I am a true blue Taurus, stubborn and all. But abandoning reality is something that the Taurus woman absolutely will not do. The Pisces man and Taurus woman in marriage is a clear winner. They always assume youre doing something, or talking to other women behind their back, then they use that paranoid justification to see other men. We have been dating about 4 months now, and at first everything was great. i met this amazing Women(a taurus) at a contest, and i cant stop thinking about her. One of the common Pisces traits is indecisiveness, which might cause problems for this couple as they try to navigate issues such as choosing whether or not to move houses or have children. In the past as a Taurus woman I was very high-strung and didnt understand the struggle of being indecisive so I tend to get angry at my Pisces man. Taurus Man & Scorpio Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? These individuals can make each other truly happy by forming a profound emotional understanding. Reading this reminds me of Bahati and Adam Levine cheating on her right now. Both the Taurus woman and Pisces man are excellent listeners, providing them with a great sense of ease in their conversation. Even more importantly, where theyre Be careful about your words when you feel like your horns will coming out. She knows some of my High School classmates. We have this issue. So he promised me that he will not do it again but I want to test him few days if he cant be honest to me I must leave immidiate cause i cant stay in a shit like that.. But he became exactly what i cant stand, indecisive, needy, depending on me so much and generally messing with my head. this is weird.. i met a pisces man on the internet exchanged numbers. Be sure what you do disagree about doesnt challenge his thoughts about how you view him and he will never disappoint.. All this only applies if youve got a whole person loving you.. You definitely know your Pisces. Their differences, while plentiful, are the kinds that balance each other out rather than make them incompatible. We dont intend to be womanizers but we are easily runoff and usually start looking for that perfect woman before we can get out of the situation were in because we dont want to hurt someones feelings. Being able to navigate the harder parts of life so smoothly makes this pairing built to last. I know thats not ideal but our paths rarely cross in person. At times, it will better for them to be mindful that good appearance can be as important as good work, particularly within a relationship, where their emotions itself are a matter of display and presentation. But sometimes he may mean well when he makes promises, but is often too spacey and flaky to follow them through to the end which shatters the heart of the Taurus female. Am a taurus and am perfectly getting along with my pisces dude.Seriously its really a great thing having people who invented google and partook in the horoscope and zodiac sign.everything is well said and is working accordingly ..I hail you guys.What a great gift indeed God has bestowed you ..Am one of the most happiest lady in a quite nice and fantastic relationship ever.. Im a Taurus woman falling for a Pisces man. Family planning is another discussion the Pisces man may be interesting in having at present. The romantic overtones that first brought these two together tend to fade over time, especially on the side of Taurus. Marriage between a Pisces man and a Taurus woman, final words, Dating a Pisces man and the 12 things you need to know, 6 Steamy tips to turn on your Pisces man in bed, click here, Pisces compatibility with each zodiac sign, Do Pisces Men Come Back? When working together, the Pisces man and Taurus woman have an ideal support system to overcome these obstacles. WebThe Pisces man and Taurus woman have a powerful connection that comes very naturally. Chat with one of Keens, 10 MINUTES FOR $1.99 (New Customers Only), Pisces Horoscope and Predictions for 2023. They have mutual respect and support. In order for them to take it to the next level and commit, they would have to find out if what they want are the same. Congratulations , I am glad to hear that too . My Pisces man is EVERYTHING my ex is NOT it was destined for us to be together, the way we met was and is still when I think about it 2 years later a very calm warm and magical moment. I just dumped one. Our community thrives when we help each other. They both seek peace and are willing to do everything possible to avoid conflict. So thank goodness i got out while i could. Make it a commitment to meet sometime, sit down and just talk. Pisces man and woman love to please others, leave no stone unturned for those they care about, and are extremely loyal, On the other hand, the Taurus woman tends to sulk or become passive aggressive when things go wrong. My stable nature keeps him