1956. The largest cases are about 8-14mm in length with a 3-4mm width. In Florida, this braconid and an ichneumonid wasp, Lymeon orbum (Say), were reared from the household casebearer (Hetrick 1957). Florida Entomologist 40: 145146. CRC Press. Invest in a portable AC, ductless AC, or window unit to keep every inch of your house climate controlled. Even though itll kill the baby bagworm, youll be left with a bunch of egg debris and bagworm guts all over your walls. I started off with a nasty fly problem, and was very interested in finding ways to get rid of them without having to use harmful chemicals and pesticides. The females will deposit up to 200 eggs by attaching them to surfaces where the larvae are likely to have a food source. Also, read all warnings and labels on any kind of application you use as a home remedy on your property. I find that simply using a pen taped to rod or pole is enough. The silk lining allows orifices at both ends. They can be damaging and destroy significant parts of the tree which results in damaged foliage. Hetrick LA. American Insects: A Handbook of the Insects of America North of Mexico. At the tip of each proleg there is an ellipse formed by 23 to 25 very small crochets (a small hook). Then spray the bagworm and the dish detergent will enter the bag. Dont worry. After mating, females lay their eggs on crevices and the junction of walls and floors, cementing them on debris. Like any other nuisance bug, plaster bagworms move into homes to find food and shelter. I find that using a combo of various repellents, bagworm removal methods, sticky traps, and natural deterrents work best. The adult bagworms will fly into the zapper and get fried. Plaster Bagworm - YouTube Borror DJ, Triplehorn CA, Johnson NF. Figure 1. And once they hatch into their adult counterparts, they become moths and can fly throughout your home which can lead to more damage. Pests that try to climb up will be stuck on the tape and cant get across. Bags of mature larvae are up to 2" (5 cm) long and 0.5" (1.2 cm) wide. After that, set up sticky traps in that area to catch any larvae that crawl across them. Find one that doesnt damage your paint and try it out. These funky insects can be quite annoying, but arent too difficult to handle as long as you take the right approach. To address the wool problem, keep all of your items in sealed plastic bags. He also assumed that this species might be present in the coastal areas of Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Texas, and Virginia. How to Get Rid of Plaster Bagworms Naturally (Home Remedies), But for everything else, they should be a minimal threat. Plaster bagworm, the destructive household pest The white-grey cocoon-like things on your walls and ceilings can cause damage to your belongings and should be removed to prevent infestation.. Theyre safe from the cold temperatures by hiding inside the silk case. Some observations on the plaster bagworm. Bulletin of Entomological Research 47: 251-346. Though they can also be found in broad daylight. Sparrows are commonly chosen because theyre easy to attract and have a wide dispersion across the US. They may have other suggestions for the best time to spray. Luckily, these bugs will typically leave your cotton and nylon alone. 1979. Plaster bagworms are nothing but the larvae of moths. Busck A. 1979. Aiello A. Theres no single foolproof technique. If youre trying to get rid of plaster bagworms, consider cranking up the AC a bit more than normal. The caterpillar larvae are the larvae phase of their lifecycle. Most trees will recover, but sick or younger trees may be destroyed by bagworms. Plaster Bagworm Life Cycle Plaster bagworms start as caterpillar-like larvae that hatch in the early summer. The household casebearer, Phereoeca uterella, requires high humidity to complete its development, a limiting factor for its dispersion throughout the rest of the country. Control of three household insects. I keep my apartment clean. Use as directed. 1933. However, bagworms are moths in the family Psychidae. The larvae of the species of Tineidae of economic importance. The heads of both sexes are uniformly clothed with dense, rough hairs. Plaster bagworms have a diet of wool, spiderwebs, and even the discarded cases of other bagworms. Phereoeca uterella is a species of moth belonging to the family Tineidae. The lifecycle of a bagworm is nothing special. If you have a particularly challenging plaster bagworm problem and want some advice, send us a message. Buy them potted or grow from seed (though that takes a long time and spending the extra money is more efficient). Its primarily white and has a brown head. The inside of the arch is lined exclusively by silk, and is gradually extended to form a tunnel, while the larva stays inside. Get a vacuum and suck up all the webs, dust, and other debris in the area, especially on the ceiling. If you live in the South, you know the stark difference a powerful air conditioner can make. Add the water and dish soap to the container. For spiderwebs, clean your house regularly. Bagworm eggs hatch in late May or early June, which makes this