Mercury is just 12 degrees from the Sun in the sky, so it is difficult to see. However, in that event the planets were not easily visible because they dropped below the horizon before it was dark enough to observe with the naked eye. mars conjunct ic would be very similar to moon conjunct mars because the ic is the cusp of the 4th house which is ruler of cancer and the moon. The Neptune person is extremely sensitive to the Moon person's mood changes, and knows how to comfort them well. However, this will most likely manifest in a way that is not so frustrating. Since ancient days of astrology, people would consult the heavens in order to find out what awaits them in life, in terms of romance and marriage. Their north node conjunct your moon: They seep in and affect your emotional levels and subconscious. Mars can be seen for more than 7 hours after sunset and during the late evening/early night. When positive expressions come from Moon conjunct Moon, there is an innate knowing of how to soothe the other, a deep sense of understanding what the other is going through. However, your urge towards routine . The problem that arises with such an aspect is that there could be too much censorship, emotional censorship. Anytime the north node connects it can bring far reaching longevity to the relationship. } this whole aspect reminds me of the lyrics to dark beach. Saturn is just 12 degrees from the Sun in the sky, so it is difficult to see. This connection defines a relationship as something that should be taken seriously from the very beginning. The two planets havent looked this close from our vantage point since 1623, and even then their positioning closer to the sun wasnt ideal. Our viewpoint from Earth is what makes the planets look like they are touching, it is also what makes this event so rare. The Moon should try to understand the Saturn and its well-structured view on life. Natal astrology is a step before synastry, since the latter is based upon comparing natal charts of people in a relationship. More about this and other astronomy highlights 2023. Venus and Moon Opposite Pluto in Synastry: will create an unrequited love for the Venus person or Moon person, combine this with a Sun Opposite Neptune aspect (composite or synastry) and you will see someone completely unravel themselves at the prospect of this union. If you miss out on this event, you will have to wait until 2080 to catch another Great Conjunction with both planets this close together. = 'block'; Saturn trine or sextile moon in synastry. 4th House overlay, Moon conjunct Moon, and both Moons in the same signs also do this. Primarily made of dust and ice, many have a tail (coma) and are thought to be remnants of the formation of the Solar System. On Dec. 21, the planets will appear so close together that they will almost look like . Moon-Saturn is never a death sentence of a relationship, but these can be challenging. Permalink Posted 11 years ago NASA Expert IDs Mystery Object as Old Rocket, Check Your Pockets: These Coins Can Be Worth Up To $24,000, Reconsider Your Plans': Emergency Closure Ordered for San Bernardino National Forest, Glendale Neighborhood Frustrated After an Illegal Hostel Moves In, Crestline Man Writes Help Us' Message in Snow. Many esoteric and occult paths are based upon the same postulate. The "lunar" person needs to discipline their emotions and be more mature, less childish in this area. It sounds like this relationship is filled with stress. At their closest, some people will need a binocular to separate them.. The Moon person feels comforted by the Sun person's energy and the Sun person feels like they can be vulnerable with the Moon person. Posts: 36From: CaliforniaRegistered: Jun 2009. Moon conjunct the Moon in synastry can be both amazingly wonderful and soothing, but also intensely emotional and hurtful, given the situation and what the rest of both parties' charts are saying. Moon-Ascendant Positive Aspects+Conjunction: This gives the two people a really strong and emotional bond. I think the two are linked in that they are bringing up your old familiar/family patterns from childhood. Synastry is one specific type of astrological reading and it falls under the astrology of relations, comparative astrology. This is so true. The Moon represents our intimate self, our emotions. Beta The Interactive Night Sky Map simulates the sky above Southern California on a date of your choice. A Moon conjunct Saturn aspect in your natal chart can point towards a deeply emotional and moving journey. lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId + '-asloaded'), { attributes: true }); Perhaps it would be closer to the original if we would call it a language of the stars. Saturn does not want the Moon to be needy. Sun sextile/trine/conjunct Moon is often found in marriage synastry charts. There are five major aspects, divided in two groups, easy and heavy aspects. Emotional distancing is not of any use, which is something the strict and somewhat cold Saturn should learn from the Moon. The waxing crescent Moon adds luster to the scene on both December 16th and 17th. Divination was a common practice, but astrology is more than simply a divination or fortunetelling. However, the hard aspectsthe square, opposition, quincunxindicate friction and misunderstandings in the relationship. They push and can come off as aggressive at time to moon but moon respects their power and strength. if saturn notices any evolvement/change in the relationship, they would do anything to prevent it, by criticizing and restricting the personal