Scientific Name:Andinoacara rivulatusFamily:ChilidaeOrigin:South AmericaCare Level:ModerateColor Form:Blue, Green, WhiteSize:8Temperature:72-80 FPH:6.5-8.0Diet:OmnivoreMinimum Tank Size:50 gallonsTemperament:Semi-aggressive. They differ in color and appearance. Blood parrot cichlids are a popular choice because they are usually non-aggressive and are easy to care for. This fish is very popular because it comes in many different colors and sizes. So you should feed them meaty foods like frozen or dried bloodworms, brine shrimp, etc. As these fish are shoaling fish, it means that you should keep more of them together. Providing a varied diet is key for healthy Firemouth cichlids. Silver Arowana can get pretty large so there is no way they can fit into the mouth of your Oscar fish. Primarily, you should feed them Cichlids flakes and pellets. Oscar Fish is no exception and they are quite aggressive fish. Copyright 2023 - SmartAquariumGuide. Besides, the ideal water parameters range that the fish require should match the ideal water parameters range of Oscar Fish to keep them together in the same tank. But you can also keep other large, passive to moderately aggressive fish in your Oscar fish tank. . So its ideal water parameter range is quite similar to that of Oscar Fish. Oscar Fish can be very aggressive and it will eat anything that can fit into its mouth. Blood parrots have similar requirements as Oscars, they prefer temperatures between 75-80 F and pH levels between 6.5-7.5. Also be mindful of putting small invertebrates and shrimp together with the Oscar fish, as they too might be under threat. Convict Cichlids 3. So you should keep them in a heavily planted tank. Its pH tolerance range is between 6 to 6.5 and the hardness tolerance range is between 4 to 6 GH. Are Oscar Fish Good Pets? They can jump out of the tank so you should always keep a lid on your aquarium. Oscar Fish spends most of its time in the middle part of the tank so it will not bother you Oscar Fish. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'aquariumfishcity_com-box-4','ezslot_4',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-aquariumfishcity_com-box-4-0');For a 100g tank, you can have an Oscar with a school of Silver Dollars. 8 Compatible Oscar Tank Mates (The Complete Guide) Oscars are one of the most entertaining species of freshwater fish. Also, there is an overlap between the ideal temperature range of both the fish. They tend to be very active fish; however, they can be very timid and shy, especially at the beginning when they are put in the tank or when you introduce new fish to the tank. Bichir is one of the best tank mates for Oscar Fish. Ornate Bichirs can grow up to 24-inches, so remember to keep them in a large tank with a lid since they are active jumpers.Scientific Name:Polypterus ornatipinnisFamily:PolypteridaeOrigin:Captive-BredCare Level:ModerateColor Form:TanSize:2Temperature:77-83 FPH:6.5-7.5Diet:CarnivoreMinimum Tank Size:180 gallonsTemperament:Semi-aggressive. Secondly, you should choose the fish that are semi-aggressive and can hold their own against Oscar Fish. This fish can grow up to 7 inches so they will not get eaten by the Oscar Fish. You can also feed eat meat such as Oxheart and earthworms. Plecos are nocturnal fish and they are inactive during the day and usually hide behind ornaments like driftwood or rock or near plant matters. The ideal water parameters for Silver Dollar are quite similar to that of Oscar Fish so you can easily keep them together in the same tank. As a result, these fishes will not fit in Oscars mouth and can easily survive in the tank with it. #1. Now we are going to talk about how to take care of your Oscar Fish tank so that your Oscar Fish will have the ideal environment to thrive in your aquarium. . However, the aggression declines over time, especially if the Green Terror is slightly smaller at the start. Firemouth cichlid can grow up to 7 inches so they will not get eaten by the Oscar Fish. The Plecostomus, or the plecos, belong to the loricariidae family and are one of the most popular catfish species out there. No, keeping Angel fish with Oscars is not a good idea. It does not have to be anything overly special. The jewel cichlid originates from Africa the muddy rivers in central Africa. Sep 19, 2022. You might need to be careful about putting some specific fish species in the tank with the Oscar fish. The ideal water temperature range for Silver Dollar is between 75 to 82 Fahrenheit. But above all, this is a very beautiful fish. They stay in their territory (usually behind rocks or other tank ornaments) and can gel with different non-aggressive Cichlids, ScavengerCatfish, and Plecos, besides Oscars. Pros and Cons. Additional flow is not needed and lighting can remain dim. The minimum requirement for an Oscar is 75 gallons so lets imagine we are working with a 50 gallon tank for your tankmates. So, without further ado, lets dive right into it! All the content on this site is provided for informational and entertainment purposes only and must not be used as an alternative to seeking professional advice from a veterinarian or other certified professional. Also, you should regularly feed them frozen or dried bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia, etc. Most people would go for plants that can be tied to rocks or driftwood. Black Banded Leporinus is one of the most popular fish in the aquarium hobby. Bichir is a bottom-dweller fish so it spends most of its time near the substrate of the aquarium. The bala shark is quite a large freshwater fish species that can grow to up to 12 inches. The 75G is good for the one Oscar, unfortunately it does not give you any room for tankmates. Oscar Fish can get very big and they can be very messy i.e. So they will not bother each other and can live peacefully in the same tank. In terms of diet, they prefer to eat small insects and larvae, but they are not fussy eaters at all. It can grow very large and it is not recommended for beginners. And for two Oscar Fish, you will require 75 to 85 gallon tank. Other species you should consider their natures and see if they are appropriate as tank mates for Oscar fish. To adult Green terror, you should feed twice a day. The black ghost knife fish are mainly nocturnal animals and they are mainly of black color; then the only place where they are not black is on the tail, where they have white spots. Be careful when they are spawning, though. When they are young, they are not aggressive at all. it will stay active during the night and during the day it will spend most of its time hiding behind decorations or near driftwood. Ive been keeping fish, since I was a kid. Also, Oscar Fish is a very messy fish i.e it can produce a lot of waste. 13 Types of Oscar Fish For Aquarium (With Images). oscar tank mates 125 gallon oscar tank mates 125 gallon Home Realizacje i porady Bez kategorii oscar tank mates 125 gallon. Its pH tolerance range between 6 to 7 and the hardness tolerance range between 9 to 20 GH. It can be tricky finding the best tank mates for Oscar fish, but we compiled a list of the top tank mate options from our own experience, combined with research and shared experiences from. Sailfin pleco, leopard pleco, gibby pleco. You can also feed it sinking flakes and pellets. Some good examples of Oscar Fish tank mates are Convict cichlids, Firemouth cichlids, Silver dollars, Silver Arowana. Its pH tolerance range is between 6-7.5 and the hardness tolerance range is between 6 to 20 DH. Besides, Firemouth cichlids are very hardy and easy to care for so you dont have to give them a lot of attention. The ideal pH range for Oscar Fish is between 6-8 and the ideal hardness level is between 5 to 20 KH. Sudden spikes in the ammonia level can cause loss of color and hunger in your Oscar Fish. For a single Oscar Fish, you should get a 55 gallon tank. The fast growth rate of Oscar fish can lead new fish keepers to issues. The fish you are thinking about keeping with Oscar Fish should be large enough to not fit into the mouth of your Oscar Fish or else it will most likely going to get eaten by the Oscar. Bichirs are moderately aggressive fish so they can hold their own against Oscar Fish. Firemouth Cichlid 4. Also, they are very messy fish i.e. Or another way is to get at least 6 to 7 juvenile Oscar Fish put them in a tank and grow them together. Usually, Pleco can get very large. Blood parrots have similar requirements as Oscars, they prefer temperatures between 75-80 F and pH levels between 6.5-7.5. In your aquarium, you should try to emulate the same and feed them insects, bloodworms, mysis shrimp, etc. They might not be the friendliest species in the world or the easiest to care for by any means, but they are certainly one of the most attractive and beautiful fish species out there. Oscar Fish can grow very large. And in captivity, it can grow up to 13 to 14 inches. Jaguar cichlid can grow as tall as 24 inches so it requires a large tank of at least 125 gallons. And ideally, Nitrate level should be zero but Oscar Fish can tolerate nitrate up to 40 PPM but still, you should try to keep it as low as possible. If you notice high-temperature level in your Oscar Fish tank then you can try these ways to reduce the temperature in your tank. The ideal temperature range for Oscar Fish is between 74 to 81 Fahrenheit. The water temperature for an Oscar tank should be between 74 and 81 degrees Fahrenheit. They can be aggressive if they are kept with other knife fish and tend to be quite shy fish. This particular trait makes them not so great as tank companions, but you should keep them away when they are mating. Also, Oscar Fish belongs to the cichlids family which are known for their aggression. These water parameters are similar to the ideal range that an Oscar Fish prefers. best practices while cleaning the filters. As mentioned earlier, Blue Acara can tolerate a wide range of water parameters especially the temperature. But Plecos are omnivorous fish and you should not only feed them plant-based diet but occasionally, you should also feed them meaty foods like frozen or live bloodworms, brine shrimp, etc. So