eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. The first step in her transition from kindness to cruelty is when she is instructed to cease teaching Frederick Douglass to read. 280 (1981), established criteria that supervisors must consider in determining an appropriate penalty to impose for an act of employee misconduct. II, p. 528 (emphasis in original). It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. At the center of Kings dream was the hopeful expectation that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creedwe hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equaland that all men, yes black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.[1]. After the hook, there is a transition statement (or statements) that connects the hook to the author's thesis. Plus, each essay includes a detailed analytical (not holistic) rubric for assessment-based learning. Facebook Instagram. The standard format for an argumentative essay is as follows: An effective argument contains all of the necessary components (claim, reasons, evidence, counterclaims) while keeping the intended audience in mind. Covey was at the house, about one hundred yards from the treading-yard where we were fanning. In this reassuring view, the era of momentous reforms that Kings speech and actions did much to elicit vindicates the character of America, displaying the nations renewed determination to make good on its original commitment to securing the equal natural rights of all its members. H e engages in a fight with his master. Contrary to conventional wisdom, it's much more costly to execute a person than to imprison them for life" (Andre and Velasquez). In a widely publicized speech commemorating the Constitutions bicentennial, Marshall asserted that in its infamously pro-slavery ruling in Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857), the Supreme Court merely reaffirmed the prevailing opinion of the Framers regarding the rights of Negroes in America. He claimed that Chief Justice Roger Taney, writing for the Court in that case, had accurately described the Founders views when he alleged that in the Founders day, black Americans, had for more than a century before been regarded as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white raceand so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the Negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit. He barely knew his mother, who died shortly before or after he turned eight years old. According to Douglass, how do laws in the South prove that slaves are human beings? 202203 (emphasis added). The first of those, described above, was the most flagrantly pro-slavery legislation in U.S. history. One of the key arguments in The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass as well as in other narratives about slaves is inequality. Because of Douglasss quest for freedom, his daring attitude, and determination to learn, he shows us the way through American Slavery in his eyes. He is set free, in an educational sense. Speaking in mid-1863 on the question What shall be done with the Negro? he specified four altogether objectionable responses. Such practices implicated southern white landowners in a conspiracy to refrain from selling land to black would-be buyers and to compensate black laborers only by means that prevented them from accumulating any savings. He never had a pair of shoes, no matter how cold it got ,and had only a single thin shift to wear, summer and winter. But there are two sides to every argument. However a very courageous man, Frederick Douglass challenges those beliefs. The reasoning is the logic used to prove a claim. In the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, Douglass is thrown into a new world of knowledge and opportunity, once he learns how to read and write. Two key components of an argumentative essay are the reasons and evidence. [57] Douglass, Schools Are a Common Platform of Nationality, May 9, 1872, in Douglass Papers, Vol. What was Douglass's purpose in writing his Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave? A counterclaim is the argument opposing the author's claim. Claims of fact make assertions that can be proven or disproven with evidence. No people can prosper, Douglass reiterated late in life, unless they have a home, or the hope of a home; and to have a home, one must have a country.