planet person, easy aspects to saturn (trine, sextile) : both individuals serve to compromise with one another. @styleofmybluelife / Arav also recommends planning at least an hour for a thorough viewing on the 21st if you have clear skies and a telescope or binoculars. The problem that arises with such an aspect is that there could be too much censorship, emotional censorship. Jupiter is close to the Sun and can only be seen shortly after sunset. . Hitherto you could assume why separate analyzes of natal charts are important for synastry. I can see why you'd be attracted to him if in synastry, you have the same combination as in your natal. This has been called a "fated contact" because it is quite timely in the sense of both people having to become more conscious of free-flowing feelings on the part of the "lunar" person, and in inhibitions on the part of the "Saturine" person. Curious if theres anyone on here thats in a satisfying, longterm relationship even with a few Saturn squares to personal planets in their synastry.???? This means that two conjunct planets match places or that these neighboring planets are very, very close. Astrology is old as some of the ancient civilization. Our mothers are our first human connection from the womb onward, their sadness, malice, and frustration can be so engrained within us, addressing and healing these complexes may take an entire lifetime. Often there might be "on off" arrangements, and the two really realize how much they "need" each other for stability. Is there any chance to win him back? In synastry, when you compare charts, aspects are created between them. Astrological aspects are crucial for our story. Use it to locate a planet, the Moon, or the Sun and track their movements across the sky. Moon conjunct Saturn is, by all means, a powerful aspect. The Juno person sees the Moon person as their perfect wife. Both want one hundred percent commitment, but this emotional censorship would make you distant. However, this is a simplified division, since we could hardly read aspects as black and white. The Moravian Star on blue starry sky at night. Saturn essentially inhibits and waters down the Venus. The moons will look like tiny dots of light in along a line that cuts through the planet. Second house synastry brings a value feeling of emotional satisfaction for the Moon person when in someone's second house rather a romantic one. Venus is the planet of romance, beauty, what we love, and how we go about loving. Moon square Moon is pretty difficult as well (I have it with my mother and emotionally, we're total opposites). The Moon will see Saturn as reliable, and Saturn will see the Moon as very loving. They are easily able to rationalize why the Moon person behaves the way they do. The conjunction can really go either way, but it can be a binding stable force in a relationship. Moon conjunct Moon, but also Moon trine Moon and Moon sextile Moon can be indicators of soulmates in astrology. 'Sun/Moon' aspects are considered the best synastry aspects for love. It is dubbed the Christmas Star, except this isnt some distant star. The trines and sextiles can have their moments when the Moon might not feel like his/her needs are not being met. The Moon would be greatly saddened by such an outcome, because he or she may feel forbidden to express their gentleness, their neediness of the Saturn partner. In fact, this is the closest the planets have been in the sky since 1623. There are short-term affairs with Moon conjunct Saturn. Planets around us definitely affect the life on earth and affect human beings; there are scientific proofs of that. Having said all this, if the writing on the wall is read and obeyed, a very stable and mutually responsible, though possibly somewhat sober, relationship can be established. Howeverall those squares, OUCH. This image of Jupiter was taken in June, 2020. = container.attributes.ezaw.value + 'px'; It is true that astrology has its methodology, principles and loads of knowledge. Saturn can indicate that there was . Saturn needs commitment to the fullest, but would imagine it as a contract, which is completely out of the Moon's intuitive and emotional domain. This notorious planet is one of the social planets, along with Jupiter and it is also called the planet of suffering. var ins = document.createElement('ins'); What is synastry, then? They are present in each natal chart, where they decide fine traits and characteristics of ones birth chart, hence, ones personality and destiny. The conjunction does not restrict the energy of one planet, on behalf of the other; it intensifies both energies, regardless of their nature. Saturn is just 13 degrees from the Sun in the sky, so it is difficult to see. ( Many people regardless have those feelings ). His Mercury trine my SunHis Mercury conjunct my NeptuneHis Mercury sextile my Neptune. The Moravian Star on blue starry sky at night. Binding, but difficult. Fairly close to the Sun. On the night of December 21, the winter solstice, Jupiter and Saturn will appear so closely aligned in our sky that they will look like a double planet. For this Great Conjunction, Jupiter and Saturn will be closer together in the sky than in other years. The Moon is our inner voice, our intuition, our imagination and especially, our emotional self. . Originally posted by wendy-909. Of course, theres no guarantee the weather will cooperate on that night, so its worth checking out the sight even a few nights before or after the 21st, when the planetary pair will still appear within less than a moons diameter on one another.