the ideal time to eradicate them. Original publication date September 1996. Phereoeca uterella - Wikipedia Perhaps for this reason, the accepted common name ofPhereoeca uterellais now listed as the household casebearer, instead of plaster bagworm (Bosik et al. However, we usually see only the empty larval or pupal cases of the household casebearer on walls of houses in south and central Florida. However, another name change occurred and the current official common and scientific names for this species are the household casebearer, Phereoeca uterella Walsingham. Household Pests. The crochets are used to walk inside the case, and also to grab the case when the larva pulls its head and thorax out and uses its true legs to walk on the floor or walls. Most people know this species by the name plaster bagworm. Leaving them in there allows them to escape. You only want to pass the sponge edges over the eggs and push them off- dont CRUSH them. Pupa: Pupation occurs inside the case. The legs are also visible and are gray, silver, or white. In Florida, this braconid and an ichneumonid wasp,Lymeon orbum(Say), were reared from the household casebearer (Hetrick 1957). However, the specimens that he collected from the Virgin Islands were misidentified. The crochets are used to walk inside the case, and also to grab the case when the larva pulls its head and thorax out and uses its true legs to walk on the floor or walls. Plaster Bagworm 101: How To Get Rid Of Them Quickly, How To Get Rid Of Plaster Bagworms In Your House, 21 Plants That Repel Wasps (Highly Effective), How To Get Rid Of Skinks: Everything You Need To Know, How To Keep Fruit Flies Away From Bananas (Simple Tips). Bagworms: Identification, Tree Damage, Eradication (With Pictures) Common Names of Insects & Related Organisms. Everything I mentioned is listed above in this guide. Once you lift the sponge from the surface, it allows eggs to get caught UNDER it which will smear them. PLASTER BAGWORMS LOVE FLORIDA HOMES Prepared by Daniel F. Culbert, County Extension Director Release: 02/14/99 . You may see dozens of bags hanging on your roof during this time. If you have a part of your house thats not insulated or cooled, consider taking steps to change that. 1003 pp. It can be found under spiderwebs, in bathrooms, bedrooms and garages. The compound eyes are prominent. Plaster bagworms are unwelcome guests that can quickly wreak havoc on your home. Turns out, there are a ton of DIY home remedies you can do for free (or damn close to free) without having to spend money on expensive and dangerous chemicals. The eggs can incubate over the winter before hatching into a large population of young plaster bagworms! Observations on species of Lepidoptera infesting stored products. Appear and theyre a phobia now. After a while, the species in the peninsula was recognized as Tineola walsinghami. Over many months, you may end up with a TON of plaster bagworms, especially if you dont keep your home maintained. The cases are constructed by the larval (caterpillar) stage and often attract attention when found in homes. Plaster bagworms can destroy pricey wool and natural-fiber items. Boca Raton. You may find them attached to branches, twigs, plants, and other debris outside with a small piece of silk. They look like theyve been here for a while. The same year Kea wrote about the food habits of the species present in Florida, using the name given by Walsingham (Tineola uterella). Then, hang nylon socks with moth repellents like herbs and spices and tape them to the areas with heavy infestations. You may also see adult plaster moths, which are dark gray with 3-4 patches on their front wings and lighter colored hairs on their head. If you do find their cases stuck on your clothing or furniture, double-check for more so you can confirm it wasnt a fluke. Meanwhile, hooked false legs help it turn around inside the casing. Remember, these bugs thrive in warm and humid environments. Busck A. Moths cant help but fly towards the light. Bagworms life cycle are differentiated into separate stages, much like any other organism. No method is as simple, free, and convenient as removing them by hand. Please help. Even if you sweep away spiderwebs, the bugs food source only ends up on the floor. Observations on species of Lepidoptera infesting stored products. They are gray with up to four spots on the fore wings, and a brush of long, lighter gray hair-like scales along the posterior margin of the hind wings. The larvae of the species of Tineidae of economic importance. Spray early in the morning or late at night to avoid the active daytime hours of bees. They dont do anything but attract flying pests, burn electricity, and attract spiders which spin webs nearby (which may be why you have a bunch of spider webs on your patio, outdoor furnishings, etc.). Apply a layer of adhesive sticky tape around the baseboards of any area that has bags. Youll rarely find them in your wardrobe or closet anyway, as theyre not known to be, They have a suitable environment to sustain themselves (humid, hot, and sheltered), They have plenty of food available to eat (webs, dust, fabrics, etc. These bugs go by many other names, with some people referring to them as dust worms or household case bearers. The larva has three pair of well-developed, brown legs. Bagworms will eat wool, but they dont eat other materials used in clothing like nylon, cotton, spandex, and polyester. Psyche 86: 125136. Bosik JJ, et al. Visit the EDIS website athttps://edis.ifas.ufl.edu. Figure 3. Within the household, they can be found in dark, humid areas. hi Anthony, can you teach me how to get rid of lizards ? The household casebearer, Phereoeca uterella, requires high humidity to complete its development, a limiting factor for its dispersion throughout the rest of the country. Also, unsuspecting guests wont even know the real reason for those plants and will never even hint that you have a bagworm infestation in your home! Theyre especially prevalent in the state of Florida. Creighton JT. Photograph by Juan A. Villanueva-Jimnez, University of Florida. Watson JR. 1946. The cases are constructed during the caterpillar stage (larval) and this is when most people notice them. It also attacks certain deciduous trees such as black locust, honeylocust, and sycamore. After the first case has been built, the larvae will move around and pull the case. Entomologica Americana 13: 151-203. What is the best chemical to kill bagworms? The eggs then remain stuck inside the bag, which is then usually found on your ceiling, walls, and yard. Thats why understanding their main sources of food is so important if you want to get rid of them! Remember each bagworm you kill means a lower chance of them mating and producing more. As long as theres an entryway into your garage, basement, bedroom, dresser, shed, outhouse, or wherever else you see them, thats all thats needed for them to infest your home. The entire cycle from egg to adult averages 74.2 days (62 to 86 days). You might also find them hanging off of exterior stucco, near outdoor lights, or underneath chairs and benches. In northern Illinois, bagworm caterpillars hatch in early June in most years. Larva: In late spring, larvae hatch and disperse on silken threads. You can use Bacillus thuringiensis (variant kurstaki Btk), which is a microbe bacteria that are extremely effective at eliminating bagworms but only when used at the right period of their lifecycle. Follow the directions on the package at all times. There are some that believe that the real legs help it walk on floors, while the false legs that have hooks on the ends allow it to walk inside its protective case. Things like deck lights, patio lights, pathway markers, security lights, and any other light source thats not necessary should be turned off. In 1956, Hinton and Bradley described the new genus Phereoeca, in order to separate the true Tineola from this and other species of flat case-bearing moths. Juan A. Villanueva-Jimenez and Thomas R. Fasulo, Credit: Juan A. Villanueva-Jimnez, UF/IFAS, This document is EENY003, one of a series of the Department of Entomology and Nematology, UF/IFAS Extension. until they pupate. Entomol. The larvae hide in the case and shield from predators. Any standard handheld vacuum cleaner will make quick work of bagworms without making a mess. This is when the bag usually sits on a vertical ledge youll commonly see it stuck to your walls. Bags on spruce will look completely different from those on arborvitae or honey locust because the host plant material is incorporated into the bag. It can be found under spiderwebs, in bathrooms, bedrooms and garages. Life Cycle Bagworm, like all moths, undergoes complete metamorphosis with four stages. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Life cycle Young bagworms on juniper foliage Read some reviews and buy one, then use it as directed. Use your machines attachments to suck up spiderwebs and plaster bagworm sacs as you see them. They remain in the pupal stage an average of 15.6 days (range of 11 to 23 days). The plaster bagworm has 4 life stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. These bugs often go unnoticed until populations reach massive levels. There are two pairs of buccal appendages called palps. This puts the power of all of them into one powerful treatment plan. Plaster Bagworm 101: How To Get Rid Of Them Quickly - BC Pest Control Theyre the larvae form of moths and have two distinct phases of their lifecycle. The household casebearer, Phereoeca uterella, is a moth in the Tineidae family of Lepidoptera. How To Get Rid Of Plaster Bagworms On Exterior Walls? Dish soap does indeed kill plaster bagworms and can be used as a home remedy for a pesticide. Blast them off and clean them up. Not sure why theyre here. 39-43. Then place it on the floor and grab a ladder. The first record of this species came from Lord Walsingham in 1897 (Busck, 1933). See if its working or not. For example,Phereoeca allutella(Rebel) has been recorded in Hawaii, Panama, Canary Islands, Madeira, Sierra Leone, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, India, Java and Samoa. Do some research. Common Names of Insects & Related Organisms. Watson JR. 1939. They tend to congregate