grounded. It will just take time. Taurus Man & Aries Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match. And according to an astrologer, there are three zodiac signs Taurus is most likely to marry. As a pisces man i can assure you, nit all pisces me are stingy i rarely have money and honestly hate money so many arguements and chaos over it i love spending my money on myself as much as i do in the one im with. But I think we both are looking for an emotional outlet to fulfill an emptiness inside of us. And i wish that my pisces boyfriend will be my husband in future and love me like that way, Why are pisces men stingy? Stick to those instead. There are a few differences that pop-up with time, involving some patchy and rough incidents. i so hope it works out as well and we get toghether. They wont ever love you the way you want to be loved, as they are arrogant, and would never swallow their pride to make the relationship work. This can boil up her fury, which leads to some damage to the sensitive heart of him. They have a balance that never fails to make the Taurus woman happy, and the Pisces man feels fulfilled as a partner. He was a cheapskate, very controlling and would push my buttons around other women. If he did, he wouldnt do something that would hurt you like that. But one you cross them, youll see a different fire in them and theyll treat you like the enemy. Then usually he gets upset. I am a true Taurus and 100% loyal until the very end, my loyalty is my greatest asset. Now, sometimes this only happens during the early stage of the relationship. A lot of the time talking about bills or complaining about money its not because Im doing anything but trying to get my partner to say dont worry baby you got this. Everyone thought we were the ideal couple because that is what we portrayed to our family and friends. I dont know but i guess 10 years was long enough for me to realize I would be much more happier with a stable partner whom i can also count on and raise my kids with rather than an additional kid to babysit all day long. Being a Taurus we are very loyal and time & time again he has broken the trust in our relationship. Webwhat we offer below as capably as review Taurus Woman And Pisces Man Linda Goodman what you once to read! They both seek a simple relationship with no strings attached. Maybe you also have to figure it out how to spend money cos some taureans theyre really enjoying giid stuff like no tomorrow. ALSO keep in mind the always correct and important LAWS OF the ZODIAC know that their are 4 corners of the world (North East South West) there are also 4 elements in which the zodiacs lie, Air, Water, Fire, Earth. Dating A Pisces Man? The Taurus woman wants nothing more than stability and she expects to receive nothing less from her partner. Still treat him like a special. Even at the beginning of their life together, their differences are visible and disagreements begin. He would feel like he got struck by Cupid by the way he is mesmerized. The only issue is, I find that the subject is always on me, me me me I feel selfish- I dont open up that that much but I do so more than he does, it is so difficult to know much about a Piscean, I find them very secretive and selfless, they dont talk about thereselves that often therefore I dont get to understand him or know him properly that hurts me, a lot because Id like to ask him more about himself but I fear being blocked out and pushed away as him talking about his self isnt a regular thing. We are not ones to act like children, we talk a lot of things through and then discuss what we need to do or say differently the next time. If you arent sure if you love him then your mind is already made up. My Pisces mood changes dramatically, from time to time he tends to change even his career plans simply just by being in different physical setting or his surrenders. My heart already breaking so it seem so cold like heartless. Plus they hardly spend on u, must it be love and love. Its my best relationship ever. Your delay in letting him go only delays his growth. But to my good taureans allies, i am very proud to all of you god bless you all, I find it ironic that you seek the same ideals as she but cannot be that strong for her :/, Im sorry that was your experience. But I look at him as the type of man I would love as a husband and the father to my children. Im glad to hear someone else having a positive experience! TROUBLE. Hes 7yrs my senior I am 30 and he is very about his life, I love it. Both Pisces and Taurus are pleasure-seeking, hedonistic signs that tend to overindulge in their favorite earthly delights like sex, food, and alcohol. In traditional astrology, he is also ruled by Jupiter the planet of expansion and luck. Anyways we exchanged numbers and he called me. He hits me up occasionally apologizing but Im just so hurt from the past