Sam attends and contributes to many conferences in the H.E sector and constantly reflects and considers how the knowledge gained on these continuing professional development activities can enhance her work. The main sections of this site are an overview of what myPortfolio is, examples of pages that can be built (and tools that support them), assessment processes, lecturer guidance and finally other types of portfolios. A place where I can write and think about: queerness; mental health; libraries and being a library worker; education and pedagogy; learning anti-racism. Chandos information professional series. Quality Evaluation Learning and Teaching Unit PhD co-supervisor "Authentic Leadership: The Development and Measurement of a Contemporary Leadership Theory in an Australian Context". Nothing brings him more sense of fulfillment than writing fellowship docs in orthopedics. in a narrative. In these videos I explain an aspect of academic writing, for example, thesis statements. DInfSc thesis. When a lecturer calls me or walks into my office and requests instant support, I will always try to accommodate them. Most HEA events, like workshops, seminars and reading groups, take place in the UK. DInfSc thesis. London: UCL Press, pp. As with the last 2 cohorts, I will be supporting the submission and marking process to ensure that it adheres to SSUs assessment regulations, and that all students can receive their grades and feedback, including their completed rubric to show a breakdown of their marks. I really enjoy going to conferences as there are so many opportunities to learn. MSc thesis. To view the exemplars for the level of fellowship you are applying for, select the appropriate link from the drop down lists below. Not only do I act as an extra pair of eyes highlighting areas that could appear to be confusing for students, I can also suggest new ways in which technology could be introduced to enhance the process and outcomes. He will go through each instruction, note, and comment and ensure that all the criteria are followed. Gillberg, C. (2020) The significance of crashing past gatekeepers of knowledge: Towards full participation of disabled scholars in ableist academic structures, in Brown, N. and Leigh, J. Swanson, T. (2006) Information Literacy, Personal Epistemology, and Knowledge Construction: Potential and Possibilities,College & Undergraduate Libraries, 13(3), pp. As you write it, focus on your own work. So armed with the HEA framework, I set off writing my Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy is an indicator of professional and PFHEA (Principal Fellow of the Higher Education for example, within work-based. Vygotsky, L.S. (2008)Working one-to-one with students: supervising, coaching, mentoring, and personal tutoring. The collaborative learning maintained here was particularly effective where this mirrors assessed group working. 93112. The purpose of the self-assessment was also to encourage students to identify what they needed to do next to develop their learning or their confidence, such as to consolidate the class learning through practice, or to seek further support from me [V1]. > Criteria for Senior Fellowship of the HEA To be recognised as a senior fellow of the HEA, you must demonstrate that you meet Descriptor 3 (D3) of The UK Professional Standards Framework. You may identify specific career milestones, influential professional development activities, engagement with significant others, etc. My role as a Learning Technologist is to empower staff in using technology to enhance teaching and learning, thus improving the student learning experience. Having previously taught in Early Years, Primary, Secondary and Further Education, as well as community theatre education and private music tuition, I have now been teaching in Higher Education at York St John since 2017. York St John University (2019)Access and participation plan: 2020-21 to 2024-25. thanks, Your email address will not be published. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is a private land-grant research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts.Established in 1861, MIT has played a key role [citation needed] in the development of modern technology and science, and is one of the most prestigious and highly ranked academic institutions in the world. My HEA Fellowship Portfolio by Sam Taylor Details For info. The main examples of where I support learning are listed below. Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). Me presenting at MoodleMaharaMoot in Leipzig, Germany 2014. Most of my knowledge and experience comes from CPD and personal development activities that I have undertook so that I am able to confidently design learning activities that align to my objectives and outcomes. I have tried my best to showcase the following: Learning Technologist, Cranfield UniversityLearning Services, Building 70, Room 7, Defence Academy for the United Kingdom. 515549. Part of this was initially submitted through portfolio for Associate Fellowship (AFHEA) in 2020, and then was expanded for written application for Fellowship, and assessed in mid-2021. Tell your story with examples that the reader may be able to relate to. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. I consider myself more as a facilitator of learning rather than a teacher as I rely on my participants to follow my advice and guidance, reflect on how it can affect their everyday practices, and finally share it with their peers. UVU is the first American institution to be accredited by the HEA to offer fellowship recognition to faculty, administrators, and staff supporting learning. Connor, D. J. It took longer than I anticipated and came back with comments like reference HEA criteria more consistently in your application, which were easy to address. More strategically, I sit on School Quality Panels for some of my subject areas, where my advice and experience is drawn upon as part of those quality processes. 119. The main difference between Associate Fellowship and Fellowship is the need to engage with all five areas of activities, as well as all six areas of core knowledge and all four professional values. Available at: As much of my teaching is confined to single sessions, I have been developing ways to engage in self-assessment to inform the teaching within the session, as well as how I can engage the class collaboratively in assessing their work and giving feedback [A3, A4, K2]. Around the room I set up seven stations. My research and practice in accessibility has particularly developed my approaches to social constructivism so that a disability lens helps me to see where inaccessibility is a barrier to constructing knowledge, how this introduces inequity into my classroom, and asks me to rethink my teaching to reduce such inequities [A4, A5, K2, K3, V1, V2]. Particularly important was the variety in teaching rooms which I was scheduled in, which meant that developing different variations of activities using both technological and non-technological solutions [A1, A2, K2, K4]. Here I share some tips and insights on how to tackle the tricky 'reflective' writing style needed for the application. In 2010 I was inspired by a presentation by Sheffield Hallams Educational DeveloperSue Beckinghamat the Future of Technology in Education conference held at Senate House, University of London. For instance, if screen-readers do not read out punctuation, then it is failing its core purpose [A4, K2, K4]. In it, she talked about how social media and online networks could help improve employability and job searching, and demonstrated how her students used to the web to get ahead of the pack. MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) became big news in 2013 with many top universities worldwide signing up to be part of the story. Olga Kozar on 29 August, 2018. For future development, consider sharing your findings not just within academic librarianship but everyone who is engaged with developing academic thinking. The students will then be able to use their creativity in order to meet the assessment criteria. As a four-part series I am openly publishing my case studies previously submitted for my Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. Your explanation of planning, creation of learning environments for learning and delivery of sessions all aligned nicely with your philosophical position. These statements are posted with the permission of the former (anonymous) AIIS fellows who wrote them. 81112. This approach also improves accessibility for a variety of students including those with processing and cognitive disabilities, and many disabled students have reflected with me that they have appreciated the availability of these to breakdown and repeat their knowledge learning [V1, V2]. It will be interesting to see if the students do actually follow my guidance, compile and submit a more focussed assessment, thus improving the average grade for that cohort. Lloyd, A. A learning technologist will facilitate each session alongside someone who has trialled or uses the technology in their teaching. The HEA Fellowship is administered by Advance HE in the UK, whose goal is to bring the higher education sector together to share teaching strategies and practice. Required fields are marked *. Fr Stephen Reilly published, "Parish renewal in the image of Barnabas and Paul, sons of encouragement" in the journal "Pastoral Review" and "Catholic Schools: Catholic High School Liturgy: A Faithful Presence Within" in the journal "Catechetical Review". In this way, students were given key materials (the referencing guides and some resources) and asked to problem-solve how they would reference these resources. This portfolio contains all my evidence and reflections as required for my application to become a Fellow of the Higher education Academy. I briefly touched on this during A2 where I gave examples of how I use online technologies to support student learning. I will also continue to nurture my Personal Learning Network as I have found this to be key to my professional success. 2041. 2 case studies (1500 words each) that evidence 2 particular examples of your leadership in relation to teaching and learning, and that demonstrate your . The collaborative reference lists produced as a result of the problem-based learning in Case Study 1 also provided a great opportunity to explore ways to get the students to peer-review and assess the list against the criteria set out in the referencing guidance used [A3, K2]. I often attend and get invited to present at Solent events, delivering sessions such as the "Digital Researcher?, "Rethinking Pedagogy with New Technologies" and "Why Social Media Matters". Tewell, E. (2018) The Practice and Promise of Critical Information Literacy: Academic Librarians Involvement in Critical Library Instruction,College & Research Libraries[Post-print], 79 (1). Each student is to be given a worksheet (below) where they can work through a series of about me questions that could hopefully form the start of their profile on LinkedIn, a professional networking site . 