[61] America was AfricanAmericans proper home, he maintained, their only realistic alternative and also the locus of their highest ideals. [45] Two things are noteworthy about this proposal. [47] Douglass, Self-Made Men, in Douglass Papers, Vol. 516517. I was nothing before, he wrote in his autobiography, reflecting on the episode. He shouted with joy when he was able to achieve this feat. . to confirm your understanding of the speech. IV, p. 420. Objecting to the efforts of some white benevolent societies, he urged his black compatriots indignantly to reject any condition of dependence: A new condition has brought new duties. Why, then, did Douglass speak as harshly as he did? Every year adds to the black mans numbers. Scarcely less important than suffrage as a guarantor of personal security were property rights. The KansasNebraska Act reversed a federal prohibition of slavery within those two territories, thus betraying the principles of the Declaration by making moral indifference to slavery the guiding principle of federal policy and prompting an alarmed Abraham Lincoln to return to electoral politics. America is said, and not without reason, to be preeminently the home and patron of self-made men. Despite that glimmer of dignity at his origin, the year of his birth and the identity of his own father remained unknown to him throughout his life. The conclusion should sum up the author's entire argument from the essay. Would you want to have stolid friends? But this is the opinion of the Founding and, more generally, of the nations basic moral architecture that critics have propounded widely in todays schools and universities. ', Then it's time for the reasons you've prepared well in advance, because you know exactly what she'll ask. [6] James Madison, Speech of June 6, 1787, in Records of the Federal Convention of 1787, Vol. Evidence - something that proves the truth of a claim, or leads to a . Over one hundred years after Frederick Douglasss death, this teaching has lost none of its essential vitality. Once again, that hopefulness was grounded primarily in his appreciation of the unique virtue of Americas beginning; first things are always interesting, he liked to say,[10] and most of all in the case of a new nation dedicated to universal principles of justice. [37] Ibid., pp. TheEight Writing Process Essays(printables and 170 Google slides) each feature an on-demand diagnostic essay assessment, writing prompt with connected reading, brainstorming, graphic organizer, response, revision, and editing activities. They were great men too. Douglass publicly announced his change of opinion in the spring of 1851, but his most powerful statement of his revised view appears, fittingly enough, in his speech at an Independence Day celebration in 1852. jim preston mchenry, il obituary. (b) How early in the speech does he introduce this claim? Although the election meant that a new order of eventsis now fairly opening upon the country, he reserved judgment as to just how significant a change was in prospect. Evidence provides factual proof for the reasons in an argument and can consist of facts, data, statistics, published study results, and quoted experts. In a standard, five-paragraph argumentative essay, there are three sections, each with their own components. [5] As Abraham Lincoln and many others have observed, the claim that the Founders regarded blacks or nonwhites as beings lacking equal natural rights is altogether false. Woe, woe! I will also contrast how Douglass' view was very similar to that of the women in antebellum America, and the role that Christianity played in his life as a slave and then. Soon after his master discovers this, and commences the teaching at once. [43] True abolition and true liberation, in Douglasss understanding, required the restoration of slaves property rights, not the elimination of all others property. The reasons of an argument are the reasoning or logical proof provided to prove the argument. Douglass states that "scorching irony, not convincing argument, is needed." Douglass rejected the various white disintegrationists for obvious reasons, and he rejected the black variants too. How would you like to be able to win any argument? These were indeed terrible enough; but deeper down, and more terrible still, were the mental and moral wrongs that slavery inflicted. 1. A claim of cause and effect is a claim that one thing influences or affects another. That's a reason. For example, in Virginia, "there are seventy-two crimeswhich, if committed by a black man, subject him to the punishment of death; while only two of the same crimes will subject a white man to the like punishment". Douglass, was an African American writer, abolitionist, and so much more, but before any of this, he was a slave. He had finally conquered his fear of water. The authorsTEACHING ESSAYS BUNDLEincludes the threeprintable and digitalresources students need to mastertheCCSS W.1 argumentative and W.2 informational/explanatory essays. Twenty months later, he returned a free man by law, his freedom having been purchased with funds raised by English friends, and resumed his abolitionist labors in the U.S. The more difficult ones were put in place by Douglass in order to provide a deep and profound statement, without arousing too much opposition. Douglass proposed the chartering of a national land and loan company empowered to purchase available tracts of land and then to resell or lease those lands to members of the newly emancipated class. The conclusion of the essay is