwire receiptsTreasury can accept Fedwire payments for the return of funds to Treasury. May a unit of local government receiving a Fund payment transfer funds to another unit of government? the current document as it appeared on Public Inspection on Yes, such expenses would be eligible expenditures, subject to the limitations set forth in 2 CFR 200.425. 39. For example, a State received the minimum $1.25 billion allocation and had one county with a population over 500,000 that received $250 million directly. the material on FederalRegister.gov is accurately displayed, consistent with Addressing educational disparities through new or expanded early learning services, providing additional resources to high-poverty school districts, and offering educational services such as tutoring or afterschool programs, as well as service to address social, emotional and mental health needs. Register documents. The purpose of the Montana Homeowner Assistance Fund, in accordance with federal legislation and U.S. Treasury guidance, is to mitigate financial hardships associated with the coronavirus pandemic by providing funds to prevent homeowner mortgage delinquencies, defaults, foreclosures, loss of utilities or home energy services, and displacements . The COVID-19 relief funds originate from the Biden-Harris Administration's landmark American Rescue Plan Act (ARP). has no substantive legal effect. The direct recipient of payments from the Fund is ultimately responsible for compliance with this limitation on use of payments from the Fund. The date for use of funds was extended from December 30, 2020 to December 31, 2021, by section 1001 of Division N of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, Pub. Any such use must be consistent with the requirements of section 601(d) of the Social Security Act as added by the CARES Act. Governments are responsible for making determinations as to what expenditures are necessary due to the public health emergency with respect to COVID-19 and do not need to submit any proposed expenditures to Treasury. Recipients may use Fund payments for any expenses eligible under section 601(d) of the Social Security Act outlined in the Guidance. What rules apply to the proceeds of disposition or sale of assets acquired using payments from the Fund? documents in the last year. Questions Related to Administration of Fund Payments. If the grant is being provided to the small business to assist with particular expenditures, the business must not have already used the PPP or EIDL loan or grant for those expenditures. Treasury made payments beginning on May 5, 2020, based on population to all Tribal governments submitting correct payment information, other than Alaska Native corporations, and made payments beginning on June 12, 2020, based on employment and expenditures to Tribal governments that received payments based on population and that provided supplemental information before established deadlines. Any amounts repaid by the borrower before December 31, 2021, must be either returned to Treasury upon receipt by the unit of government providing the loan or used for another expense that qualifies as an eligible expenditure under section 601(d) of the Social Start Printed Page 4191Security Act. on In assessing the business' need for assistance, the recipient would need to take into account the business' receipt of the PPP or EIDL loan or grant. A cost meets this requirement if either (a) the cost cannot lawfully be funded using a line item, allotment, or allocation within that budget or (b) the cost is for a substantially different use from any expected use of funds in such a line item, allotment, or allocation. 2020 COVID-19 Fisheries Assistance. Treasury has revised the guidance on CRF to provide that a cost associated with a necessary expenditure incurred due to the public health emergency shall be considered to have been incurred by December 31, 2022, if the recipient has incurred an obligation with respect to such cost by December 31, 2022. 59. Such expenditures would only be permissible if they are necessary for the public health emergency. Consistent with the needs of all local governments for funding to address the public health emergency, States should transfer funds to local governments with populations of 500,000 or less, using as a benchmark the per capita allocation formula that governs payments to larger local governments. A cost is not considered to have been accounted for in a budget merely because it could be met using a budgetary stabilization fund, rainy day fund, or similar reserve account. A cost is not considered to have been accounted for in a budget merely because it could be met using a budgetary stabilization fund, rainy day fund, or similar reserve account. The PEAF provides funding to states (which includes the District of Columbia), tribes administering a TANF program, and five U.S. territories[1] to assist needy families impacted by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Tribal governments whose submissions were complete were notified of their status. Register, and does not replace the official print version or the official May Fund recipients incur expenses associated with the safe reopening of schools? No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), enacted on March 27, 2020, provided funding for emergency relief administered by eligible Indian Tribal Governments (Tribes) to provide payments for the benefit of tribal members and their families for necessary expenses resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. As of June 17, 2020, all payments based on employment and expenditure data, other than payment of amounts allocated to Alaska Native corporations, have been made. May governments retain assets purchased with payments from the Fund? The American Rescue Plan provides that FRF must be used for the following costs incurred by Dec. 31, 2024: On May 10, 2021, The Treasury Department issued several documents related to the implementation and administration of FRF. Coronavirus Relief Fund program guidance. 6. Relatedly, both hazard pay and overtime pay for employees that are not substantially dedicated may only be covered using the Fund if the hazard pay and overtime pay is for COVID-19-related duties. 15. Territories, the District of Columbia, units of local government, and federally recognized tribal governments to support a broad range of activities to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus. 2. better and aid in comparing the online edition to the print edition. The funding supports states, tribes, and territories with coastal and marine fishery . Expenses for food delivery to residents, including, for example, senior citizens and other vulnerable populations, to enable compliance with COVID-19 public health precautions. All costs of such employees may be covered using payments from the Fund for services provided during the period that begins on March 1, 2020, and ends on December 31, 2021. 004-2021 executive order related to navajo nation state of emergency due to the coronavirus; resuming services of navajo nation government offices and related entities The Rosebud Sioux Tribe is planning how to use the expected funds. The Guidance provides that ineligible expenditures include [p]ayroll or benefits expenses for employees whose work duties are not substantially dedicated to mitigating or responding to the COVID-19 public health emergency. Is this intended to relate only to public employees? This site displays a prototype of a Web 2.0 version of the daily Mumbai, Delhi, TN, Gujarat, UP, WB, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, MP. 05.11.20 Lankford Announces Continued Financial Support for Oklahoma Tribes Amid COVID-19 Pandemic. The disaster declaration for the Colville Tribes and the resulting agreement are the first in FEMA Region 10, as tribes previously were required to seek federal disaster aid through a state declaration. May Fund payments be used to assist impacted property owners with the payment of their property taxes? In March, Congress approved a temporary 6.2 percentage point increase in the federal government's share of cost for state Medicaid . 33. Tenants who receive public assistance or are very low income - $25,760 annual income for an individual or $53,000 for a family of four - can access a lawyer for free during eviction proceedings. In addition, because State A is availing itself of the $500 per elementary and secondary school student presumption, State A also may use Fund payments to expand broadband capacity and to hire new teachers, but it may not use Fund payments to acquire additional furniture. Please see the answer provided by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) available at https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/cares-act-coronavirus-relief-fund-frequently-asked-questions. Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds The American Rescue Plan provides $350 billion in emergency funding for eligible state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments to respond to the COVID-19 emergency and bring back jobs. If a government has not used funds it has received to cover costs that were incurred by December 31, 2021, as required by the statute, those funds must be returned to the Department of the Treasury. Furthermore, as discussed in the Guidance above, as with any other cost, an administrative cost that has been or will be reimbursed under any federal program may not be covered with the Fund. Yes, this would be an eligible expense if the government determined that the costs of such employment and training programs would be necessary due to the public health emergency. FRF may be used to make necessary investments in water, sewer or broadband infrastructure. As with any other assistance provided by a Fund recipient, such a grant would need to be determined by the recipient to be necessary due to the public health emergency. Similarly, in recognition of the likelihood of supply chain disruptions and increased demand for certain goods and services during the COVID-19 public health emergency, if a recipient enters into a contract requiring the delivery of goods or performance of services by December 31, 2021, the failure of a vendor to complete delivery or services by December 31, 2021, will not affect the ability of the recipient to use payments from the Fund to cover the cost of such goods or services if the delay is due to circumstances beyond the recipient's control. documents in the last year, by the Coast Guard 553(a). To the extent a cost is incurred by December 31, 2021, for an eligible use consistent with section 601 of the Social Security Act and Treasury's guidance, a necessary administrative compliance expense that relates to such underlying cost may be incurred after December 31, 2021. You have permission to edit this article. Overview. No. documents in the last year, 467 This information is not intended to create, and receipt of it does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship. Does the National Environmental Policy Act. 47. However, subrecipients would not include individuals and organizations (e.g., businesses, non-profits, or educational institutions) that are beneficiaries of an assistance program established using payments from the Fund. 116-260 (Dec. 27, 2020), Budget, Financial Reporting, Planning and Performance, Financial Markets, Financial Institutions, and Fiscal Service, Treasury Coupon-Issue and Corporate Bond Yield Curve, Treasury International Capital (TIC) System, Kline-Miller Multiemployer Pension Reform Act of 2014, Taxpayers Will See Improved Service This Filing Season Thanks to Inflation Reduction Act, Disparities in the Benefits of Tax Expenditures by Race and Ethnicity, Racial Differences in Economic Security: Non-Housing Assets, Treasury Sanctions People Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse Against Vladimir Kara-Murza, Treasury Announces Approval of Up to $890.7 Million to Support Small Business Success Across Three States, Treasury Sanctions CJNG-Run Timeshare Fraud Network. If a government deposits Fund payments in a government's general account, it may use those funds to meet immediate cash management needs provided that the full amount of the payment is used to cover necessary expenditures. However, such a program should be structured in such a manner as will ensure that such assistance is determined to be necessary in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency and otherwise satisfies the requirements of the CARES Act and other applicable law. As a matter of administrative convenience, the entire payroll cost of an employee whose time is substantially dedicated to mitigating or responding to the COVID-19 public health emergency is eligible, provided that such payroll costs are incurred by December 31, 2021. This may include, for example, a grant program to benefit small businesses that close voluntarily to promote social distancing measures or that are affected by decreased customer demand as a result of the COVID-19 public health emergency. 