that I cant find it in me to move past everything. We're in this together! They both have a hunger for sensuality, affection, and reassurance and are more than happy to provide it for their partner. They are very careful about their words, cos they dont want to hurt you and tjey also protecting their emotions. Taurus man dating leo woman Pisces, and clings persistently and very loyal and the slow and fiery. We can handle them because of our magnetic and alluring approach to them. Communicate your feeling earnestly and with touch as Pisces men are extremely peaceful and touch sensitive. I do love him truly. A Pisces woman can be a bit oblivious and aloof, but once the Taurus man makes his intentions clear, she will quickly reciprocate his affection. To sum it up, the marriage between a Pisces Woman and Taurus Man can last a lifetime. Every woman despite her sign wants to be acknowledged this way. Next time I meet someone else Im gonna be straightforward with this from the start. This kind of behavior can do more than just hurt her as it can break her heart. Both of these signs use sex to communicate, and they feel unloved when their partner doesnt want to be close to them physically. Its just the way they are. Taurus and Pisces are both about joy. Oh honey, Im also a taurus and I promise you the scorpio will be the best sex but dont leave that pisces for either one of them. But she is too laid-back to break up over his reluctance to get married, and he will keep her happy with plenty of reassurance of his love in the meantime. Scorpio Man & Pisces Woman Relationship Compatibility. A Taurus woman is kind hearted. A Pisces woman can teach a Taurus man to be more spiritual and to focus on matters that fulfill his heart rather than getting caught up in material things. Aquarius Man & Pisces Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Just dont cheat on anyone! If Im honest, I felt at peace that I knew I had found something that I was looking for, I had a massive gut feeling that something wasnt okay and it led me to finding that, I didnt trust him before that anyway and I hate to say it but I still dont, I will always find it very hard to trust but I will be even more disappointed if I have let my guard down for somebody to do that to me. I want him but I want him to grow up. The Pisces man and Taurus woman have a powerful connection that comes very naturally. Reach out to him. WebTaurus woman dating leo man Taurus woman dating leo man Before actually dating Read Full Article with. hes driving me crazyi swear i think im just gonna rape him one of these days. Her physical demonstrations ignite a more present, passionate and aware approach to his lovemaking. A Taurus woman loves to be indoors and her cozy, comfortable home and interest in interior design reflects that. We exchanged numbers and was on the phone for about 10 hours! Somebody I would love to share the rest of my life with! Be true and honest with yourself and with him. This means that Aquarius and Pisces compatibility is high, and they make a good match. But the Taurus woman is compassionate and has the common sense required to help him overcome it. That went okay when I finally decided to talk about some issues that I have, he is an extremelly good listener and is highly understanding although I am aware sometimes I am very conserved and dont discuss things into full detail and I dont delve too deep. He has some trust issues we are slowly working past but I am glad to see that the things I say and do instinctively are just what he needs. I prefer to take care of his needs because he makes loving him so satisfying and easy. Happiness in marriage: Average. Only thing is our communication, were both quiet but were working on it. The Taurus woman is typically attracted towards the Pisces man who is unlike anything else she has ever known. Promising to not do it again. Does and Pisces man and Taurus woman work, is it a good combination? These two are in perfect harmony since they are both extremely attuned to the heart and value creativity, beauty, and the arts. Always playing on the computer. But i can totally relate on the feeling of their denseness. But i proved that pisces men has feminine energy in a way of being sensitive and yes very emotional and delicate. I just wanted to voice how I feel. In fact, the Pisces man and Taurus woman soul mate connection is likely. Anyway, just to skip straight to the point I am a young Taurean lady of which started seeing a Piscean male in January time of this year, we finally got things moving after a good 8 months of communicating with eachother over FB (yes, I know, Facebook.. eeeek) It was a random add but we did manage to start speaking not long after becoming friends online. Whatta shame. so I got mad at him and stopped talking to him for a while, but a few weeks later he texted me back and is sort of