one paragraph and contains an overarching summary of the argument as well as any implications this argument may have moving forward. America must be envisioned and remade by its white and black citizens alike as AfricanAmericans genuine home, not merely by the accident and force of necessity but as an object of their rational and sentimental identification. Most Africans that were either captured, born, or sold in America, lived the life of a typical slave, however Frederick Douglass was the exception. Another is that slavery is an institution fundamentally based on violence, telling the story of the vicious beatings an aunt of his would often receive: I have often been awakened at the dawn of day by the most heart-rending shrieks of an own aunt of mine, whom he used to tie up to a joist, and whip upon her naked back till she was literally covered with blood. Your claim is that you need a new cell phone. Douglasss sometimes stern emphasis on the virtues of self-reliance and self-elevation does not mean that he had grown insensitive to the magnitude of the difficulties yet to be overcome; nor does it mean that he had resorted to blaming the victim or placing exclusive responsibility on the freedpeople for their condition. In his efforts to cultivate a respect for and proper understanding of the natural right of property, Douglass was laboring for a cause he considered vital both to Americas moral and political culture and to the liberation and elevation of black Americans in particular. His fair-play principle required, first and foremost, the cessation of various practices in the post-Reconstruction South that were designed to frustrate blacks efforts to acquire property for themselves. It's how the detective is able to put the criminal in jail. V, p. 105. An effective counterclaim works to disagree with and disprove the author's claim. Slavery not only expropriated the fruits of its victims labor, but also assaulted the moral and mental faculties by which, once freed, they might otherwise have put their labor to profitable and elevating uses. [43] Douglass, Property in Soil and Property in Man, November 18, 1848, in Life and Writings, Vol. Yet, while Douglass narrative describes in vivid detail his experiences of life as a slave, what Douglass intends for his readers to grasp after reading his narrative is something much more profound. He in a sense manipulates the children around him into teaching him how to read and write. [35] Douglass, The Future of the Negro People of the Slave States, in Life and Writings, Vol. Most of the slaves were hungry because they were ill-fed, and they were expected to toil sun-up to sundown. Undaunted by these setbacks, however, he maintained to the end a strenuous schedule of speaking and writing, laboring to remind the succeeding generations that there was a right side and a wrong side in the late war and to propagate his undying faith in the mission and promise of America. Counterclaim and Refutation Sentence Frames. Explain, -no, he/she first denied it, then comes out telling the truth, Write a definition of obstruction based on your understanding of the prefix ob-. Then, it's time for your evidence, which, again, you have thoughtfully and thoroughly prepared. Evidence tells your reader how your claim is proved. This commitment not only appears in the Preamble, but also reflects a bedrock rule of legal interpretationa rule as old as law itself, Douglass observed, and grounded in the very nature of law, according to which a legal instrument must be construed strictly in favor of liberty and justice.[17], In Douglasss argument, these interpretive principles yielded powerfully anti-slavery results. God and nature speak to our manhood and manhood alone.[58]. They are struggling with the counterclaim (counterargument) and refutation (rebuttal) as these are new Standards for seventh graders. The persistence of Douglasss hopeful, energetic activism during that very difficult decade deserves further comment. 350351. I teach a seventh grade ELA class and weve just finished reading Walk Two Moonsby Sharon Creech. [51] Douglass, The Blessings of Liberty and Education, September 3, 1894, in Douglass Papers, Vol. Some of the above points adapted from theHarvard Writing Center. Reasons for a claim can also be written as a "because" statement with the claim: the United States should ban capital punishment because capital punishment costs taxpayers more than life in prison. on his farm recently because of a lack of water, so he decides to research how many acres of farm land were lost in his area during the last extended drought. Soon thereafter, Frederick Douglass uses some smart tactics to resume his learning. In addition to using Counterclaim and Refutation Sentence Frames, writing teachers may also be interested in these related articles:Why Use an Essay Counterclaim?,Where to Put the Essay Counterclaim, andWhat is the Essay Counterclaim? 