For this kind of in-depth understanding, a birth chart delineation with a qualified and trusted Astrologer is recommended. They tend to have sensitive digestive systems and function well eating light meals. I would add that my mother likes to save men, but she's emotionally and sometimes financially closed off to me and my siblings. Pisces is a water sign, representing the lucid realms of dreams, colour and imagination. On an interpersonal level, Scorpio Moon children teach their parents compassion with a good portion of patience and consistency. They can be highly intuitive; easily picking up on the moods and emotions of others, so teaching them a strong energetic protection technique can work wonders in helping them to re-find their centre once theyre old enough. However, behind that logic is an emotionally charged person with a great deal of emotional energy invested in whatever they choose to focus on. This would have taught the child the same lesson. Aries Moon children need to learn how to express emotions positively, and how to get in touch with their feelings. Adapt or die. Those with Moon in Scorpio have technical and strategic minds and prefer to handle things logically. . To be more specific, the moon sign shows how youinterpreted your mothers treatment of you as a child. The parents of people born with the moon in Scorpio tend to be possessive and controlling, even suffocating. Typically, negative aspects to the moon show a mother with some type of addiction (whether chemical or mental). No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it is not the same river and hes not the same man -Heraclitus Between March and June of 2023, Pluto will dip its toe into the early degrees of Aquarius until going retrograde back into Capricorn. If youre the parent of a child who has their moon in Scorpio, dont be surprised if, years later, you are still learning about what makes them tick, even as they become adults. Otherwise, they can be very sentimental, feel things strongly, and emotions tend to be a point of fixation. Answer (1 of 15): scorpio moon feels deeply ,more than you could ever imagine .They will not take things lightly ,they are very selfish and downright nasty when dealing with their foes ,they can use any underhanded tricks against people who threaten their loved once,Thats right they care for thei. As they grow, guide them towards hobbies and sports that bring them a sense of fulfillment. Your child is a Sagittarius Moon: They'll test those they care about to prove their loyalty and authenticity, sometimes unintentionally. They can take a while to trust others, so its important to respect their need to hang back and weigh up new people. Those with the moon in Libra learned that their own needs and emotions arent important and that they need to put others emotions first. Capricorn is one of those signs in astrology that don't leave you indifferent. They can be easily hurt, so some understanding of why their family members and friends act the way they do may help older children not to take things so personally. However, they tend to take on adult responsibilities much too early, so be careful not to overload them with tasks and duties. IP: Logged. Your child is a Virgo Moon: Your child is a Scorpio Moon: The mother of the Aquarius moon sign is usually detached when it comes to emotions. As a child, the individual was taught to react quickly, and that continues to be the primary defense mechanism. Neither way felt like real comfort and nurture to the Libra moon sign. 2. yazie92 3 yr. ago. They enjoy purposeful activities. A Scorpio woman's emotions are intense and passionate. In childhood there was a lack of emotional safety, a lack of the kind of close-bonds and intimacy with their parents they needed to feel connected and secure. Once that pattern of behavior was set, you . I felt like writing this instead. A Capricorn moon suggests a lack of security in childhood. People with Moon in Scorpio have deep, intense feelings. Not all Scorpio moons ooze sex appeal or are fixated on sex. This is why this sign is naturally so psychologically gifted. . As they grow, teach them the value of money and how to handle it well. When something happened to the child, the parent either comforted them with some meaningless colloquial term (everything works out in the end), or brushed off their hurt as inconsequential. Passionate - They're intense about life. The Taurus moon sign can sometimes be confusing, because there are a few different qualities the mother can take on. Intimacy and knowing you deeply is the key to to their emotional security, without it that insecurity breeds possessiveness, paranoia, and neediness. There are a few different qualities that the moon sign represents. You are sure of yourself and happy within yourself, you don't need anyone besides you to be the best version of yourself. Different events will trigger different people depending on where their moon is placed and if it has any aspects. Cancer Moon children like to be helpful and need closeness, nurturing and family warmth. Your child is a Capricorn Moon: Like many of you, Ive been listening to other [], Saturn enters Pisces on March 7, 2023. That becomes part of their tactical approach to a lot of things. This might be a karmic bond from a past life, but it can either give them a safe base to explore from or cause some type of enmeshment with the mother (look to the aspects). 1. Every planet in Scorpio has only one need, only one ambition - to die in order to perhaps be born again. (Since The Moon is often associated with the conditions of ones childhood, heres Part Eight of a twelve-part series about the Moon in your birth chart your emotional comfort zone written from both the perspective of a standard astrological interpretation and a childrens story from the perspective of each Moon Sign. Leo is a fire sign and physically relates to the heart center. The moon also shows our less-than-optimal habits that we have to work to overcome. They tend to keep their emotions to themselves as they often have the (false) conviction that vulnerability equals weakness. or she was technically present but couldnt be trusted. Isnt some Woodsman supposed to come in at this point and end my suffering? The Wolf whimpered. With any difficult aspects, the Pisces moon probably feels an emptiness inside that they are constantly trying to escape. Libra Moon children tend to need a peaceful and harmonious home environment and have a dislike of perceived conflict and discord. They tend