where theres plenty of food to eat, high humidity, and minimal disturbances. Its very easy to make and you probably already have the necessary materials lying around your home! After the first case is completed, the larva starts moving around, pulling its case behind. First, manually remove all the bagworm larvae you can see in your home. Wing venation is very important for genera identification, and was described by Hinton and Bradley in 1956. They can show up in huge numbers rapidly if you dont start a pest management program. Eggs take about 1-2 weeks to hatch but vary depending on environmental conditions, species, and temperature. Eggs are soft, pale bluish, and about 0.4 mm in diameter. Quick Answer: What Is The Bagworm Life Cycle - BikeHike As the worm grows it spins a silken bag around its body, camouflaged with bits and pieces of the host foliage. So most species of bagworms will hatch in the springtime. Stand back and assess. But when woolen threads and woolen cloth were offered to the larvae "they ate eagerly". Plaster Bagworm The larvae will emerge from their case and walk around bringing the case alongside them. Also, there are many different types of sticky tapes and sticky traps you can use. Life Cycle. But for everything else, they should be a minimal threat. 1957. The fully developed larva is about 7 mm long. You can use a variety of treatments such as sticky traps, essential oils, manual removal, natural predators, vinegar or dish soapy sprays, and natural herbal remedies. Some people and pets may be sensitive to essential oils, talcum powder, diatomaceous earth, boric acid, etc. One second I look and nothing and I turn around for 5 seconds and one is on the floor or wall crawling. This means they came from an adult female moth and will grow into a moth. The bag will usually have a mixture of soil, felt, woolens, hair, sand, feces, fibers, and other debris they harvest from your home. Due to its food habits the household casebearer is a potential household pest. Most of the biology described here was taken from Aiello's (1979) description of Phereoeca allutella, a closely related case-bearing moth species from Panama. Common Household Pest: The Plaster Bagworm Are plaster bagworms harmful to humans? Thats just a waste of time, and probably impossible. Braconid wasps are effective at killing the larvae and will stop them from pupating. In South America, Phereoeca uterella Walsingham is known to be present in Brazil (state of Para) and Guyana. How Long Can Bed Bugs Live Without Food From A Host? Plaster bagworms are not harmful to humans. The females cement the eggs to surfaces with a mixture of debris. I cant sleep. Watson (1939) corroborated the preference of Pjerepeca uterella for woolen goods of all kinds. These pests thrive in humid environments. A fully developed larva has a case 8 to 14 mm long and 3 to 5 mm wide. Your feedback is how I write more improved and detailed pest guides. The eggs look like small blue ovals with a pale tint and are less than 0.5mm in length. This closing mechanism is very difficult to open from the outside. Plaster bagworms are quirky little pests that can easily go unnoticed. Some bagworms will eat fibers such as rugs, furniture, clothing, and other natural fibers- especially wool. Next, use the sharp end and puncture the bagworm case while its stationary on the ceiling. The anterior crochets are bigger and broader than posterior ones by one third, which is a good detail for identification. This will help deter and repel bagworms naturally. Insect Management Guide for Bagworms and Clothes Moths (https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/IG090). Kea (1933) could not observe this insect feeding on dried insects in the laboratory, even though small portions of dried insects were found attached to its case. The resilient fibers of a spider web make them extremely durable to the elements (theyre resistant to rain, wind, and sunlight) and this provides a longstanding food for bagworms. You can make your home more favorable for birds by providing birdbaths, using bird feeders, and placing birdhouses around the area. While it might not seem complex, theres a right and wrong way to deal with these insects! This document is EENY003, one of a series of the Department of Entomology and Nematology, UF/IFAS Extension. However, the specimens that he collected from the Virgin Islands were misidentified. If no web is spun, then bagworms have nothing to eat. Use as directed. In most cases, plaster bagworms start their life outdoors. The insect might use nearby lint, sand, or even dry plaster debris. However, the name household casebearer is now accepted under Phereoeca uterella, rather than the plaster bagworm. Hinton HE, Bradley JD. Plaster bagworms are found in coaster states where temperatures are high and humidity is prevalent. Life Cycle (Back to Top) Eggs require more than 10 days to hatch. But when you only see ONE end, such as when it hangs from your ceiling, its not pupating yet and the caterpillar still can come out and move around. They have two long visible antennas and a wingspan of about 12mm in length.