1. This is just one example of an application, so please take this alongside other examples you find, or are provided with from your mentor or institution. Guides on using Mahara, social media and online pedagogy have all been created using myCourse (covered in more detail underA4: Developing effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance). From doing this course I was able to experience what it was like being one of thousands of students on a MOOC, see how the course was designed and delivered, and update my knowledge on Virtual instruction. However, it was a strategic narrative, as I needed to include (and reference!) Every now and then Ill work together with my colleagues to put on workshops and seminars that support specific areas of technology enhanced teaching and learning (for example the twitter workshops mentioned in A2). If you have not heard of this scheme before, Advance HE Academy (formerly the Higher Education . The Higher Education Academy awards Fellowship with an expectation that Fellows will remain in 'good standing'. One way that they do this is through Fellowship, which "provides individuals with recognition of their practice, impact and leadership of teaching and learning.". application. (2013) Short videos improve student learning in online education, Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 28(5), pp. During this term, I switched to a spectrum which asks student to rate their confidence in their referencing skills and knowledge, to purposefully centre the student and their emotions without prioritising knowledge over skills or centring a deficit model of knowledge [A2, A3, K3]. Thinking Australia might be next, I expressed interest in the program and went to MQs HEA workshop. Feedback gained from those who attend say they feel really positive about the sessions as they are learning a lot from their peers. There is also a Canvas Site with a recording of the information session along with examples of applications and additional guidance documents. Each one had a piece of paper which detailed one of the ILOs and the essential readings which were directly relevant to it (evidence 2). Liersch, U. Fellowship brings you a range of benefits: Consolidates personal development and evidence of professional practice in your higher education career; Provides a valuable measure of success and is increasingly recognised by international institutions; Demonstrates commitment to teaching, learning and the student experience, through engagement in a . I have 2 young kids and a dog, and I love meeting other Mq people, so give me a shout if you'd like to talk 'learning and teaching' or would like to brainstorm together. Change). Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. New Technologies and Disabled People,Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 9(5), pp. 487496. (2020) Introduction: Disability Studies in EducationCritical Conversations,Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 9(5), pp. For example, I will often ask them to think alone, do a short task, share outcomes with neighbour/peers and evaluate in groups to feedback to the rest of the class. The session was titled Using Technology to Support your Graduate Associate Position and lasted two hours, meaning that I had to ensure that I was able to keep my audience engaged and allowed time for reflection, activity, interaction with their peers and opportunities for feedback (see below): ___________________________________________________________. (eds)Ableism in academia theorising experiences of disabilities and chronic illnesses in higher education. I am the Academic Liaison Librarian for the subjects of: Languages, Linguistics and TESOL; Fine Art, Photography and Illustration; Design; Music; Music Production; Media Production; Drama, Theatre and Dance; Computer Sciences; Data Science; Mathematics. Once you've attended UCL Arena events that relate to your teaching, supervision, student support or leadership role, you can apply for one of the categories of Fellowship by submitting a written or multi-modal application to an internal panel of academic and professional assessors. Therefore the approach I took was to show them why having a professional online presence now matters, suggest a few examples of sites that can be used, present case studies of students who have successfully gained employment through their online presence, and showcase some real-life examples where it goes horribly wrong. Feedback like this is very helpful, and its encouraging to see that a high-profile academic is promoting us amongst their colleagues. Students were more actively engaged with these tools and ways of collaboratively learning as referencing became a co-construction of knowledge, and gave them practical examples of referencing which I found them referring back to in tutorials. Some students will even open up their existing LinkedIn accounts to share the before and after profiles. 2019 UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF),