More so, they mourned the loss of the utsavar from their temple. Made of granite, it was constructed during the Vijayanagaraperiod (1336-1565). Hence, there is a separate shrine for Thayyar. To add on to this interesting series of events, Ranganayaki appeared in a boys dream and asked him to lead the Bhattar to a particular neem tree and dig under it. Several lakh tonnes of gold is buried under earth across the geographical range from Srilanka, Matsya, Goa (Rathidweepam), Rajasthan to Ayodhya. Badri narayanan A G said this on October 25, 2012 at 04:21 | Reply, Hi Mohamed, As you would be knowing Thulukka is the tamil word for Muslim and Nachiyar is the word Noble lady. November, 2015, a separate Yagasala and Agni Kundams were arranged on He could see Krsna in every being ! bordering the sanctum houses the sannidhi of Thulukka Nachiyar. Welcome to Tamil Brahmins forums. , ' ' (Eid ul Adha) . The queue was idle for more than 45 minutes, No issue of tickets. But what is it doing here? Puzzled, they confront the bear-man for an explanation. Such traditions include the association of Lord Vishnu with a Muslim consort, Thulukka Nachiyar (a respected Muslim lady in Tamil), in Srirangam temple in Tiruchirapalli. Her name''Thulukka Nachiyar.'' Tulukkar in Tamil means a Muslim, a word derived from "Turukiyar" or Turks. At Srirangam the princess became Ranaganatha's consort. Srirangam, the premier Vaishnava temple in South India is the first and foremost among the 108 Vaishnava divyadesas. Or is it as Ramakrishna paramahamsa said about Somnathpur, that the Lord wanted to liberate himself from silver and gold? temple authorities and, accordingly, a shrine was built for the Muslim The deity immediately started tottering towards Sri Ramanuja and he took it in his arms and left the kings place at once. Now, this was too much for the man carrying the idol. And so, the temple continues to exist, with all its grandeur refurbished and shining bright, the Naachiyar shrine, a standing example of what true devotion and love is actually supposed to be. The bhattar, therefore, placed it near Rangans feet and continued to offer poojas to it. For those of you who were interested in the romance (not that there was much ) and twist of the previous post (See Srirangam-The Saga of Thulukka Naachiyaar), here is an additional add-on.Interestingly, the shrine of Thirunarayanan at Melkote Thirunarayanapuram also celebrates a similar legend of Thulukka Naachiyaar, with some extra embellishments thrown in. The temple complex is embellished with 21 gopurams. She was the daughter of Masood,The Third, of Ghazanvi Dynasty. Vraja-bhakti-vilsa 3.43 avaiaveu payatsu mama pj karoti ya apjayitv vighnea sambhya ca kaplinam Translation: [The Supreme Lord says]: Those who worship me on seeing an atheist non-vaiava, who worship me without worshiping Gaea and who worship me after. He witnessed with own his two eyes that the his daughter out of unbearable viraham (separation) went running to embrace the deity and just disappeared/merged into the deity itself !! sbalaraman said this on May 31, 2014 at 10:43 | Reply, Kumar said this on December 15, 2013 at 22:46 | Reply, The story is true only i also hered from some bodies mouth, rajashekarr said this on December 16, 2013 at 06:52 | Reply. Ticket counters will be operational only when it is SEVA Time. The troop however knew that the princess was deeply involved with the idol and that she would make a fuss if they took it away. In the recent Samprokshanam held at Srirangam temple on the 18th of November, 2015, a separate Y agasala and Agni Kundams were arran . . She was the Muslim princess who became the divine consort of Lord Ranganatha. She possesses a separate temple near Srirenganathar temple and people worship her as "Thulukka Nachiyar". ironically both has happened in Srirangam and Trichy. The month-long Theppa Utsavam was held in Srirangam Ranganatha Temple, which is revered by devotees as Bhuloka Vaikundam. ravichandran said this on February 3, 2013 at 02:50 | Reply. This painstaking research was published in Ramanujan,A magazine devoted to Sri Vaishnavam. Everyone rejoiced at the recovery of the ancient statue. Led by Pillai Lokacharya, the seniormost acharya at the time, a group of Sri Vaishnavas hurriedly left Srirangam with Namperumaal, the Ranganatha utsava-mUrti, and headed to Jyotishkudi. pronounced that he had now taken Surathani (derived from Sultani) to Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Swami Ramanuja, who's philosophy loudly stated that there is no discrimination between Athmas had consecrated Thulukka Nachiyar's sannidhi in this Prakara. This black Object is situated in the direction of group of stars called Sagittarius which looks like a bird hence the Garuda to be seen first in the temple before Lord Vishnu . , . Now totally perplexed, the traders brought the idol back to Srirangam and placed it before the Bhattar. The Daughter of Sultan could not bear this. Srirangam was captured and the riches were looted. King Kulasekara Pandya Overview. Baapa, she called out to her father, Can I have this sweet idol as my doll? But I wondered why the Almighty kept quiet when all this happened? At the Ranganathaswamy temple in Srirangam, a small sannidhi stands almost unnoticed in the corridor bordering the sanctum sanctorum. She never left Perumal even a moment. The inner temple,was fiercely protected by the staunch vaishnavas, who refused to let the muslims defile their holiest shrine. Betel leaves and nuts are sent to the Lord from Nachchiyar shrine. They are first offered to the Naachiyaar and then only offered to Rangan. You are free to take anything, he offered. In The name of his daughter ,Beevi. Thirumanjanam was performed to both the idols and the theertham was given to the washerman. More so, they mourned the loss of the utsavar from their temple. After Lord Ranganatha declared Thulukka Nachiyar as his wife and ordered the priests to worship her like other Nachiyars of the temple, Lakshmi Devi became angry. Alagar actually stays in a small Perumal temple at Vandiyoor, but locals consider it as a Nachiyar temple. And so, the temple continues to exist, with all its grandeur refurbished and shining bright, the Naachiyar shrine, a standing example of what true devotion and love is actually supposed to be. Their hatred for idol worship made the hindus tremble, not in fear for their lives, but in fear of the possible damages that the holy idols in their hallowed temples would suffer. To commemorate Saint Ramanujas successful visit to Delhi to bring back the uthsava vigraham of Peruma, the Uthsavar is named SELVA PILLAI, the name given to the Idol at Sultans place by Beebi nachiyar. Did any DOS compatibility layers exist for any UNIX-like systems before DOS started to become outmoded? She was so much magnetized by the beauty of Azhagiya Manavalan, that She became inseparable from Him and fell in love with Perumal. Meanwhile at the palace of Malik Kafur in Delhi, strange things were afoot. , , , .. , ! Chandrasekar said this on August 17, 2014 at 08:16 | Reply. The Muslim princess not only had gained divinity through her deep By accepting the concept of the Thulukka Nachiyar, within the temple, was a space created to locate the newcomer Muslim within the world of the orthodox Hindu? Lord made several vein attempts to make a compromise with Thayyar but it, during Navaratri festival. chappathis, butter, etc, traditional North Indian food. When Malik Kafur invaded South India,(during 1310-1311), news reached the Temple authorities in Srirangam that Kafur was planning to plunder the Temple. History repeated at Melukote/Seringapatna 500 years later when Hyder and Tipu plundered all gold! The Bhattar then conveyed this dream to the temple head. The boy too dutifully did the same and out came the long buried statue of Ranganayaki. , , . Srirangam temple is the only temple in India with 7 enclosures, representing the 7 upper planetary systems. Therefore by drinking the Thirumanjana Theertham of the utsavars, I could possible point out the original one. he offered. rajaraja chola had only one sister whose name was Kundavai who married vandiyadevan. She is worshipped as Thulukka Nachiyar. Whilst I know this is true I wont be able to tell you the source of it. It had been sixty long years and the people who had witnessed the disaster were long since gone. Legend of Tulukku Nachiar or Bibi Nanchari - Muslim consort of Hindu God 1.At the Ranganathaswamy temple in Srirangam, a small sannidhi stands in the corridor bordering the sanctum houses the sannidhi of Thulukka Nachiyar. A small painting of the Princess hangs in the Temple Complex. Hence, there is a, acceptance of Surathani. Btw where did u get the full info? Of course,we should not develop hatred against todays Muslims for what happened then !In a light vein, they are also victims like our forfathers then Let us read more authentic pieces of history on record by Muslim-Chinese-European-Indian authors ! South suffered much less damage compared to Somnath Dwarka , Mathura Kasi and of course Ayodya ! For your talent I offer you anything within the confines of this palace. Unfortunate that that our temples were looted. This version is, how Lord Chellapillai was retrieved by Sri Ramanujar from the Sultan of Delhi. sanjeevsrivatsan said this on April 1, 2011 at 03:47 | Reply, Good work, By the way, what made you write about thulukka naachiar. Ramanuja, One of the leaders of the Srivaishnavas School sought to be his disciple. , , . After the rise of Vijayanagara Kingdom the atrocities of the Mughal Sultans came to an end. , , . The moment they took the idol in their hands, the man dropped down. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. . So there might be several instances in history where we would come across such noble ladies. Sathya said this on December 2, 2013 at 20:38 | Reply. Her Face is covered by a purdhah (every respectable muslim woman wears a purdah). after that arangan finally rested in thirunarayanapuram. Malik Kafur followed with his humungous army. It is indeed a surprise that she revealed herself only when the original utsavar was back in the temple. Ranganathar offering Darshan to Surathani, a quick sketch. In the very depths of the forest they found the man, pouring water crudely over a statue of Vishnu. Enough of so many distructions including temples and masjids out of communal hatred, lets us not destroy the stories atleast. Who built Madurai Meenakshi Amman? The mysterious ways of our gods!!! The troop however knew that the princess was deeply involved with the idol and that she would make a fuss if they took it away. You can see the Deity without paying also in the general line . In Aadhi sehshan in parkadal and blesses with his three wives namely Sridevi, Boodevi and Renganachiyar in the first enclosure of temple Srirangam. FAKE STORY DEAR. She was the Muslim princess who became the divine consort of Lord Ranganatha. This is completly different as this has Historical proofs behind Malik Khafurs invasion etc and the Idol did get lost. Bhattarperuman, he told, meekly If permitted I can find out which of the two statues is the original one. I have written a blog entry on the Thulukka Naachiyaar there too. But a lot of things were not in order. The underlying mandalas represent the connection from the. Over the next few weeks, Surathani never used to be away from Arangan. JR. The priests even managed to bury the utsavar of Ranganayaki under a neem tree, but alas, before they could save the utsavar of Ranganathar, the army broke in. out of the shrine after Lord's acceptance of Surathani. the one thirukurugurdasar tied the deity with him and roll over the steep valley and the other two followed him. Idol worship in Islam A small painting of the Princess hangs in the Temple Complex. - Keshav Srinivasan Feb 7, 2015 at 7:59 3 @SwamiVishwananda The claim is not that Venkateshwara married a Muslim woman while he was moving about on the Earth originally. Who is this Thulukka Nachiyar and who is t. AboutPressCopyrightContact. I read that there is a Sri Rangantha temple south indian temple in Mathura, also very ancient. I wonder how many people who visit the gigantic temple at Thiruvarangam, the first of the 108 Divyadesas and the very heart of the ShriVaishnava cult, know that the lord of the temple, Sri Aranganathan, got married to a muslim princess out of her love for him. presiding deity)/consorts. The princess of Delhi, the daughter of Sultan, was much attracted by the beauty of Azhagiya Manavalan that she begged her father, the Sultan, not to melt Him and give it to her for playing with as a toy. Confusion reigned at the temple. A shrine was built for the muslim wife of Lord Ranganaatha. The corroded deity was found in the forest of Tirupathi is more probable . Radha Krsna are the goal of my life. Pathini.'' Malik Kafur was so overjoyed by the performance, that in return he gave them what they expected. Let the lord to have his time. devotion but also the status of Lord's consort. Ans is mentioned to be a Parsi and not a Tamil speaking Lady from Chozha Dynasity. The child too tripped and fell into a deep ravine, and ultimately reached Vaikuntha. The inner temple,was fiercely protected by the staunch vaishnavas, who refused to let the muslims defile their holiest shrine. Well it was fortunate for me to hear this story right in the pragaram of Srirangam. Charge, he thundered and his army broke into the largest functioning temple complex in the world. On an island between the Kaveri and Kollidam stood a magnificent temple, gleaming with riches. Caitanya-magala, Stra-khaa, Chp 1, Verse 2 sarva-siddhi-prado deva gaea bhagavan nama yath ko labhet siddhi tath loka-traye kuru Translation: O almighty! , , , , ' ' . A few brave, bright men came forward and vowed to bring back the idol from Delhi. Not finding it, she gave up her life before the very doors of the sanctum. It was a time when the atrocities of the Muslim inveders were reaching new heights. How do you get out of a corner when plotting yourself into a corner. People mourned the deaths of their near and dear. . India is a mosaic of many curious tales. Yamunacharya Shrine: Yamunacharya or Alavandar was a Vishistadvaita philosopher in Srirangam, Tamilnadu, India. Tulukkar in Tamil means a Muslim, a word derived from "Turukiyar" or Turks, d at the Thiru Narayana temple at Melukote in Karnataka where the Muslim princess is known as ''Bivi Nachiyar.''. Had tears in my eyes when I was reading this, Rajesh said this on August 16, 2012 at 00:28 | Reply. in the 12th century. (LogOut/ Plundering happened across the country at Shiva/Vishnu temples. The grandfather soon succumbed to the shock of the past few days and attained the lotus feet of Vishnu. The source for our Milky way galaxy with the stars coming out is visualized as multiple headed Adishesha . She became quite attached to it!, deepaksaagar said this on December 2, 2011 at 10:06 | Reply. However, the other utsavar could not be left alone, for it too had been worshipped for sixty years. In testimony to her unflinching love, to this day, Arangans breakfast naivedhyam consists of Butter Rotis and Sugar, cooked Mughalai style. , , . No written history about this temple is available online. The princess follows the idol to Srirangam and not finding the Lord sacrifices her life. She too had to be given all the respects that were given to the other Naachiyaars. At the most basic of the casino, the one that will let you win cash or other prizes is. , , , . He lost his senses and became mad. Home; Categories. said this on November 3, 2013 at 13:50 | Reply. @Satya. On further contemplation i feel that probably Arangan decided that it is a fitting punishment to a temple looter to deprive him of his most prized treasure, that is, his daughter. People mourned the deaths of their near and dear. When the permission was granted, on a sacred Ekadashi day, they performed before Malik Kafurs court. Tulukka NAcciyAr is worshipped as an Deity, ever serving His Thiru paadham. He lost his senses and became mad. O Lord! It was a time when the atrocities of the Muslim inveders were reaching new heights. Curious case of precious diamond - Black Orlov Dia Virat Nagar - The Ancient Land of many Wonders, Dimapur and it's mysterious ruins - Ancient Nagaland. Discussions are based on limited evidences, propagated stories of legends and through temple epigraphy. Since Islam shuns idol worship, she was worshipped in the form of a painting, richly decorated with gems and gold and is still worshipped today. , , , . O Gaea! if there is any fault in this please forgive me. Perumal (Lord Vishnu) Sri Aranganathan, got married to a muslim princess out of her love for him. He ruled between 1099- 1115 AD. Pleased with her acts of love, Ranganathar used to appear before her every night and offer her darshan in various forms and avatharas. The beautiful Devadasis of