Does he answer you when you text him? If you really love your Taurus man; youre going to have to understand how he operates because ignoring him isnt a good tool to use unless youre willing to gamble losing him. It starts to get more complicated between me a sagitarius and my taurus man. although the did tell me he was looking for something serious before . You should be communicating with him not icing him out. I think he left me, but I do not know is he losing interest or me acting to pushy? Its designed to provide you with immediate clarity and astrological guidance on your next best move. You tend to want to tackle the problems of other people but you have to understand how hard that can be to do with a Taurus. If you express yourself to her, and she chooses to not respond or inform you that she doesn't care about your feelings, then it is certain that she is no longer satisfied. See additional information. When you ignore a Taurus woman, she will also ignore you back and will probably hold a grudge if you continue to ignore her for a long time. Please tell me if its really the pain in the leg or he just wants space to think things over because I made him feel like a donor or maybe he is thinking about breaking up? Then I had a miscarriage and told him about it. Yesterday, he texted me to drive home safe, sent me a picture of himself, and then poof and he never responded back. He might not even notice youre ignoring him at all because hes so busy or because hes enjoying his alone time. (After A Breakup, No Contact). Not all Taurus women are like this, but some will seek consolation from someone else if they cant find it at home. Taurus men are great at giving the silent treatment themselves but not good at it happening to them. After the second date, he told me that he isnt looking for a serious relationship atm because he has to travel to another country because of his job. I stopped responding to his text, until he starts to put forth action, and stops making unfulfilled promises. I left him a couple of messages saying that Im worried about him, because that is not his usual behavior. He said that he feels that im with him because i want to get pregnant and not because of him. , I replied thursdays works for me because I dont have work the next day but I work overtime so Id probably get there at 7:30pm would that be too late?, Id appreciate your help!! So I told him how I felt about our relationship from the start, how I loved him being caring and romatic and how I do not understand his coldness now, cancelling our trip, not calling me, not initiating conversations with me. i dont want to chance it, but need to try something different. Hello Anna , Does playing hard to get work with a Taurus guy? He told me that he will never get married. I disagree, but I agree to meet because I need closure and he owes me one after 15 years of stringing along. What Ive noticed this week was that he was a little colder than usual, I took it as a sign that he doesnt want to express his feelings and go even slower. Hello Anna. Wanting to hear this out of his mouth I went to visit him a week later. Don't count on him to tell you exactly what is on his mind, though, because a Taurus man won't even know it himself. It was a connection I never had experienced and many emotions at once. If he starts going through your social media to see who youve been spending time with while youre ignoring him, its one of the signs a Taurus man is in love with you. Being loyal, only entertaining him, cooking for him, showing him my love and undivided attention. I dont hardly say much anymore I accepted things as they are. He will be hurt, a lot, which may cause him to cheat. but, now its my turn. Taurus men get lazy with texting because they dont like it so they prefer you do the initiating so they can answer. He asked me to stop dating other guys (even thou I dont sleep with them, I shouldnt do online dating). Hes not going to reply to your messages either until he feels up to it. It just makes him angry and insecure. They will make an effort to get your attention but they wont make a fool of themselves if you are playing the field. Why would a Taurus man ignore you when there's no obvious reason? This could cause a Taurus man to either leave or cheat as well. As hard as it may be for you; patience is the only way you'll ever get things to work with your Taurus. When youve had enough of your Taurus woman and decide to give her the cold shoulder, she may respond in kind. But I know what I want from relationship so I was crystal clear with him. What Happens If Your Runs Out of Engine Oil. Nagging them will only delay the resolution and put you in a position where youre vulnerable. We ended not talking anymore just because i tried to ignore him once and been into a worst situation. Hell create his own karma honey. Wow this is so interesting. But at some point your just a doormat. Taurus man went from basically being the kindest man I had ever been with to a monster. Keep acting like everything is normal. I am a Gemini. Thats what it sounds like in your situation. He managed to change the way I see a relationship and we started on a mind-set of taking things day by day and not puting a label on our interaction, and to be honest, Ive never been more peaceful in my life. Kate is the master at helping guys to get a woman completely addicted to them. I felt horrible and said no. See also signs that a Taurus tests you here! Even if the reason they were ignoring you had nothing to do with you in the first place, forcing conversation could make it about you. Will he want to end it just because he thinks I dont love him anymore (which is not true, of course)? 6. and not going to talk to him for a few weeks. I feel that the biggest source of our lfie dissapointment comes from the plans we picture out in our head, or how we imagine our future to be. Taurus is a very committed zodiac sign. Taurus women crave affection and adoration just like everybody else. One with him, and the other as a mom half the week. He said that he wants me to know before we conceived. She could stalk you on social media. I know he loves me and its a committed relationship. Please clarify how does Taurus man handle time spent together (when he has as busy schedule) and how does he handle his intimate space My gut tells me to wait patiently until hell feel the need to invite me over to his place and not rush things. Because Taurus women are strongly attached to the material realm and place a high value on the things they work hard for. And he was acting distant and said he would call me but he didnt. After the fight he gave me the silent treatment for three days, with me doing the good girl ( I read your books) he came back, he started responding to my messages, calls but he didnt come to see me saying that he was very busy but he also wanted to see me and he likes me. 5. But, he act if he wasnt into me anymore and started talking more to his girl friend. In 2022, that he moved out, sold the house, and filed for divorce. The uncertainty is killing me. This is why you have to think about yourself and about him. He tries to tell people I got him blocked but he got me blocked on everything. There are certain gambles that pay off, but the majority do not because some Taurus women will go insane trying to find out whats wrong with you, and they may make conclusions about things that arent happening. Although we are not making any plans of future, he talks about how would it be to have babies, or how Ill be part of his retirement plans. Sounds like he is just using to you to be honest you act like a gf but he doesnt have to commit. One thing a Taurus can do extremely well is sniff out insincerity and bullshit. Next day, I told him the same thing. I just dont understand the hot and cold behavior. Im a Leo woman and two months ago I met the most wonderful guy in my life, a Taurus guy. Read more about Taurus in my book Taurus Man Secrets. You can see her ugly side if you mess with her money or relationship. Sometimes, I feel like I wanna give up and move on but then again, my love towards him make me stay. Your email address will not be published. She is that type of person who is respecting honesty. Everything was going well. Please consult your doctor before taking any action. He told me nothing has changed, you are a very good girl and we are geting to know each other. I think youre handling it as best as you can quite honestly. If a Taurus woman pulls away from you, shes asking for some alone time without saying it explicitly. 1.1 Show him your feminine side. If you cant convince your Taurus woman to start talking again, things will grow unpleasant and a breakup may be imminent. He won't want to acknowledge how he's really feeling. trying to understand him but he said a lot of things that were not making sense, like thinking about going back to his ex, etc. Youll need to figure out how your Taurus woman works because ignoring her isnt a suitable strategy unless youre ready to risk losing her. Taurus women are lovely women who are devoted to and sincerely invested in the person they name their own. Some will badger you until you tell them what they did wrong or why youre upset. (shared custody). Perhaps youre trying to get a Taurus man to chase you and youve made the mistake of ignoring him. Hi I really need your help. Don't try to fix them. He likes attending parties with his woman on his arm or getting some time to himself to work, but theres nothing a Taurus guy loves more than snuggling on the couch with a movie, some snacks, and his partner. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It sounds like hes not really sure what he wants and due to that, he says he needs to figure things out and just wants to be friends. That we should take it slow. The only way he can work on it or not do it again is by addressing it. We meet and it feels like we never stop being together. When a Taurus man misses you and you refuse to talk to him, it hurts him deeply. Finally, do not force any Taurus who is not in the mood to talk to have a conversation. Our zodiac signs can help with this and today we want to focus on what to do when a Taurus ignores you. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. He said I did not exaggerated things I was right. Taurus men arent afraid of hard work but they dont view love as a competition. I played it cool, and said yes I understand youre busy I totally understand and I think texts are for small talk and I want to focus on a strong foundation of friendship first I just felt you werent interested. Without asking him to change some things, he did it himself knowing I dont like it. Required fields are marked *. Hang in there! He said that I must be joking, and its strange that Im not worried that he will meet someone else while we are not living together and Im pregnant. He called me a few hours later saying something like this, Im on the phone all day and Im not a clingy guy so these long texts mess with my head and I know I was calling you and texting in the beginning but Im not a clingy guy and I was getting to know you because we didnt know each other..Im not looking for anything serious serious or to jump from level 1 to 7 Im just coasting right now and if Im not texting you as much or calling dont think Im not interested , Im attracted to you I enjoy your company . Taurus women can be a complete jerk and not realize how damaging their actions were. We decided to keep things calm and changed conversations at the end of the night he wanted to have sex with me but I said good bye. Our community thrives when we help each other. Be patient with him. Now, it seems like everything is going in the right direction. lol fingers crossed. There isnt a single thing he said that I wouldnt agree with and he replies things like Totally agree or Exactly to all of my statements. Astrology Alley . Before we get into the details, if you are serious about capturing this womans heart, then you should also check out Kate Springs Obsession Method. I think were fine, hopefully in a long term. Here are some reasons why he may be doing this and what it means. If its time for a talk, explain your thoughts and feelings rationally and clearly. I was drawn to his philosophical interest and as much as he was mysterious, he was an open book.