380382. -his language is different, it proves hes educated, (b) How effective would it be for a modern audience? Because they can defend for theirselves, their thoughts, and beliefs, Give an example of a disparity that you have noticed between two groups He states This battle with Mr. The grave danger was that reunion and peace would be purchased at the cost of obscuring the moral principles that remained in contest. For example, This evidence may be true; however, the objection does not change the fact that, 2. Her husband tells her that instructing her slave in literacy will spoil him as a slave, and she stops teaching young Frederick. The evidence is the facts, data, and quoted experts used to provide support for the reasoning. Taking the policy claim from earlier, if an author is arguing that the United States should ban capital punishment, their reasons would be the reasons why they believe this is the case. In that position, Douglasss fame grew rapidly, and with it came controversy and heightened personal danger. Wiki User. The 1850s witnessed a series of what, to many, must have appeared to be catastrophic setbacks for the abolitionist cause, beginning with the execrated Fugitive Slave Law of 1850, including also the KansasNebraska Act of 1854, and culminating in the Dred Scott ruling in 1857. For example, this argument misses the key point that. If the author's claim is that organ selling should be legalized, an example of an effective counterclaim would be that organ selling should not be legalized because it can drive up the cost of organ transplants, meaning that only the rich could afford to receive a transplant. Douglass discovers that a slave was set free by persuading his master, and as a result, this information makes Douglass an avid learner. What is the Function of a Claim in an Argument? Including using the example of Joseph and his brothers, as well as the Israelites being slaves in Egypt. Your reason is because yours doesn't have Internet access, and your evidence says that students with Internet access make better grades. mount shasta missing persons; kevin russell facebook; what is secretary of state number ct; The only solid, and final solution of the problem before us, Douglass insisted, was also the only just solution: the most perfect civil and political equality such that black Americans shall enjoy all the rights, privileges and immunities enjoyed by any other members of the body politic.[37] In its primary meaning, Douglasss fair-play, non-exceptionalism principle entailed simple equality under law, irrespective of race or color, but in the decades following the war, he was most urgently concerned with equal protection for two rights in particular: voting rights and property rights. Various options can be effective: 1. Good reasoning for a claim is on topic, logically sound, factual, and can be supported by evidence. [50] My Bondage and My Freedom, in Autobiographies, p. 286; Douglass to Stowe, March 8, 1853, in Life and Writings, Vol. A rebuttal is when the author disproves an argument. Most urgently, he taught them to reject the spirit of alienation, which he saw as the greatest danger to any peoples liberation and elevation. It will tell that people and all others that the nation has the disposition if not entire ability to do the Negro right and justice.[54]. Douglass also describes the way it corroded his soul to not know his birth date, to be told he couldn't learn to read after the wife of his Baltimore owner started to teach him, and to realize that slavery was a condition he would never grow out of. It was doubtful liberty at most, and almost certain death is we failed. [51] Frederick Douglass was one of the most commonly known slaves to have existed. Today we're going to learn about the parts of an argument necessary to win one! 'Because I said so,' doesn't work, and 'Just because,' doesn't work - until you're a parent. [27] Douglass, Speech at the Unveiling of The Freedmens Monument in Memory of Abraham Lincoln, April 14, 1876, in Douglass Papers, Vol. What would you ask them to do? When Hugh Auld, Sophias husband, promptly forbade further instruction for the reason that literacy would forever unfit the boy for slavery, young Frederick gained a revelatory insight into the evil design of slavery and the sure path to liberation. . to this land, when it strips five millions of its people of all motives for cultivating an upright character.