to have a fixed aesthetic that is derived from childhood and carries them throughout their lives. Your child is a Leo Moon: Libra Moons need to learn to stand up for themselves. Because Scorpio is a water sign, the connection of a Scorpio moon with Pisces and Cancer placements is very good. Scorpio people have raging emotions, which sometimes feel out of control. Jun 20, 2020. Extra care has to be taken to help Pisces Moon children to remain grounded in the here and now, because their natural tendency is to escape. The moon is the ruler of Cancer. Virgo Moon children have a need for a strong daily routine and will benefit greatly from being shownhow much better they feel when they have earlier nights, healthful food and respect for their bodys unique inner rhythm. Astrology This combination is often patient, sensitive, and loving. Play dress ups, throw them big outdoor parties and respect their need for truth and honesty. They need to learn how to distinguish what they want versus what other people want, when to say no, and how to take care of their emotional needs first. Learn how your comment data is processed. The routine of schoolwork might be less exciting for Sagittarius Moon, although they are keen learners. Health Instead, they are stuffed down in the pursuit of possessions, and the person tells themselves that they can process those emotions when they achieve some sort of success. Scorpio Rising celebrities: Taylor Swift, Yara Shahidi, Lana Del Rey, Katy Perry, . The mother may have guilted the child into behaving a certain way. And that is where you find the explanation for the intensity of Scorpio Moons they are prone to fixation. As Scorpio is a sign of uncertainty, their intoxicated emotions are expressed in a sudden and intensive manner. These are the reactions that we carry with us (due to the emotions we experienced when we were children) that we will have to consciously work through. This lack of emotional safety growing up taught the Scorpio Moon native to keep their feelings hidden. MOON SIGNS | SCORPIO MOON | What To Expect From A Scorpio Moon? One of the lessons for Scorpio Moons is to learn to use the courage of Mars to face their own emotions and the deeper triggers of those emotions, rather than get stuck in emotional battles with other people. People with this placement are often accused of being jealous, controlling, spiteful, and hard to get along with when they are annoyed. As they grow, allow them to explore other cultures and religions and teach them the value of their own inner wisdom. They began to do this, and now have a hard time recognizing when they themselves need something emotionally, because they were told that their own needs didnt matter. But mostly, this is a person who feels a sense of security by keeping their feelings and motivations to themselves. However, they need as much love and care as other children, even though they might not ask you for help or emotional support They find it hard to trust and will be careful in their choices of friends. The Scorpio man personality is bold and assertive. Your child is an Aries Moon: Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own transformation. Scorpio moon is most compatible with Pisces, Aries, and Cancer moons. These children will keep you on your toes, can be easily bored and need to express themselves; often quite loudly. Aquarius Moons need to experiment and therefore require parents who understand their at times rather bizarre taste. Scorpio moon people also tend to feel paranoid. Scorpio is a water sign and associated with intense emotional behaviour. Like many of you, I enjoy some junk food now and again without making a steady diet of it. Scorpio children have a higher tendency to want revenge than adults whose life experiences have tempered their tails a bit. Mars is logic, willpower, action, and the strength of ones convictions. Leo Moon children are born leaders and like to give and support their friends and younger siblings. Your March Horoscope for Scorpio. It's all or nothing. The mother may have also paid quite a bit of attention to larger groups (groups of friends, philanthropy, etc.) This is the first step to healing the Aquarius moon sign and developing self love and care. Keeping things light and causal will not work for them. Sagittarius is a fire sign and symbolises the quest for truth and freedom. If you were born with Pluto in the Fourth, there was trauma in childhood. Our moon shows how we react when something happens that triggers us, and why we react a certain way. Older Pisces Moon children can be easily lead and suckers for a sob story, so teaching them the value of boundaries physical, energetic and emotional from a young age can become a daily life skill and asset. The moon is a reactionary planet: instead of making a choice to logically act, the moon is what will cause you toreact due to the methods of feeling and relating that you learned as a kid. Helping them to set up a play office or other work environment could bring out their inner achiever, but watch for a tendency to over-seriousness and encourage some lightness, fun and adventure with treasured family time. Some people love it some people can't stand it . They might cry easily, regardless of gender. Scorpio Moons also tend to love too much. There will be no hiding from the vibrations this eclipse will bring . Learning about your moon sign gives you the power to transcend these more difficult habits into something wonderful that you can use in your everyday life. This is not to say that it was the mothers fault (she probably had her own chart to deal with and we all do our best with our own placements!) It also sends many on a quest for intimacy that was lacking in childhood. Help Scorpio Moons channel their intense emotions into something physical and they will likely amaze you with their focus and commitment. Your email address will not be published. Aquarius is an air sign and relates to anything unusual, idealistic and visionary. When the adult feels threatened, the knee-jerk reaction is to do something exciting, travel, or learn something new. Those with the moon in Capricorn are scared of vulnerability. Cancer Moon children can be highly sensitive with a strong innate need to nurture others. Their need for excitement and stimulation may incite them to be a bit of a risk taker and their rebellious streak can land them in trouble. Our moon will point us towards our base emotions that need to be worked through for us to live a happier and more peaceful life.