you can easily keep both the fish in the same tank. They would make great fish tank mates for the Oscar fish because of their peaceful demeanor and also great looks. So you should feed them algae wafers and boiled vegetables such as zucchini, spinach, lettuce, etc. I hope youll find the content on my site helpful. There are more subspecies of the jewel cichlids blue jewel, green jewel, jewelfish and more. It can grow at a rate of 1 inch per month. Mixing oscars is really just like rolling dice, it's a gamble. Some examples of fish that meet these requirements include: For 2 Oscar fish, you should have a tank that is between 100 125 gallons in size. Another variety from the Cichlid species, Black Convicts are proactive and aggressive. If you want to keep two of them, then a 75-gallon tank would be better. The green terror cichlid is an omnivore, which means that it is not that hard to take care of. So basically, when your Oscar Fish is active Pleco is inactive and when your Oscar Fish is inactive during the night Pleco will be active. The ideal water temperature range is between 74-84 Fahrenheit. We can say that the convict cichlids are quite similar to the Oscar fish in terms of behavior. As Firemouth cichlid belongs to cichlids family, they can hold their own against Oscar Fish. On a rank of 10, these two compatibility level is 7, while their temperature requirement is 78-82 F. All these fish are quite large and thus they make good companions for the Oscar fish. This fish is quite aggressive and it can hold its own against Oscar Fish. Convict cichlids are not very small so they will not get eaten by your Oscar Fish. Pleco is also bottom dweller and nocturnal fish so it will spend most of its time near the bottom of the tank and will only stay active during the night so they will not bother you Oscar Fish. It belongs to the Cichlids family and it is moderately aggressive so they can hold their own against Oscar Fish. Bichir can grow as large as 30 inches so you will require a large tank to keep it in an aquarium. While the Oscar fish can be aggressive towards other fish, it is mainly against smaller fish; the silver dollar fish is quite big and you dont need to worry about that. To an adult Jack Dempsey, you should feed 2 times per day. But as they are omnivorous, you should also feed them meaty food such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, earthworms, etc. So the ideal water parameters range of Silver dollar is quite similar to that of Oscar Fish. You should also feed them meaty foods such as frozen or live bloodworms, brine shrimp, etc. There are a few signs that suggest low oxygen levels like the fish coming on the surface gasping for air, rapid gills, fish moving around less. Black Banded Leporinus can grow pretty large up to 7 inches so it will not fit into the mouth of your Oscar Fish and will not get eaten. Many people have confusions and there are a lot of conflicting opinions on the internet about tank size for Oscar Fish. And as they are omnivorous you should occasionally feed them vegetables. As this fish belongs to the Cichlid family, it can hold their own against Oscar Fish. They are however known for being quite aggressive and territorial. But when they grow up, they might turn aggressive to stray fish and smaller fish in the tank. Fish require oxygen to survive in fish tank. She loves goldfish, tetras, and mystery snails, and recently began experimenting with a saltwater aquarium. You might be wondering if you can keep a few of these wonderful fish together. So ideally for a pair of Oscar Fish you will require a 120-gallon tank. They can make a good companion for the Oscar fish. If you are planning on getting a larger tank at some point, some tankmates to consider are Silver Dollars, Severums . (Are They Friendly?). Blue Acara can grow up to 7 inches so it will not fit into the mouth of your Oscar Fish and get eaten. Tank Temperature: 75F-82F. Plecos are omnivorous but they mostly feed on algae in your tank. Pros. So basically, when your Oscar Fish is active, Bichir is inactive and when Bichir is active, Oscar Fish is inactive. 52 Best Freshwater Aquarium Plants For Beginners. They create a territory for themselves inside plants or caves and often stay here. Oscar fish have a special appeal to them. When it comes to tank mates for Oscar fish there are a few things you should keep in mind. These little guys come in lots of colors and make great aquarium pets! The clown loach, or the tiger botia, is a very well-known fish species among the fish tank keepers. And this fish requires at least a 30-gallon tank. . A 125 gal (476 liters, 6 feet by 18 inches by 22 inches) or larger tank will greatly increase the odds that your two oscars will get along, and will allow you to possibly have some other fish. Also, there is an overlap between the ideal water parameters range for Jaguar cichlids and Oscar Fish so you can keep them together in the same tank. In this guide we cover a few of the the best Oscar tank mates and everything you should know before keeping them. To keep nitrogen compounds under control and to keep your Oscar Fish tank clean and clear you should have a good filtration system in place. Jaguar Cichlid 7. They can be kept with lots of other fish, however smaller species of Tetra are the most common tank mates. Why silver Arowana is good tank mate for Oscar Fish? Black Banded Leporinus can grow up to 12 inches so it requires a larger tank of at least 55 gallons. The fact of the matter is that while Oscars are beautiful fish, they do need a lot of care and quite the specific tank setup. How many gallons does an Oscar fish need. Why Severum cichlids are good tank mate for Oscar Fish? Why Blue Acara is a good tank mate for Oscar Fish? Oscar fish in the wild live in fairly neutral waters when it comes to acidity. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'aquariumfishcity_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_6',135,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-aquariumfishcity_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');Most Bichir species are wonderful tank mates for Oscars, but Ornate Bichirs (Polypterus ornatipinnis) are usually preferred because of their unique eel-like bodies and large size. They are brightly-colored fish that can be used in your tank to add some color. Pleco is the best cleaner fish you can keep in your Oscar fish tank. The red-tailed sharks can grow to up to 6 inches. All the content on this site is provided for informational and entertainment purposes only and must not be used as an alternative to seeking professional advice from a veterinarian or other certified professional. But this is the reason you need a very large tank to keep them with your Oscar fish. It also helps to reduce ammonia in your tank. Heres What To Do, Answered by Dr. Olivia Speight, BVSc MRCVS (Vet), Have a cat? They can grow to about 20 inches in size and can live to up to 15 years if cared for properly. Its pH tolerance range is between 6-8 and the hardness tolerance range is between 5 to 20 KH. Floating plants tend to be the safest option here, as there is no chance of them being uprooted. Ideal Water Parameters for Goldfish: 5 Measurements You Need to Know! All the content on this site is provided for informational and entertainment purposes only and must not be used as an alternative to seeking professional advice from a veterinarian or other certified professional. Balloon Molly fish prefers water hardness of around 10-25 dGH. A bigger tank is always better. Therefore, you could house 2 Oscars in a 125-gallon tank. Mostly you should feed them fresh live food like Crabs, Shrimps, Earthworms, etc. Bichirs are another good tank mate for your Oscar Fish. Posted by ; alice collins trousers; mikaya thurmond instagram . They would make a great choice for tanks of 55 gallons or more. 12 Benefits of Live Plants in an Aquarium. All Rights Reserved. In the aquarium, primarily you should feed them Cichlids flakes and pellets. Yes, you can put 2 Oscars in the same tank. Green Tera is another fish you can keep in your Oscar fish tank. But be warned that this fish is only a good companion if you have experience in keeping aggressive fish together. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn a commission. Therefore, you will need a tank of 125 gallons or more to give adequate space to both the fishes. Required fields are marked *. An Oscar tends to bully its tank mates, so you need an equally aggressive creature. You can also keep some fast growing plants in your aquarium and occasionally Blue Acara will nibble on them. Since Firemouth Cichlids grow over 6 inches, Oscar fishes cant eat them. Blue acara is omnivorous and in the wild, they mostly feed on invertebrates and small fish. But their diet mostly consists of meaty food. They make for a popular choice in larger community choice due to their playful behavior and attractive looks. Large Cichlids, like Oscars, are excellent tank mates for Senegal Bichir, which reach 14 inches. Besides, Green terror belongs to the Cichlids family which are known for their aggressive behavior and Green terror is no exception. For a single Oscar Fish, you will need a 55 gallon tank. Yes, you can keep to Oscars in a 75 gallon tank if they are small in size i.e. Also, there is an overlap between the ideal water parameters range that Black Banded Leporinus require and Oscar Fish require so you can keep them in the same tank if you maintain the water parameters. Reedfish are known to be very slippery and they are able to escape even the tightest situations. Silver Dollar spend most of their time in the middle part of the aquarium. 