[36]. [5] For an indispensable rebuttal of this critique, see Thomas G. West, Vindicating the Founders: Race, Sex, Class, and Justice in the Origins of America (Lanham, Md. It is particularly important also to pay renewed attention to the most thoughtful apostles of the integrationist faith among the major figures of the AfricanAmerican protest tradition. The main purpose of a counterclaim is to address the opposite side of the argument and provide a rebuttal. All rights reserved. Why is Douglass surprised by New Bedford in Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass? Douglass describes this memory as the "blood-stained gate" through which he entered slavery, and he is struck throughout at how the institution made tyrants of whites. Douglass has been taught a few reading lessons form his mistress. In assembling together as we have done, our object is not to excite pity for ourselves, but to command respect for our cause, and to obtain justice for our people. This is an effective counterclaim because it disagrees with the claim (stating that it should not be banned) and provides reasoning that disproves it (that it provides closure). 790, 795797. Speaking in 1993 to a black congregation at the Memphis church where King had delivered the final sermon of his life, President Bill Clinton lamented that King did not live and die to see the American family destroyed or for the freedom of people to kill each other with reckless abandon.[3]. They that can, may; I cannot. I was a man now.[9]. These paragraphs contain the author's sub-claims/reasoning, counterclaims, and evidence. This is called the counterclaim. After Douglass escape to freedom and his continuation of his education, he became an abolitionist through his works of literature and speeches. In a more formal way, she might say, 'Your current situation does not require a new cell phone.' appalachian school of law shooting victims; private members' clubs london mayfair. of people, -two football teams competing for State Champion. In paragraph 5, (b) How does he refute that counterclaim? In his successive responses to these developments, Douglass expressed not despair but rising hopefulness. Additionally, it comes from a credible source: an academic paper from the. What country have I? he asked, a member of a race placed outside the protections of law, and answered, I have no patriotism. Want this question answered? II, p. 375. Do nothing with us! Frederick Douglass shows her fast transformation from generosity to hard-heartedness to show the pernicious effect slavery has on white slave owners. IV, p. 183. [61] Douglass, Why Is the Negro Lynched? in Life and Writings, Vol. Whom was he trying to reach? Frederick Douglass In an essay or speech that presents an argument, the author often addresses counterclaims, or arguments made by opponents. For a standard 5-paragraph essay, the introduction is one paragraph and contains the thesis statement, or overall claim for the essay. 9, Sala 89, Brusque, SC, 88355-20. Below is an example of an effective claim, supported by reason and on-topic, credible evidence, followed by an effective counterclaim that disagrees with and disproves the claim through its own reasoning, evidence to support the counterclaims, as well as an effective rebuttal to the counterclaim with evidence of its own. Following this lesson, you should be able to: To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. How does Douglass refute this counterclaim? [4] Thurgood Marshall, Speech at the Annual Seminar of the San Francisco Patent and Trademark Law Association, May 6, 1987, at http://www.thurgoodmarshall.com/speeches/constitutional_speech.htm (November 8, 2010). Q&A Expert 3 851 answers 4.8 rating He acknowledges that some can debate him Explanation: Quick expert help Get an expert answer for 15 minutes Criticizethe evidence and analysis of the counterclaimas being unimportant, irrelevant, or a misinterpretation. What have you learned about the struggle for freedom from reading this speech? Slavery, in their view, was simply unconstitutional; the Constitution delegated to the federal government both the right and the duty to abolish slavery immediately, everywhere in the Union.[18]. This meant first the reintegration of a country still badly divided by sectionalism in the immediate aftermath of the war. His careful planning paid off in September 1838, when he fled Baltimore disguised as a seaman and made his way ultimately to New Bedford, Massachusetts, where he settled, a newly married man, and took the surname Douglass from the hero in Sir Walter Scotts epic poem The Lady of the Lake. The position of Douglass and constitutional radicals, by contrast, was that the Constitution was in the strict sense abolitionist. Reasoning is the author's logic used to support and prove their claims. -the struggle for freedom changes through history by always separating one race from the other, and calling one superior They were statesmen, patriots and heroes. In his discerning view, however, the main source of their greatnessthe virtue that enabled them to be more than revolutionaries, the Founders of a great republicinhered not in their bravery but in their dedication to the eternal principles, the saving principles, set forth in the unique revolutionary document they dared to sign. It means uplifting the soul of man into the glorious light of truth, the light by which men can only be made free.