the temple, finally,managed to seduce the army generals and sent them back home. I have been used to the taste of the theertham. The head priests, then secretly ordered for another identical utsavar to be made and installed it, saying that this indeed was the original one. Thank you for the eye opener. Each of these gods is believed to have married a Muslim princess devoted to him: Thulukka Nachiyar and Bibi Nancharamma, respectively. Ref: http . She bathed the idol, dressed it, offered food and even slept with the idol. It was then that the old, blind temple washerman came to their rescue. When the soldiers brought in the idol, the daughter of Malik Kafur, Princess Surathani, was overwhelmed by the charming face of Arangan. Without actually realising it, Surathani fell in love with Rangar. We will not return without Arangan, they said and over the next few days, they hatched their master plan. Lord made A couple of days later, the group set out to Delhi, disguised as an entertainment troop. You are currently viewing our boards as a guest which gives you limited access to view most discussions and access our other features. But she could not enter Melkote. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. He wandered and wandered. The Urchavar deity is corroded may be due to contact with earth for long time . That is all that we need. You got it, granted Malik Kafur and walked away. The invaders did not want to accept the rituals of Hinduism. Disconnect between goals and daily tasksIs it me, or the industry? be his wife and she too had to be given all the temple honors and A couple of days later, the group set out to Delhi, disguised as an entertainment troop. Terribly upset over Lord accepting the Muslim woman as his consort, sanjeevsrivatsan said this on April 1, 2011 at 03:42 | Reply. In the very depths of the forest they found the man, pouring water crudely over a statue of Vishnu. I was told this story as a young boy by my great grandmother and shed say to me that is the united India that Gandhi wanted toohow history teaches us is amazing! One fine day, a group of traders found themselves to be lost in the same dense jungle we had talked about. Srimad Ramanujar made her as a small idol and placed her at the foot of Lord Chellapillai. Srirangam is home to a significant population of Srivaishnavites (followers of Lord Vishnu) I was looking for this for long and at last i got it. In South India's majestic Srirangam temple, the presiding deity, Ranganatha, a form of Vishnu, receives a daily offering of rotis made with wheat (in contrast to the orthodox rice meal) and even wears colored lungis (not the white cloth worn by Hindus) to please a Muslim princess. Lord Ranganatha Swamy appeared in the chief priest' dreams and His eyes lacked any hint of sanity. Headed by Malik Kafur, the crushing army came to the banks of the Kaveri. What scriptures describe Krishna hiding from Yashoda in Dadhipandan's yogurt pot? You have been excellent, just excellent. It was then that the old, blind temple washerman came to their rescue. The first invasion of Srirangam did take place in 1311 by Malik Kafur, a commander in Alauddin Khilji's army. Please do not melt him too., she begged. The Daughter of Sultan could not bear this. I have read the entire discussion and related threads here. the premises of Thayyar Sannidhi (shrine) as she is ''Padi Thaanda They took off the statue of Alagiyamanavalar Perumal and plundered the treasures, jewels and ornaments which belonged to Srirangam temple. Ramanujacharya understood everything during his Bharatha desa Digvijayam. The Araiyars present the hymns during day time. They held out the army for three days, time sufficient enough to build a wall in front of the main sannidhi and to hide out the reclining god. jivane nidhane nityam radha krsna gatir mama jivane marane gati ara nahi mora sarva dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja 3. The original utsavar was reinstalled in the temple. Thulukka nachiyar is a Muslim saint who became a Sri vaishnava and servented herself to ranganathaswamy means she accepted sri ranganatha swamy as her eternal husband like andal amma accepted Krishna as her eternal husband both are same thing just different cases