9 Ways to Lower Ammonia Level in Aquarium and Get Rid of it. They are also quite large they grow to up to 6 inches, which is also similar to the Oscar fish. You should also feed eat plant-based fish food like flakes on daily basis. Severum cichlid can grow as large as 7.9 inches so it requires a large aquarium of at least 45 gallons. Therefore, the minimum recommended tank size for a single Oscar fish is 55 gallons. Occasionally treat them with frozen or live bloodworms, brine shrimp, etc. Oscar Fish can grow larger up to 20 inches if you provide it larger tank. Silver Dollars are medium size, active schooling fish so if you keep them in a group of five then they can easily survive in an Oscar fish tank. If you are keeping these two species together, make sure you first observe their aggression. Or your Oscar is bullying any fish you are keeping in the tank. Silver Dollar fish can grow up to 6 inches and as they are schooling fish you should keep them in at least a group of five. The larger the better! These beneficial bacteria form their colonies in the substrate and in the filter of your aquarium. And will hide near plants, driftwood or any ornaments in your tank during the day. Besides, you can feed them sinking pellets. In general, they are better suited to larger tanks of 150 gallons or even larger. When it comes to tank size for Oscar Fish the more the better! LovesLC. They are perhaps one of the most beautiful fish and they swim so gracefully that it would be hard to imagine them being an aggressive fish. In the wild, it feeds on crustaceans, insects, invertebrates, and other small fish. The ideal temperature for Green terror is between 68 to 77 Fahrenheit. Silver Dollar 9. All the content on this site is provided for informational and entertainment purposes only and must not be used as an alternative to seeking professional advice from a veterinarian or other certified professional. Oscar fish prefers warmer water. It should also be passive or moderately aggressive fish so that it can hold its own against Oscar. That said, sometimes, these two fish types do not get along, and in such cases, you need to have a backup plan in place. Despite its name, Green terror doesnt have only green color. It really depends on the Oscar fish how it will behave but if you choose any of the above fish then your chances of success will definitely increase. While looking for a tank mate for your Oscar, ensure the tank is large enough to house both fishes. In the wild, it lives in the area where there are strong currents so you should try to emulate the same and use a powerhead to create a strong current in your tank. However, if you want to keep two Oscars, then you will need a minimum tank capacity of 125 gallons. As Silver Dollars are omnivorous, you should occasionally feed them frozen or dried bloodworms, brine shrimp, etc. Dec 29, 2020. These fish can grow up to 12 inches and require at least 30-gallon tank, but bigger tanks are much better. An Oscar fish needs 55 gallons of tank space at the least, although closer to 75 gallons is the ideal. While we provide information resources and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. 12 Best Tank Mates For Oscar Fish 1. So ideally, you should keep Oscar Fish in a large tank of at least 55 gallons. 15 Things You Must Know Before Buying Your First Aquarium. Ultimately a full-grown Oscar Fish requires a large tank. 52 Best Freshwater Aquarium Plants For Beginners. is supported by our readers. Bichir 2. Thats why you have to be very careful while choosing tank mates for Oscar Fish. How many gallons does an Oscar fish need? And its ideal water parameters range is very similar to that of Oscar Fish so you can easily keep them together in the same tank. The perfect situation for an Oscar fish is going to be a 125-gallon tank. It is also known for its aggressive behavior. Of course, like most other Cichlids, they have a prickly nature, and you need to be vigilant if you choose to keep them with tank mates. Although they are predatory, their targets are usually smaller fishes. Can Blood Parrot Cichlid and Oscar Fish Live Together. This means that if you intend to keep a single green terror cichlid, then they are suitable for tanks of 35 gallons or more. The only thing you should keep in mind is that you should use at least 75 to 80 gallon tank because Oscar Fish can get very big. And to juvenile Jack Dempsey, you can feed 2-3 times per day. If you set your tank up properly, you really should not have to do anything in order to keep these fish happy in terms of the water hardness level. They are great fish even for beginners, though. So, in that case, you will have to do water changes more frequently. And providing a larger tank will help to reduce aggression among Oscar Fish. The ideal water parameter range for Jack Dempsey is quite similar to that of Oscar Fish so you can easily keep them both together in the same tank. So depending on the species you are going to keep in your tank, you will have to choose a suitable tank size for it. Besides, Plecos are nocturnal fish which means that they stay active during the night and feed during the night. Green Terror 5. It is not necessary to keep tank mates in an Oscar fish tank. Someone that doesn't know better, could see a cute tiny baby fish at their pet store and think it could fit into a 10 or 20-gallon tank. The best you can do is shift the Green Terror to a separate55-gallontank. Oscar Fish also prefers a strong current. People usually consider Pleco herbivorous and feed them mostly plant-based diet.