7/16/2020 Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes received a total of $63.4 million in COVID-19 relief funds 7/2/2020 COVID-19 continues to spread across the state of Oklahoma 6/30/2020 Third Amended Executive Order 2020-02 5/28/2020 Judicial Branch's Updated Response to COVID-19 and Phased Reopening 5/27/2020 Executive Branch Amended Executive Order 2020-02 Yes. Expenses to facilitate distance learning, including technological improvements, in connection with school closings to enable compliance with COVID-19 precautions. A vaccination site on the. Moreover, the laws of each jurisdiction are different and are constantly changing. Check receipts (not preferred)Checks may be sent to one of the following addresses (depending on the method of delivery). Payments to tribal governments were determined by the Secretary of the Treasury in consultation with the Secretary of the Interior and American Indian and Alaska Native tribes. Don't knowingly lie about anyone Yes. Document page views are updated periodically throughout the day and are cumulative counts for this document. The President of the United States issues other types of documents, including but not limited to; memoranda, notices, determinations, letters, messages, and orders. Register (ACFR) issues a regulation granting it official legal status. The CFDA number assigned to the Fund is 21.019. Federal Register. What would qualify as a substantially different use for purposes of the Fund eligibility? This table of contents is a navigational tool, processed from the President Joe Biden signed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan into law March 11 with Native American tribes receiving more than $31 billion the largest-ever investment to Native American. Speeding the recovery of the tourism, travel and hospitality sectors. ), available at https://www.congress.gov/116/plaws/publ94/PLAW-116publ94.pdf. Oneida Nation General Manager Mark Powless has announced the Nation's plan for membership distribution of received federal relief funds and tribal contributions. Are expenses associated with contact tracing eligible? Yes. Be Proactive. Note that a public function does not become a substantially different use merely because it is provided from a different location or through a different manner. Addressing health disparities and the social determinants of health through funding for community health workers. Please see the answer provided by the IRS available at https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/cares-act-coronavirus-relief-fund-frequently-asked-questions. May a State impose restrictions on transfers of funds to local governments? Payroll includes certain hazard pay and overtime, but not workforce bonuses. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Friday that Alaska Native regional and village corporations are eligible to receive federal CARES Act funding intended for tribes. The Guidance provides, as an example of an eligible use of payments from the Fund, expenditures related to the provision of grants to small businesses to reimburse the costs of business interruption caused by required closures. The amount of a grant to a small business to reimburse the costs of business interruption caused by required closures would also be an eligible expenditure under section 601(d) of the Social Security Act, as outlined in the Guidance. You can email him at: scott.rains@swoknews.com. Do governments have to return unspent funds to Treasury? Though the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act, also known as the CARES Act, Congress allocated $150 billion in COVID-19 relief for tribes, states, local and territorial governments. access for current print subscribers. May recipients use Fund payments to remarket the recipient's convention facilities and tourism industry? Don't Threaten. The Treasury Department would seek to recoup the funds from the government that received the payment directly from the Treasury Department. Reimbursement to donors for donated items or services. Treasury provided (in FAQ A.3) that costs incurred for a substantially different use would include, for example, the costs of redeploying educational support staff or faculty to develop online learning capabilities, such as through providing information technology support that is not part of the staff or faculty's ordinary responsibilities. Yes, costs to address increase in solid waste as a result of the public health emergency, such as relates to the disposal of used personal protective equipment, would be an eligible expenditure. 29. Projects supported with payments from the Fund may still be subject to NEPA review if they are also funded by other federal financial assistance programs. The Treasury Department's guidance clarifies that performance/delivery may occur until Dec. 31, 2026. May Fund payments be used for expenditures related to the administration of Fund payments by a State, territorial, local, or Tribal government? Be Nice. Tuesday, March 21, 2023 . %%EOF Investments in improvements to water and sewer infrastructure, including projects that address the impacts of climate change. A recipient would not be permitted to pay for payroll or benefit expenses of private employees and any financial assistance (such as grants or short-term loans) to private employers are not subject to the restriction that the private employers' employees must be substantially dedicated to mitigating or responding to the COVID-19 public health emergency. Please see Treasury's Guidance as updated on June 30 regarding when a cost is considered to be incurred for purposes of the requirement that expenses be incurred within the covered period. For the first payment, the Treasury Department will use self-certified enrollment numbers submitted to the Bureau of Indian Affairs in April 2021. Rather, Treasury has interpreted this provision to exclude items that were already covered for their original use (or a substantially similar use). More information and documentation can be found in our For example, if an administrative cost is already being covered as a direct or indirect cost pursuant to another federal grant, the Fund may not be used to cover that cost. Finally, as with all costs covered with payments from the Fund, such costs must not have been previously accounted for in the budget most recently approved as of March 27, 2020. Box 1328, Parkersburg, WV 26106-1328. 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