[53]. Here it is essential to note that Douglass, like James Madison, conceived of the right to property in its primary sense as a right to acquire material goods, grounded in the free use of ones faculties for productive labor. I would definitely recommend Study.com to my colleagues. He taught them through all their hardships to love their country and their future in it. [9] Douglass, My Bondage and My Freedom, in Frederick Douglass: Autobiographies (New York: Library of America, 1994), p. 286. IV, p. 68 (emphasis in original). 411, 414. And it is no less difficult to see how the propagation of the opinion that the American Founders ostensibly universal principles and ostensibly free institutions were meant to secure the oppression of people of color could fail to spread and to deepen that demoralizing sentiment. This seemingly contrarian hopefulness was no mere exercise in morale-boosting. Douglass presented this speech to an antislavery societyan audience that was already on his side. One is that slavery was an institution that corrupted whites and robbed (or attempted to rob) blacks of their humanity. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. [15] Douglass, What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July? in Douglass Papers, Vol. The power of education was also a key argument in The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, but it was not an argument with a consistent meaning. Tell why all or part of the opposing point of view may be reasonable, plausible, or valid, but minimize the opposing position. II, pp. Whereas Douglass from the outset called urgently and insistently for the Civil Wars prosecution as an abolition war, Lincoln saw in such a course of action only a self-destructive rashnessa premature radicalizing of the war, most likely to result in the disaffection of vital allies and, ultimately, the catastrophic failure of the Union cause. [58] The Blessings of Liberty and Education, in Douglass Papers, Vol. In your thesis paragraph, you make it . I feel like its a lifeline. [N]o one seems to have doubted the correctness of the prevailing opinion of the time.[4]. Accessed 4 Mar. Making a claim is just a fancy way of saying that you're stating your main point. 9, how does Douglass come to know the date? A good conclusion for an argumentative essay should address at least one of the following: What implications does the argument have for various stakeholders? Protagoras was a Greek philosopher who is widely considered the father of argument and debate. IV, pp. Douglasss arguments on this subject extended back to his early abolitionist years, when he saw very clearly that slaves natural rights to liberty were fundamentally identical with their natural rights to propertywith their natural properties in their own persons, in their own labor, and in the fruits of that laborand that the fundamental evil of slavery was to deprive them, at once, of both. Children would be separated from their mothers before they were twelve months in age-Frederick too was separated from his mother. In an argument, your, 'My cell phone doesn't have Internet access,' would need to be beefed up a little, to, 'My current cell phone doesn't provide Internet access, which is necessary for me to complete all my homework.' In paragraph 5, what does douglass acknowledge as a counterclaim to his position? I have had but one answer from the beginning. The controversy of racism scorches Narrative of The Life of Frederick Douglass written by Frederick Douglass himself. Argumentative Writing - ELA.8.C.1.3: Write to argue a position, supporting at least one claim and rebutting at least one counterclaim with logical reasoning, credible evidence from sources . A broad array of racially freighted social problems persists and even intensifies in the postCivil Rights Era, in the face of which the ideals of the civil rights cause cannot be said to have been fully realized. In what turned out to be Douglasss most prescient argument, slaverys demise would come about in the following sequence of events. An education can open doors that were once closed. A claim of fact (or a factual claim) is a claim arguing that something is or is not true. She is certified to teach 6-12 grade ELA. The arm of the Lord is not shortened, and the doom of slavery is certain.[19] Stronger still was his statement following the Dred Scott ruling: My hopes were never brighter than now. Frederick Douglass, J. M. Whitfield, H. O . V, pp. Douglass found solid reasons for believing what he repeatedly affirmed throughout the decade, as in his Dred Scott speech: I base my sense of the certain overthrow of slavery, in part, upon the nature of the American Government, the Constitution, the tendencies of the age, and the character of the American people. A claim is an argument in statement form. Everybody has asked the question, he complained in early 1865, and they learned to ask it early of the abolitionists, What shall we do with the negro after emancipation? He not only. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more.