being open about how much he cares for me. While they both take their time before making a serious I am a taurus woman with a pisces boyfriend. Hope this helps in you future. He is very protective and a great provider. I wonder how common Pisces men cheating is against loyal zodiac signs, I must be a really unusual female Taurus as Ive been with my male Pisces for 21 years now and Ive constantly cheated on him because he cheated on me earlier on in the relationship and that flipped a switch in my brain and I basically stubbornly took whatever I wanted whenever I want it its not ideal but he doesnt know anything about it just waiting for him to find out so he can kill me but I dont think he will I dont want him to find out though Id be devastated I just did 2 years without cheating cos my brother died he wasnt really there for me how I wanted him to be or maybe Im just not worthy of what I want cos of what Ive done I stay with him more than anything out of comfort reassurance and just routine I think he loves me more than I love him. Please take good care of yourself and good luck <3. Anyways hope further relationships with taurus are better for you! These factors quickly lead to a serious relationship between these partners. What confuses me is that when we first started dating I told him what kind of woman I was, and what I was looking for. He wants to take care of her needs whenever he can. She takes pride in her appearance. Taurus Man & Aquarius Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? WebThe Pisces man and Taurus woman have a powerful connection that comes very naturally. Weve met a few times and are facebook friends. He might have feminine qualities but he is still a man who wants to be a great provider. I enjoyed speaking to him all the time, of course but I knew that talking too much too honest would leave us with nothing to discuss eventually. I dont know what to do. Of course he has his sucker days but the older I get the easier I learn to just accept it. For sure shes very adorable woman. I dont know what to do. I think I am fully aware of knowing what Piscean men are capable of and that is what worries me. He prefers to live in a world of fantasy and dreams, rather than staying grounded in reality. WebTaurus man and Pisces woman love match wont get less even after years of marriage. They are not stingy. Its the best match for a Taurus women in my mind. The sexual union of Taurus woman and Pisces man is very satisfying. There are other men in the sea who are honest and loyal. Taurus represents the art of love making, tenderness and sensuality. Although we had a rough start, separated, it made us closer getting back together and realizing how much we mean to each other. If the Taurus man and woman make a conscious effort to continue their growth as partners and individuals, there is nothing this couple cant achieve together. The horoscope gives the Taurus-Pisces bond compatibility that has a sense of certainty. The foundation is laid very carefully because she knows the dangers of stepping too far out of the pasture, and he wants to take no risk at all. Or is it because you genuinely feel for him. They could have a good relationship, but perhaps a short one. The horoscope gives the Taurus-Pisces bond compatibility that has a sense of certainty. Indeed, for those who've tried and failed to find the right man offline, mutual relations can provide. I truly admire your honesty here. Hey Esther, read your comments and I wanted to check to see if your Pisces man changed his ways. You know what his excuse was for cheating? Pisces man and Taurus woman A Pisces man gets stuck on a Taurus woman like a magnet. A Taurus man must give himself to the Pisces woman without reservation, It is true My pisces man gushes his love towards me. Whatever is on the Taurus woman's mind, it would be a relief to speak it out loud. He makes her feel validated and heard. Sounds like my Piscean man, except I dont necessarily find him sneaky (yet). omg this comment tho Well, currently dating a Pisces guy and its both our first time experiencing romance. She, in turn, is perceptive and easily understands what is necessary for a man from Vigo. My stepfather was also a Piscean and I adore him, I couldnt have asked for anybody better. They are the pairing of strong and weak but yet like each others company and support. A Taurus and Pisces friendship is warm, loving, and sweet. May be again its because of our stubborn nature or our never ending hope on others improvement. She is normally a warm, gracious hostess for her husband as well as his friends and a pretty good listener and adviser when needed. RUN! Just dont cheat her or else she will not hesitating to use her 2horns with you. 9 Tricks To Make Your Pisces Man Obsessed (Spot On!). I am a Taurus woman 28 & I met my Pisces man 33 November 2019. By taking it slow and steady, this pairing can build a solid foundation, leading to a very stable and long-lasting relationship. The Pisces woman is highly intuitive and great at reading a Taurus guys non-verbal cues, so she will accept and return his affection whole-heartedly. Pisces and Taurus both have a deep sense of compassion and want to be with someone who values these traits. as the woman you must build & conduct effective dialogue & be as direct as possible without pushing him away. So he could demonstrate that he wanted to know me as human being and not as an object of desire. How To Know When A Pisces Man Is Done With You? As a taurean woman all the guys be dated end up wanting be back even when married, but in the relationship I try my best to make it work but they see it as a disturbance and hindrance only for them to have regrets. His intentions are serious and I hope for being his wife in the future as we live far from each other, to grow our amazing relationship closely. And its true in my life that pisces in general have just been the best people in the world to me and I cant help but just want to take care of their beautiful hearts. He makes the Taurus woman feel like she is valued and appreciated. Pisces men gives me the emotional satisfaction that taurus crave, theyre very loyal to the people they love and care for. I think instability of his character draws out our motherhood nature more than anything else, but hearing his lies, noticing his affairs, his stupid hide and find games and dealing with his manipulating character can be very frustrating and overwhelming overtime. Some may call it stubborn, I call it protection. He was very fast in trying to get me to sleep with him, I wont lie about that, it doesnt surprise me considering he is a Piscean as they have huge sexual appetites, which us Taureans have too but I tend to keep mine very very hidden and conserved- due to other issues unfortunately not releavant I know, sorry! Also, if he tells you that he loves you, expect him to act accordingly. You can say were both virgins on relationships and dating lol. Im a Taurus woman and I LOVE Pisces men. She is very aware of the dangers of going too far. Sometimes one may view him as weak because of his shifty nature, but he is merely an idealist. A Pisces man and a Taurus woman make a sweet and gentle pairing. Though Pisces is a sensitive soul but Taurus provides a solid and steady partner. He can be a bit sensitive at times but it allows me to be my normal nurturing self. While any relationship takes time to form, a Pisces man and Taurus woman are very likely to take it slow. We exchanged emails and then we started talking on Facebook. The Taurus woman has this homely presence that attracts the Pisces man. Movies might be a good way to bond. There will be a sense of playfulness and eroticism when the Pisces man and Taurus woman make love. Your email address will not be published. sometimes confusing.open minded discussion will solve ur questions. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ughhhhhh. Yes From an adult Pisces man Be mindful of words. But if its gonna happen again, iys for you to decide. Generally both the lovers are appreciably predictable and simple except for the time when Pisces is in a changeable or negative mood. The sex was wonderful, but not enough to keep it going. I absolutely adore him! They are a pair that can stand the test of time in marriage. Exactly communication and you as a taurus you are good at it. We are soft and gentle with care. She knows that he is the type of friend she can count on, and he knows that she trusts him completely and will never try to hurt him. And he did indeed prove himself to be a liar and a cheater. It felt so pure and I liked him so much. When the Taurus woman is having a hard time, the Pisces man can help her not get to a passive aggressive place by helping her remember the good things Were very simple so our needs are more emotional and sexual than it is materialistic. Most likely hes not being greedy hes looking for some support and information that you think he can handle the situation. We meet almost everyday and communicate well.. We talk on the phone for more than two hours They are big minded people and have great compassion. We are great at the love affair but not so good at personsl confrontation. The only problem is Pisces mutable nature. I never ever dreamt that I would have been in a relationship with my current partner but here we are! WebPisces woman married to a Taurus woman, and have been together 14 years, married 8. I wish u luck. Its amusing how much you speak of the Taurus temper when his is far worse than mine, Im usually able to soothe it however. last week we went on a date and I was the happiest person ever I couldnt be happier !! He will be captivated at first glance by her serenity and listening ability. It is a type of partnership where one is weak, the other strengthens. We are a bull sign in a zodiac for a reason. The compatibility level of this pair is not so exciting since there are WebFor example, if a Pisces woman finds working in the office too boring and wants to immerse in creative activities, a Taurus man will be happy to become a breadwinner. They both have a calming and soothing effect on one another and can face any crisis head-on as long as they work in harmony. That is not a good idea. Excellent trait I think, he isnt that lazy- he is responsible, reliable and independent a bit dreamy too! Ask less questions, and talk soft even though you feel hes not listening cos hes all ears. They could be very happy together and would rarely have complaints about anything. I want to ask her out and am thinking of just doing it through a facebook message. Only a Taurus and Pisces could understand it! For her, he is breath of fresh air. Im telling you, that you are still lucky for the taurus woman if you find the better one. They are both fond of non-verbal communication, as a Pisces lady is highly intuitive and can read the Taurus mans body language and expressions, while the Taurus man prefers to communicate with physical touch. I was also surprised by my action in the beginning too. The Pisces man is ready in the 2023 to make some declaration or take a next step in your relationship. But, before you do, let talk about the Pisces man and Taurus woman dating. Its like nothing to me. WebDating a pisces man experiences - If you are a middle-aged man looking to have a good time dating woman half your age, this article is for you. Unfortunalty, blind trust is too risky for my heart.. Pisces and Taurus also have a lot of similarities when it comes to their approach to romance. 1. I am a Pisces man. Ive been with Pisces men my daughters dads is oneIm a sucker for them. Pisces will appreciate and several times reciprocate when a partner can understand them and relate to them. I fell in love with him so quickly. His outward romanticism takes her a while to get used to, but brings out of softer, nostalgic side to her usual sensibilities. Are you both still dating? Pisces men are often sensitive, compassionate, and imaginative. We talk so agressively towards one another but when we make up, it is excellent and we dont stay mad at eachother for very long at all. My ex wasnt exactly there for me and he even hurt me in some ways. It feels magical. Both of these signs will settle for nothing Im saying it out of kidness u deserve someone who always gonna choose u. Rich woman looking for older man & younger woman. The Pisces man may feel ashamed for his feminine side but it is actually one of his strengths. Neither one of them will make a huge effort into building the relationship or romance. I look forward to us getting married. Indeed, for those who've tried and failed to find the right man offline, mutual relations can provide. Check out Pisces Man Secrets for everything you ever wanted to know about your Pisces man (but were afraid to ask!). A Pisces woman is very submissive, so she will be happy to let her Taurus friend take charge and be in control. !so he ended up leaving me because he felt to stressed! It works really great! I agree with much of what you have said. A Taurus guy can show a Pisces woman how to temper her emotions with logic and see situations from a practical point of view, which can help ground her. Taurus Man & Virgo Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Were both very laid back, with my Pisces ambition and Taurus go getter attitude, were financially perfect for each other. Want to meet eligible single woman who share your zest for life? WebHence, 33 ans, with virgo man and leo history - women memes for lack. This is a great match.. never had fight since we are married. Its not just about physically feeling pleasure but the feeling of deep love and affection. Heed my advice fellow Pisces, they will never love you the way you want to be loved. She tends to not trust personalities that are mysterious or changeable, yet she finds herself magnetically drawn toward him. I didnt exactly cheat on my ex. He is able to make her feel appreciated and admired. Intimately, Taurus tends to be somewhat possessive, but Pisces loves to be possessed, making for a high level of compatibility in the bedroom. I thanks to God send him as my husband. I genuinely did not believe that he would be able to help me in any way (you dont believe that when you have anxiety) and of course I strive to be the independent woman that is capable of handling her own life and emotions, I mean my friend and me had discussions in the past and he said to me that it could be possible that when I found a partner my anxieties would calm down an awful lot, I just needed somebody to appreciate me for who I am so that then I could accept myself.